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Qwalyphi Korpov

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Everything posted by Qwalyphi Korpov

  1. I'm sorry the waiting is so hard peoples. Hang in there. I really have to wait till Friday cuz I'm still working on it timing is important.
  2. Deltango Vale wrote: Bloomberg - Friday 9 November Linden Research Inc., creators of Second Life virtual world, announced today that they have been acquired by CCP Games of Reykjavic, Iceland. Hilmar Petursson, CEO of CCP Games, makers of EVE Online, DUST and World of Darkness, said in a press interview this morning, "We believe very strongly in the future of virtual worlds not only as roleplay/game environments, but as unscripted, immersive spaces with huge social and economic potential. We realized this during development of World of Darkness, although EVE itself is unscripted. The next step was to embrace user-generated content and we felt that acquiring Second Life was the logical step." Dave Bland, Bloomberg: "Considering the competitive gaming culture of CCP, isn't Second Life an unusual purchase? Some would say the two are incompatible." Petursson: "Actually, no, they are compatible, though they do occupy different spaces in the market. EVE is actually a very social game, unscripted, involving much cooperation among players. We have a huge fan base that has evolved into a global community." Bland: "But spaceships and care bears are not likely to mix very well." Petursson: "Ha, well, we have that term in EVE, 'care bears', and they do mix, generally speaking, if by 'care bear' you mean economic agents producing goods and services for the economy." Bland: "Do you plan to merge the grids?" Petursson: "No, not at the beginning anyway. Our goal is to build on Linden Lab's expertise with user-generated content, feeding some of the technology into World of Darkness, though we have our own Carbon technology for avatar design. Eventually, we would like Second Life to be a model of planetary development in high-sec. Multiple world economies and societies spread out through New Eden." Bland: "You literally want to create a virtual universe..." Petursson: "Yes, by acquiring Linden Lab and eventually integrating hyper realistic social and economic conditions into New Eden, we believe CCP can be the Microsoft and Google of the next generation." You can see into the future too Deltango?
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Press Release: Dateline San Francisco. Friday November 9, 2012 Linden Lab announced today it's sale to the Rodentia Cartel. The Cartels fisrt act was to fire all the Monkeys making decisions at Linden Lab and replace them with more sensible Orangutangs. The new CEO, Qwalyphi Korpov stated that there will be more changes to follow but wanted to emphasis that there were no plans to dismantle the Lab............ LOL - it's about the forums not the whole LL. note to self: contact rodentia cartel by usual methods.. alert re Perrie... also - I think they can smell the orangutangs.
  4. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: ah i know.... Friday you will credit every pp who has writen in this thread account with 10 k L$ for each... awwww. So nice from you....You can count on me so.. ill be here tom :smileyvery-happy: Aw, dat's a nice thought you had. I'm ready to give credit. Can you supply the L$? I'm a tiny bit short.
  5. Qie Niangao wrote: It's bigger than anyone would know. Anyone. That's what you think, but I'm pretty sure I know: SL economic statistics will not be released on Friday, with lavish grid-wide celebrations marking the nth quarter for which they have not been released. I'm right, aren't I? Admit it! Hehehe. I'm committed to not admitting nuttin'.
  6. Vooma Voom wrote: I know..Fridays invasion day....hide your nuts!!!\ &*#!.? Huh? A chipmunk hides his nuts everyday.
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: I've got it! Something big/huge is going to be announced, so what's big/huge? That brown dwarf that's heading our way isn't a brown dwarf at all - it's a brown giant! That's huge so I'll beat him to it... It's a brown giant! There. I've announced something big/huge/bigger than anyone would know. You are on the right track Phil. Astronomical. Huge.
  8. Solaria Goldshark wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I have something very very big concerning the forums. It's going to be announced probably on Friday. It's going to be very big. Bigger than anybody would know. I'd announce it today but some people in the US are a bit distracted and not ready ATM, frankly, for something as big as this. It better be BIG, or I'm going to be pissed. I'll add this tiny comment: It's going to be huge.
