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Deja Letov

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Posts posted by Deja Letov

  1. Josh Susanto wrote:

    And when we have finally all converted, what then?

    Will the server(s) that process DD be able to handle all the additional activity?

    I mean, since everything else has already gone so perfectly for everyone?

    I think it would once you converted. The problems I ran into was DURING the conversion, the slowness of the website. But after the conversion I've had no problem at all. Which problems specifically you are meaning though that are occuring after migrating to DD? I would have to say yes, it has gone pretty perfectly for me. but maybe I'm just not aware of what problem you are referring to so I'm not about to say there aren't any.

  2. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    Czari Zenovka wrote:

    Marcus Hancroft wrote:


    I strongly suggest everyone still using magic boxes to convert to direct on the double quick! Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell cannot yet, but the rest of you can. 

    Correction - Those of you who sell breedables and don't have full permissions on what you sell and
    people who do not have have PCs capable of running the DD viewers

    ETA: And before someone jumps in and thinks I'm not buying a new PC "just because" (as if...lol), there are reasons.  Also, mega-thanks to those of you who have talked with me privately and offered some great suggestions. *Hugs*


    Howdy, Miss Czari!  Yes, if your computer can't run Firestorm or the Linden Lab V3, that's a problem.  I'm assuming you've tried both and either crashed immediately or was so lagged you couldn't even bring up your inventory.  I wish I had a solution for you on this issue.  

    Have you tried logging into an empty water sim like Koscina using Firestorm?  Maybe with nothing to rez the viewer would work just well enough to get things uploaded?

    Hi, Marcus
      Ok, the situation is that I have a PC that does not have SEE2 which, according to Wiki, was introduced by Intel in 2001 with their Pentium 4 and rival chip makers adding this in 2003.  This is an integral element required to run the DD viewers as well as being able to see mesh, which is noted on the Cool Viewer website.

    Anyway, my PC was built by techies at a small PC store and over the years I just upgraded components as needed.  I upgraded the motherboard at least once, the graphics card a couple of times, added more RAM, etc.  Based on the 2003 date above, I apparently have a 9-year-old PC, chip-wise.

    Now the reason I can't just buy a new PC (impossible to upgrade this one because new graphics cards are not compatible with my motherboard, etc.) is due to medical/financial reasons.  However...good news on the horizon.  A family member has offered to provide funds so I am in the process of PC-hunting to find the best one for the money.  I would actually like to try my hand at building one but with a lot of other things swirling around my head RL plus the DD deadline for MP, I don't want to risk buying expensive components and shorting out something.

    Before I realized why certain viewers would not even load on my PC (ie. SEE2) I tried SL V2 (which had previously run on my PC fine, but apparently when it was upgraded to V3 and I tried to run V2, it must have updated itself and I got an error message - it doesn't even try to run.  Ditto Firestorm, the newest Phoenix Viewer (I'm currently using Phoenix v., Cool Viewer, etc.

    I hope to have a new PC prior to the MB cutoff.  In addition to being able to migrate to DD, considering I have to run my viewer on 64m draw distance to move and even then am majorly lagged when I go someplace with a lot of textures, and definitely can't see any of the Windlight-introduced features - I will see a whole new SL - if LL doesn't tick me off sufficiently to pack it in....heh.

    If you end up not getting a PC for some reason, you might even see if you can get a trusted friend to login for you and do it or borrow their computer for a day to get it all uploaded.

  3. Rufferta wrote:

    Thank you. I had seen bots before, but hadn't made the connection. Now, if I sell the property can I describe it as 'haunted'?

    Sa ki pa touye ou, li angrese ou.

    That which doesn't kill you makes you fat.

    Haitian proverb

    Quite possibly. There was a thread not to long ago where people on this forum were going a little nuts with amysterious bot on someones land. You should try to find it, it's quite funny. LOADS of pictures were taken with this mysterious woman. Was a highlight to me logging into the forums there for awhile.

  4. Couldbe Yue wrote:

    I never considered that one before but it does make sense in a bizarre way.  I might give that a go if I get a chance on the weekend and see what it does to mine.


