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Deja Letov

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Posts posted by Deja Letov

  1. It is possible but I am still getting a fair amount of sales. It's interesting because I've been on this whole in world marketing kick and was happy with myself that my inworld sales have surpassed my MP sales so quickly but only time will tell if that's really the case because like you said it could just be due to the issues with the MP. We shall see!

  2. Well this store also has some VERY commercial textures as well that I found when doing this specific search. I never saw the commercial ones before because I've never searched for this particular theme from their store, but there are some obvious Tim Burton movie images in there. And I'm not naive to believe that nobody does copyright infringement, I'm sure many upload images via google images. I guess I'm just thrown on this one bcause it appears the entire store is ripped and clearly they are making a nice little profit off of them. I know what I've spent myself...and if I did it, I'm sure many others did too.

  3. I've purchased some textures from a merchant that up until now have always been happy with. I love that when I like a single texture, I can just buy one, since that seems to be most of what this merchant sells. But today I was looking for a texture for an Alice in Wonderland theme and found some great ones on their marketplace store. Before purchasing to be sure they were what I wanted I did a search in Google images for something related and saw many of this store's backgrounds available by an artist on Deviant Art. The creator of these textures even made note on her gallery page that she is aware that her textures are being sold in Second Life and it is without her permission and not within her TOS. She gives them away free to give back to the art community. Since she is aware of this, I am guessing she doesn't plan to pursue anything legal to have them taken down but as a merchant and creator in SL, I am absolutely disgusted by the sheer volume of stolen textures this person is selling. After finding these, I checked many of the other listings and OMG, I am shocked at it. Even more shocked that they are all still available and nobody has filed anything to have them taken down. How is this even possible to sell what apepars to be HUNDREDS of stolen textures and never be reported? If I had to guess, I'd say the entire store is ripped off.


  4. Medhue Simoni wrote:

    This brings me to my final point. How the hell do you pay for all those people when they work for you for 5 years and never produce an actual product? It's almost like there is no1 actually running the place and making those big decisions.


    They pay for it with previous games. It's all about cash flow.

    I'll tell you what though, I am surprised it was EA on the list for the worst company and not Activision. Bobby Kotick is one of the greediest dudes on the planet and every decision he makes is all about him and his bottom line...not about the player. Of course you have to make money or you'd go out of business but when you cater only to your pocket and not the player, you are actually hurting your pocket more than you realize.

  5. eewww no on all accounts. I don't see EA as anywhere near what SL needs. EA is a great game developer, they put out some really interactive and popular games. The Mass Effect series is huge in my house. Kingdoms of Amalur, another awesome single player RPG that I hear may be converted to a MMO. Battlefield, Dragon Age, etc. Tons of great games. But SL? No way. Honestly, I would consider that a money sink for them and would be a bad investment on their part. But then again, I haven't heard of any rumors of SL wanting to sell, so I'm not sure where this would even be a thought.

    As far as Eve goes, I don't see why it would be merged at all. With Dust 514 coming out this year I don't know why they would want to. Both of those games are FAR more advanced than SL is and even considering Even, Dust 514...and SL together? Personally that would become the silliest game that ever was destroyed.

    WoD does look interesting, my husband and I have been watching the previews for that but I'm a little concerned to be honest. Typically...vampire games that involve any aspect of MMO end up turning into a sexual escapade in the back alley. It won't be to any fault of the game, it looks decently designed, but from what I've experienced in RPing as a vampire, they are closely tied to a profile of a sensual nature. That's just due to how people perceive vampires and how stories are told, they tend to be very seductive. That's not a bad thing at all either! Just not sure if it's possible to lead that to a successful gaming franchise.

  6. I think everyone is going to suggest to just take some time off. I do it several times a year. My last break was 3 months last fall and I signed in once a week to get on and pay my tier and then I logged off immediately. Didn't put any new products out, didn't do much of anything. It was lovely. Then I came back and felt refreshed. WIth summer coming, I will be taking time off again, maybe not completely 100% off, but will definitely be limited so that i can enjoy the nice weather and hit the lake as much as possible.

    And no, this isn't a job for me. This is fun. The second it isn't fun...you won't see me log in again.

  7. Czari...sorry I'm not even sure where that is, but I get emails from LL about new things, I must have signed up for something somewhere. Although I'm also on their facebook, follow many other SL users, etc. So who knows where it is, but I swear there was an option somewhere to opt into their mailing list.

  8. Ann Otoole wrote:

    As for LL's cut? LL makes more off in world stores. The base tier for all land in SL goes to LL. Renters are not avoiding paying LL tier. It just goes through the owner account to get to LL.


    Yes anyone with land pays tier to LL and if you are someone deciding on if you should keep your land or not then it's something to consider. But at least in my case, I'm not thinking in terms of a possiblity of land OVER marketplace. I will have a full sim no matter if I make more sales in the Marketplace or in world. If the same tier wil be there in either case, then it would make more sense to have sales take place in world to alleviate paying the 5%. However, the money aspect isn't a strong reason for me to keep sales in world. That's probably really low on the list for me. But I've beat those reasons to death. lol

  9. So far I do a quick search in my database to see if they've purchased from me before on the marketplace. Wait, let me take that back...most of the time I do that. Sometimes, if the sale was just really over the top and high...I send it anyway to remind them to come back. But anyway, if they have, then I don't send anything. If they are new then I send. Now, my little software is just something I wrote myself and until now has done everything I need, however, I am in the process of quitting it soon and moving to a system I purchased in SL so I can have an affiliate program and a customer rewards program. It's a painfully slow process however, so it's taking awhile. However, I think what you're doing is kind of on track with a good solution just not the right format. Get out of wordpad because there is no way to do anything with that data you have collected. I know spreadsheets suck but trust me, a quick excel sheet is the answer for you...and you don't need to worry about keeping it all alphabetized yourself. You can sort. You can total things, etc. Honestly, I could send you a quick and dirty spreadsheet that has everything you mentioned in your wordpad, you could open it and know EXACTLY how to use it without learning a damn thing.

