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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Posts posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. When you sell the land, autoreturn should be off by default (if you currently have it turned on, might want to turn it off before selling, just to be safe... SL does do weird things sometimes). As long as you don't set it, nothing will be returned. If you want to use autoreturn, you'll need to make sure that your alt and you are in a land group together, that everything on the parcel is set to the land group, and then the parcel itself can be set to the land group as well. THEN you can turn on autoreturn.

    (You can also deed or sell the land to the land group if you first donate sufficient land allowance to the group, and you'll get use of a 10% group bonus, but that's a bit beyond what you are asking about here.)

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    It's possible that I have missed something. I am bombarded with group messages and notecards about weekend sales every time I log in. It's groups I have paid for, so I can not quit them. But it is really annoying, it is only spam.

    But I hope he is reading my IM. I will look in the rentals group.

    I may have misunderstood, but will mention this just in case: Don't forget that you can make changes in group profile boxes to *not* receive group messages and/or notices if you wish. You don't have to actually leave a group to avoid receiving that group's spam.

    • Like 2
  3. No, they don't prorate. Do you have a group that you can use to buy the land (using the "buy land for group") option? If you have a group own the land, you get a 10% land allowance bonus, which would help you stay at that lower price level.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Clem Marques said:

    When I tried to test it with my alt (Charles Marques), for some reason it did not work, not sure why. When my alt TP'd into the region (not into the parcel but a nearby spot) he did not get added to the "Always banned" list like other people were. I might have done something wrong, but that is something I was curious about.


    I wonder if that behavior has something to do with the alt being a member of your land group? 

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, sparklesarefun said:

    Hello, I recently moved to Bay City and would like to be an active community member. May I please get added to the group so I may ask questions?

    Hi there, I've sent you an invitation to join the Bay City Alliance group. 

    • Like 2
  6. You will need to abandon the Linden home you currently have before you can claim another one with the same account. Once you've done that, you go to your Dashboard and click on "Get Your Home Now", and you will be able to claim a new home. I think that the only stilts available at the moment are the ones on land, though, and pier homes don't come up as often. You'll want to check that one is available before you give up your current home. You can check that land page with another account to see what styles can be claimed. 

    • Like 4
  7. I agree with Qie that a support ticket explaining the situation *might* work. If your friend was the only owner of the group, and there is no one left who can edit perms of group members, LL might decide to help (since the group is essentially in limbo now). If you are then given perms to edit group objects, and if those objects you mention are set to "share with group", then you should be good to go. I can't think of any other possible solution to the problem. Hope it works out for you!

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, Blush Bravin said:

    You forget the hubbub over the naming of the Chalets! lol

    Not at all, that's why I said this isn't the first protest lol  

    I was puzzled by the fuss back then, and I remain puzzled!

    • Like 4
  9. It would probably be less frustrating if one doesn't take Second Life and minor details like theme names so seriously. This isn't the first time there has been protest about the "accuracy" of a theme's name. It seems odd to be to be quite that literal about this minor detail (which in this case, isn't inaccurate at all) in a world where we accept dragons and fairies without blinking an eye, a world where we can fly without need for aircraft, a world where we can change the size of our butts by clicking a slider.

    Anyway, naming aside, the theme is interesting, though I'm not sure what I think about the landscaping. It's certainly a change from other themes, which is cool, but it makes me feel dusty 😁

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    • Haha 2
  10. 45 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    Honestly, I have chosen my Linden Homes several times by ticket and found, to my surprise, that I was no more satisfied with them and no more likely to stay in them long-term than if I had rolled them randomly. 


    And as a side note, I don't think they allowed tickets when the ranch homes were very first released, so this isn't anything new.

    • Like 7
  11. Years ago, I had my home on a parcel along one of the railroads in the Atoll, and I had a security orb on it. The orb didn't do anything awful to anyone, nor did it impede travel for other residents. It just controlled who could enter the parcel, because for some reason it was a popular spot for random folks to wander into my house and stand around like it was a rest stop.

    Anyway, one day I was home with a friend, just hanging out in the back yard, when I suddenly got an enraged IM from the person who owned the parcel next door. She was positively outraged that she was not able to just march onto my parcel and come back to where we were chilling so she could introduce herself. She berated me for being a bad neighbor, and then...


    Funniest thing I ever saw in SL!

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  12. Check your Region settings. As Luna noted, if you have it set to allow parcel owners to override the region environment settings, you will still see whatever environment is set on those parcels if they are different from what your region environment is. You can change that setting to disallow parcel override, or go to each parcel and change them individually to show the region setting. 

  13. If the landlord in a private region has you "buy" the parcel, it's so you can have owner abilities on that parcel. The estate owner will still ultimately own the parcel and can reclaim it down the road. If they don't let you buy the parcel, your ability to do much with the parcel is restricted, and you'd have to contact them for even the simplest things like naming the parcel. 

    (On Mainland, if you buy a parcel, it's yours, and that's that, so you're not going to see landlords selling a parcel to you as a renter. You rent OR own, not both.)

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