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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Create a new group, and invite your husband to join, then make him owner of the group too. When he is group owner he can set the land to that group.  Then you should both then have full powers on the parcel.

    You can have a separate group for your club which will have nothing to do with the land.


  2. I have a 512 on mainland that fronts on a LL road at a "T" junction. I think i paid about $1000 L  for it (location location location). Its more or less square instead of the "normal" shaped 16 by 32 m. I put up a basic two story brick building, with a  club downstairs and an apartment upstairs, and i still have about 40 prims left over.


    Its not my main place, i also rent on a private estate, but its a nice little private getaway.



    The stairs encroach on the right of way, but they are rooted to a prim under the floor.


    Before that i lived in a water tower i built :)

  3. It doesn't help that the official sl  viewer is an absolute disaster either. I was stuck using it for a month on a reconditioned laptop I got because both singularity and firestorm crashed every time i clicked "login". Fortunately firestorm released an update that worked fine.


    I suspect the official viewer is the main reason noobs quit out of frustration, i'm over 4 yrs old, and using it for a month frustrated the heck out of me. :)


  4. "There is no excuse for not using someones' chosen name to address them in a social setting."


    I'm sorry, but i refuse to say "hello Master's c*m sl*t" when i meet someone, no matter where we are.

    I guess ll never imagined how popular that display name, and ones like it, would be when they thought up the whole thing.


    Another thing, when i meet someone i try to use use their first name, unles their first name is Master, and then it "hey you"





  5. "my experience is that people not like overhanging stuff from neighbours, you can say it's only overhanging and not using prims, but you privacy is totally gone"


    My neighbor had rezzed some ugly giant rocks as a screen between our properties. Unfortunately for her they extended slightly over the property line.


    I went into my about land, options tab and unchecked allow object entry by all residents. 


    I was then able to return the rocks that were over the property line, even though they were centered on her property, and did not count to my prim total.



  6. I'm flexi prim hair all the way. Mesh hair looks beautiful (sometimes) in a photograph, but on an avi it looks like it was set in place using a gallon of shellac.  Untill I see a mesh hair that makes me give the same wow response i gave when i tried on my flexi hair, i'm staying with what i have.


    • Like 2
  7. If you go premium pay a year for 72 dollars for a year,  that 6 dollars a month, instead of paying 10 dollars monthly. You get over 4 dollars a month back in linden currency. The free house isn't great, but if u get a one room one you can furnish it reasonably if you buy low prim furniture.


    As for your account being blocked, if u want to discontinue premium membership just revert to the free account before the billing due date.

  8. "I like my piece of  land I got at the auction, however the person next to me has this spinning tacky ball in the air with their logo on it."

    Easiest thing to do is de-render it, Right click the object , then click more (twice i think), then de-render. it's still there but you don't see it any more. :)

  9. bjsq01.PNG

    My fave used to be Analog Dog, but she decided to go mesh and got rid of most her flexi styles, including my fave Lykke, which she said was too old now to continue selling. I'm sorry but a well made flexi hair never gets old.

  10. yes, u are entiltled to 512 sq m of land free with your premium membership, most people just go with the ll house.


    Do a search of land for sale, mainland, 512 sq m. you can sometimes buy parcels for as low as a couple of hundred L


    That size is included in your membership, so there's no tier, and no building codes/ zoning rules apart from the guidelines for the maturity level.

    Be sure and abandon your ll house first though, or you will be bumped to the next tier level, even if u only have both properties for a few minutes :)

  11. Never knew where people got that info from, here's mine :)


    Singularity Viewer 1.8.1 (4863) Aug 12 2013 17:13:17 (Singularity)
    Release Notes

    Grid: Second Life

    Built with MSVC version 1600

    CPU: Intel® Celeron® CPU          440  @ 2.00GHz (1995 MHz)
    Memory: 1014 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Build 2600) compatibility mode. real ver: 6.0 (Build 2900)
    Graphics Card Vendor: Intel
    Graphics Card: Intel Bear Lake B
    Windows Graphics Driver Version: 6.14.0010.4820
    OpenGL Version: 1.4.0 - Build

    Viewer SSE Version: SSE2
    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
    J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.5.2
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.08
    Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)


    yes i know what everyone will say , forget about sl until you get a new computer.  In fact that sort of the log in mesage LL gave me the first time i logged in... we'll let u log in, but you won't enjoy it. Well i've been here over 3 years and i'm still here, and still enjoying my sl :)

  12. I had to re-install and use an old pre-mesh version of phoenix the other day because i couldn't resize or move the land control panel in singularity, but thats another story.

    While everyone else was a highly amusing assortment of grey bodies and attached colored blobs, i saw myself perfectly, and it wasn't cached either, i was wearing my current outfit :)

  13. I think its a symptom of the new improved server side baking. A lot of my friends have grey faces now, Also, a lot of times clothing layer changes won't show up in my viewer untill i teleport to a different sim, plus ctrl alt r doesn't seem to haveany effect at all :)

  14. When I first started SL, I thought Neko was silly, but a Mistress "turned" me into one. I fell in love with the twitchy ears and big swishy tail. The Mistress is ancient history, but I'm still Neko. Of course i'm not a "real" Neko, i just wear the ears and tail and sometimes the giant cat paw boots because they are fun. :)

  15. You are in their data base, u just won't show up on a websearch. Any vamp or lycan that scans you will see your soul is in limbo, and they will be more than wiling to help get it back, but it can never be "returned" to your body, of course this is just a bloodlines soul, your "real" soul isn't affected in any way.



  16. Sometimes the entire menu doesn't show up right away, and you think u are clicking "wear" or "add"  but u are actually clicking "replace", so your curent outfit gets replaced with whatever is in the folder. Its happened to me several times in the past untill i slowed down and made sure the entire menu loaded.



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