    Let me know what you find! I've been playing with only modifying related products on several products since I last posted it and while I can definitely see it's changing position in results, I'm not 100% sure on exactly how or why. lol  It's very confusing.

  5. Ezrael Glenwalker wrote:

    Most Sims look like Graveyards these days. :mansurprised:


    If you're talking about mainland that's because most people typically like to go the route of private sims. Private sims aren't connected to mainland and it also leaves a lot of empty dead space on mainland. Private land lets people be more creative with terraforming and land textures and lets you create a theme without being combared with your neighboring parcels crazy insane clown theme. :)

    Definitely not dead.

  6. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    "I'm too important to be bothered."


    This is totally the case for me. lol just kididng.

    In all seriousness...i do have one thing in my profile that is a beef of mine and maybe it comes off as rude, I dunno. People seem to always want to add me to friends. I love if my actual friends add me, or even people here on the forum that I talk to or about on a regular basis. What I don't like is random people who may have just a question and send me a friend request, or even worse, an IM that jus says "hi". I don't respond to either of these.

    But I do ask for people to send me an IM and a notecard both in case one gets eaten by SL. All we can do is try to do the best we can but sometimes SL takes it out of our control.

  7. The Elegant Goth is looking for an english speaking writer for PR and blogging.

    Duties will include:

    - Coordinate with store creator to learn about happenings with the store.

    - Draft a weekly sales newsletter highlighting any events, hunts, product releases, sales or promotions going on in the store.

    - Make a minimum of 3 blog posts per week on the Elegant Goth blog consisting of any of the following: product releases, upcoming and current hunts, promotions, sales, customer highlight interviews or other approved topics for the blog.

    - Able to create crisp, clear and interesting photographs in SL to coordinate with blog posts.

    You should be familiar with our products and obviously like our products. While it is not required for you to be goth, you should have some insight into the goth community and be comfortable around that crowd of people. You can view our products on the Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/27537 or see our inworld store at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bretton/24/178/105/68

    This position is not time consuming and should not require any more than 2 hours per week. I will also make coordinating everything with you very easy by sending you all events, marketplace listings, etc myself on a weekly basis. Pay for this position is 500L per week that you meet all requirements for as well as free copies of any products that you are reviewing. On top of that, should you wish to help with other PR and marketing efforts of your own ideas, you will receive bonus pay based on the success of that event.

    To apply, send a notecard with your name and contact information as well as links to past blog posts you have made as well as a few samples of your SL in world photography to Deja Letov.

  8. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    Toysoldier Thor wrote:


    On the good side - I am not 100% on DD.  And I know this is a coincidence or because of the publicity of this thread but I made several sales on these newly converted packs after the conversion.  That proved the conversion worked and I finally had a good day !

    Good to hear Toy! Here's to a much better August!


    Thanks Deja!  So kind are your words!  Here is hoping.


    Actually, once I get thru this massive inworld move to my new parcel of land for my store and art gallery I plan to have a whopping Grand re-opening party to show off the new digs of my parcel and that of my landowner's attached mall.  I have a ton of connections with a lot of amazing Live SL musicians so I think I will call a few faves and get some of them to do a marathon of gigs.  And heck - maybe finish it off with a TOY Karaoke Gig


    I want an invite!

  9. Same issue here. I have the notification turned on to email me as well but I'm experiencing the same thing with not receiving them. Honestly, the only solution I have come up with is to try and not get capped. I sign in twice a day, not to play, but to get messages.I sign in once when I get work in the morning, I'm on for maybe 2 minutes, grab messages and log. I sign on again that night, grab messages and log again...or stay on and work, it varies. But signing on and grabbing messages seems to be my only solution to ensuring I don't miss any.

  10. Toysoldier Thor wrote:


    On the good side - I am not 100% on DD.  And I know this is a coincidence or because of the publicity of this thread but I made several sales on these newly converted packs after the conversion.  That proved the conversion worked and I finally had a good day !

    Good to hear Toy! Here's to a much better August!