  9. Elite Runner wrote: OK. I hope it could be something that is good or useful or interesting, like a new feature, or an integration of an existing product. I better wait until on or after 16:00 EST/13:00 SLT this Friday 2012.11.09-Fr in which it's the NYSE/NASDAQ/TSX close, ending the week on the stock markets, and it could be announced on CNBC and/or CNN and/or other news media since someone said it could be major story on the first forum post aka topic starter. I better watch CNBC and CNN at 16:00 EST this Friday and check the websites for the announcement and monitor the Linden Lab press releases, Second Life blog, SL Grid status, Linden Lab Twitter account, Second Life Twitter and Facebook feeds and the Linden Lab CEO's Twitter and Second Life feeds. I'm predicting that Linden Lab may be filing an IPO for NASDAQ or NYSE during that time also, but anything can happen this Friday. It's bigger than anyone would know. Anyone.
  10. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: The new Bond movie gets released on friday... Another movie trying to tap into my announcement. (sigh)
  11. 16 wrote: you are going to flounce out of SL and actual be the 1st person ever to actual give away ur stuffz to the 1st person who sez: can i haz ur stuff plz??? jejejeejeeje (: LOLs, a flouncing chipmunk. dats a good one.
  12. Maryanne Solo wrote: A live scoreboard that keeps a running tally of how many times griefers.. O whuuups! I do mean helpers soz .. are temp banned from Le Fora? So we can keep track of the fruitcake factor?.. Would be lots of fun :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: oops general reply sorry. Thanks for your guess Maryanne
  13. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: Friday is the day before MY little Erin has her 4th rez-day. What could be bigger than that? I'll do my best to wrap up my thing Friday then.
  14. Knowl Paine wrote: Void is coming back? We're going to get paid L$ for answering questions? The Forum is going to merge with Pizza Hut, and we all get free pizza? Thanks for those Knowl. Sat and thought about them a long time. Not so much the pizza one but the other two.
  15. MenTuL wrote: LOL One Donald Trump is enough! Well - no more than one at a time for sure. @Venus & Perrie: I can resist those temptations... how much longer now?.... 47 hours 43 minues.... OMG
  16. Storm Clarence wrote: So be it, I will wait until Friday. It better be big... Colossal big. Appreciate your patience. It's gonna be huge. I think I better wait until the markets close in NY.
  17. The resident who provided the previous content, if any, has replaced it with this generic statement.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: OK, my Final Guess: Building upon the HUGE success of the new JIRA system, there will be a new Forum format. Only you and the Moderators will be able to view your own Forum Posts. This guessing stuff is bringing up a scary variety of stuffs. My final guess was A but then I thought maybe C was A or that A was C. It's been a long day.
  19. Darrius Gothly wrote: On Friday (or is that Fried-day?) the Lithium Forums will be repackaged in a format more suitable to ingestion including a quick-release capsule .. then bounced off the Alien Transmitting station strategically located on the Giant Body penetrating our Solar System. Which will of course result in all text being displayed upside down. Dat's some amazing stuffs there Darrius. I visualized it. Trippy.
  20. Hugsy Penguin wrote: Here's my prediction: "I will pay L$5,000,000 for the forums to reveal their college transcripts and passport application." LOL - The Donald! /me runs off to calculate the RL equivalent of L$5,000,000.
  21. The resident who provided the previous content, if any, has replaced it with this generic statement.
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I'm very likely to make an announcement very soon. Probably Friday. Hmmm. Does it have anything to do with seasonal metabolic depression? I'll answer that one directly - only because it does but entirely in an indirect way. As my time to depart to Hyber Nation grows near I do tend to post more. Which is very seasonal metabolic. I think I've figured it out. Qwalyphi is going to give up his Bachelorhood. He wants to take a partner to winter with him in the tunnels. LOL - Thank you for guessing again.
  23. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I'm very likely to make an announcement very soon. Probably Friday. Hmmm. Does it have anything to do with seasonal metabolic depression? I'll answer that one directly - only because it does but entirely in an indirect way. As my time to depart to Hyber Nation grows near I do tend to post more. Which is very seasonal metabolic.
  24. Note to self: The calming effect of guessing may be an urban myth or sumptin.
  25. Phil Deakins wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Thank you for your guess. I'm very likely to make an announcement very soon. Probably Friday. Blown it! You said "I'm" - not they or LL, but "I'm". So my later thought was right. It's an announcement that you will make and those of us who assumed it would be from LL, fooled ourselves. I want the prize NOW! ETA: I just saw that you always said it would be an announcemtn by you. I ain't so smart, am I? LOLs. I'm hoping this guessing is helping people deal with waiting.
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