  10. Either way you do it, you're going to have manually reassign the object to be delivered to somthing new...whether its to a new object in the magic box or a new folder. I'd probably just drop the new folders in the merchant outbox and reassign the listings to the new folders, then delete everything else. Hopefully you don't have a ton of products.

  11. I don't know how many of you are still following this trend with me or if most have brushed it aside, but I thought I'd give you guys a little update at my progress. Things are still going strong my in-world sales are surpassing my Marketplace sales as intended! In fact, I have two of my stores on the same sim and I may be purchasing another sim soon to separate them so I can market them better and thankfully sales are good enough to do so.

    The Marketplace conversion to DD has been good for me so far. No failed deliveries, still getting paid and all that. And to top that off, I haven't made many marketplace sales myself, instead opting to use it as a search tool and go visit the stores in person, and have met some awesome people in the process. I'm also working on some new ideas to merge Marketplace and in world together...not entirely sure how I will do it but I have some ideas I'm working on. But that's only to increase Marketplace sales not to take away from in world sales. The Marketplace has its place, I just need to find the happy medium.

    But the best part is, I am converting a large number of my Marketplace shoppers into in-world shoppers and I am freaking loving it! My subscription base is increasing exponentially and sales inworld are great! I posted an example from today on my blog if anyone cares to see some real numbers. http://www.slbusinesstrends.com/sl/index.php/if-you-dont-believe-in-following-up-marketplace-sales/

    I went and got all business like and wrote myself up an actual marketing plan as well. Am I going to share that? mmhhh no probably not.  But I will update this thread at a later time to tell you guys the success of my efforts in the marketplace plan once I do them, but I don't want to spoil it by telling anyone anything specific until after I've done them. But some of the ideas I think are fairly unique and once I get them under my belt I don't mind sharing with others. :)

    I did modify my thank you notecard to put a short quibble asking them to take time to remember to review their Marketplace products from any merchant they buy from as it helps other customers learn about a products quality, but honestly, I'm not seeing much use in that and will probably take it back out. Just can't seem to get reviews and to be honest, not sure I'm really worried about them at this point.

    So is anyone else having any success on bringing their sales back in world?

  12. Daerci wrote:

    I would really appreciate it if you'd let me put it on your land
    It is just one box, I'm at work right now but I'll message you in world when I get home tonight if you're on


    This will work for i guess for a little while, but they are forcing everyone to go to DD soon so it might not be worth it, especially if you are able to get it setup with no trouble and have reliable deliveries. I've been using it since the first week and haven't had any issues. If I were you, I'd set it up with DD and then if you have trouble, then go with the box on land, but considering they are about to yank all boxes, I wouldn't bother unless I couldn't get it to work for me.

  13. I'm with you Flea...my sales have been steady and not a single failed delivery since the switch. I'm happy with the switch, as far as reliability goes, I just wish they would fix the other issues everyone is finding including updating the search on popularity. But if we're talking strictly about delivery, I'm very happy with the DD switch.

  14. I'm working on a list of marketing specific to in-world marketing based on a previous thread from last week but it's not ready. Should be by end of the day today or tomorrow. If I get it done Ill send you a message in world if you would like to take a read.

  15. Might want to check in here more often and be sure you are set to get notices from SL because we've all gotten plenty of notice about it through emails and definitely in here. It's been in beta for quite a long time too.Just take some time and read through some of the past threads...it's just moved to direct delivery instead of through a magic box. Although I have no idea why yours are failing completely, because the deadline to migrate wasn't until June 1st and even that has been extended. You might be having something else going on.

  16. Well I was specifically hoping for a solution to not use a vendor script but instead just import transaction logs, but it doesn't appear that's an option with any of the systems out there.

    However, I actually did have some luck. After viewing the top 2 systems available, I found out that CasperVend has a script you can drop into any item, and it DOES NOT have to be a poster style object and it will still deliver the product from the server and track the sale. So I'm pretty excited that I found a solution and so far the setup is pretty easy.

  17. I'm still listing as normal, but then again, I haven't had any issue. All of my orders have come through and I've gotten paid for everything. No listings are borked up and all is well with my store. I don't want to stop listing for me personally because I'm doing a heck of a lot of in world marketing these days and new releases are good for promotion for me. And I can't not list something on the Marketplace if I list it in world due to what I'm doing.

  18. I used to read reviews but then realized that I rarely leave reviews. Which means, it probably doesn't represent the mass majority of those who purchase those items. Most of the reviews are going to be from people who had a bad experience. There could be 500 thrilled customers and leave no review, but 2 bad ones will definitely post and then it's pointless. And isn't it especially wonderful when they post a bad review because of non-delivery. LOL

  19. That's about what I'm doing now, just my own personal SQL database of my transactions. It's nice because I can run anything I can possibly think of like who are my top customers, what are my top products based on price or qty sold. anything and everything. And mine is not based on vendors at all. It's 100% from transaction logs and MP ans. But that's where it ends. I don't have anything to do customer rewards. Anyway, I'm on the lookout, so we shall see what works for me. Thanks guys!

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