  11. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:


    how sucky would it be if you were having a good voice chat and in the background you hear the husband yelling "Hey honey, come look at the size of the dump I just took!"

    I can't even tell you how many times my husband has done that while I was voicing. Darn nasty men. lol

  12. Another thing I've been noticing is that your related products seem to adjust your placement as well. i listed a few items and put no related products in them. I did a search term that not very many results came back so I could see it all on one page while i was testing. With this search term 7 of my products were returned along with several other other products that weren't mine. Two of my products had this particular search term in the description and once in the keywords ONLY (nothing in the title or features and the actual inventory name didn't contain it either) BUT I then those two products to have related products back to products that had the actual search term in the title, description, and keywords. Those two products are at the top of that page now for the search term. The actual products that are titled with the search term, description and keywords are still at the bottom. Weird huh? So then I took a couple of the lower ranked products and related them all back to themselves. So they all now have the search term in their appropriate places as well as related back to each other. Nothing much moved. but then I took a product, and in addition to having it relate back to the other products that had this keyword, I also related it back to those 2 original products that didn't have the search term anywhere except the description and keyword. When i did that, the product jumped up in several places. So I guess it would be safe to assume, that relevance also has to do with what you related back to your product...which actually make sense to me for relevance.

  13. Josh Susanto wrote:

    Nice graph!

    Please note the sudden dry-up of (visible) orders just as CTL suddenly starts posting again. 

    Do you have graphs for the 2 preceding months?

    How do I know that they'll show an abrupt increase in visible orders right after CTL makes her last April communication?

    Hey Josh...Ill post mine, I don't know what the actual dates are that you are comparing to. What dates exactly are they? Here is mine for June and July. I'll post my April as well since you mentioned that one too. I can say that most of my spikes for high sales days are weekends, if you follow the waves, which is pretty normal for me. June definitely had less waves but that's because for most of the month sales were not fantastic.





  14. Toysoldier Thor wrote:


    I just realized why my MP sales have sunk in that past week at least.   GRRR !!

    I just got a message from a customer that said he order product and he got a failed delivery on one of my packs.  I went in to MP Transaction History and my jaw dropped when I noticed that since July 20th I have getting a rash of Delivery Failures!

    Prior to the past week I amost NEVER get delivery failures.  Since the 20th I hve had 9 delivery failures - mostly on my sculpty packs (my big ticket items).  And they of course are my MB.



    I just saw this on another thread. That sucks! Totally unfair to do. I know some think of SL as a game but for a lot of merchants if the sales don't come in we would be out REAL money. I'd say hit em with a massive complaint...but we all know how well that helps things. :)  I'll be hoping for some better luck for you in the coming months friend.

  15. Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

    well... so sl does it for some residents and doesnt for some others.

    but mine get capped after smth like 3 ims. And if there is a way for this doesnt happen ill be more than happy to be aware.;-)

    Mine actually does this as well. I get a few IM's to email notification after I am capped, which happens daily, and then they stop after anywhere from 1-3 IM's. I actually tested this once with an alt because I thought it was weird that I didn't get a single IM all night once when normally I do, and sure enough my alts message never came through to me via email.

  16. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    Still not Great Deja.  In fact I am still having days where I am making ZERO sales on MP. I get the occassional spike of sales for a day but usually because one customer went on a buying spree.

    Ever since early June it has been BLAH !

    I sure do hope its just an unsual business cycle that I havent seen in previous years for this time of year.

    But now my head is down overhauling my new combined Store / Gallery so my sales are what they are,

    That's so strange Toy, i'm sorry you're having to deal with that. I hope more people do report in on this because you as an individual seem to be affected by it quite a bit while others dont. Makes me wonder...why? I've even looked through some of your products, I'm assuming your terrain packs are your best selling? The only thing I can see is that there is a lot of competition for them. However, I still found your products fairly early in the list, page 1 with 48 items per page pagination. So then it begs the question of are people in need of your product at the moment? Or is the decrease in terrain sculpts possibly due to a decreased amount of people getting their own land which means less people building something that would require terrains, or what about all the people leaving SL, and they are no longer needing those items as well. by the looks of it, terrain packs and art seems to be the what the bulk of your store is and it may just be because you are creating such a niche product, could the sales  be tapering off due to that? Are you noticing a difference in your inworld sales?

  17. I know a lot of us had a weird month last month. Many of us were rather dead at the start of the month, for at least a couple of weeks some reported marketplace sales dropped in a huge way. I experienced a slight downturn myself and then it picked back up towards the end of the month. So just curious, have sales gone back up for you in the new month? not just marketplace either, but how are your in world sales compared to last month? mine all seem to be back on track for the month of July, so I'm hoping that's a good sign for all!

  18. I agree. i think you have to send it out as an idea to LL. Doing it ourselves....like you said could work on a small bandaid solution type scale but definitely i agree, I doubt it would be worth pursuing as a solution to the masses as a product to offer. too many headaches. but until they do decide to do something with it, might be the best solution to do something for yourself until they can get around to it.

  19. Absolutely was tickled pink. It happens all the time with other milestones too...like the first time you make enough linden to pay your tier for a week...or a month. Or the first time you actually cash out a profit to paypal. So many firsts and so many warm fuzzy's.

  20. I've voted for your jira too. This is a service I would gladly pay for, although, I would kind of like to see it maybe included as part of the premum service perhaps. But even if it wasn't I would still pay for it. It does make me wonder what sort of webbased solution with a redirect of some sort I couldn't use on my own in the meantime. Maybe not an actual LM, but it would certainly be easy to setup say a URL at www.thelegantgoth.com/storelocation and include that in all my product packages and when clicked on would do a redirect via that page to my actual SLURL and force it to become a link in chat, like it does when you click on a slurl in a website. I dunno how useful it would be...but maybe!

  21. You'd be surprised how many people don't talk in open chat but stick to private messages. When I used to go to clubs, this is how a lot of the guys would operate. I'd never see them talk out int he open but I'd have 4 or 5 IMing me at once.

  22. iCade wrote:

    After my hiatus, I'm creating more things for my market place, and would soon like to have an in client shop. Now I have thought about this, but without actually having the experience it's nearly impossible to tell.

    For setting up a shop does it matter

    Does it matter if it's on mainland where rent is cheap, or on a private estate? Would purchasing a parcel in an expensive (rent wise) business district pay off? Is there actually a lot of foot customers? What about a stall in a shopping mall? Would that be the best option?

    I found places that rent for as low as 1L per Prim, though business districts rent at about 1.8L-2L per prim, which is twice the amount so I'd rather ask here before making the investment when it might not even pay off.

    Any helpful tips and discussions about this would be very much appreciated, thanks!

    personally I don't think it matters where, as far as mainland vs private. i was on private for years but just switched this year to mainland. My sales haven't decreased at all and business is wonderful as usual, no difference. I think it's a personal preference on if you can stand operating in mainland. A lot of people don't like it because you never know who your neighbor is. I was very careful about where I moved and then bought up most of the sim (even though I didn't really need all that land). I bought it simply for a piece of mind and I'm at the max $195 anyway so until I own the entire sim, i will keep buying as people leave. the reason I left private was for money. If you are paying a land baron tier of 20KL per week for a full sim, that is roughly $80 real dollars per week, depending on the exchange rate at the time. In other words, around $11.43 per day or $342.90 for a 30 day window of tier. Mainland however, saves quite a bit at only $195 per 30 day window. That’s almost an extra $150 extra each month that I can cash out as profit by not spending it. Of course if you are going after a smaller parcel, maybe it won't make that much difference to you.

    I've owned secondary shops in satelite stores and business districts and usually didn't get much out of them at all. I'm not saying they are bad places to setup, but not if traffic is the reason you are doing it. Do it cause it looks cool and is a good envrionment to enhance what you are selling. No matter where you move, it will ultimately be you who brings the traffic in, which is why personally I'd stick to your own land cause you will always own it as long as you keep paying your fees, where if they don't pay...you lose.

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