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Lux Chiantelle

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Everything posted by Lux Chiantelle

  1. I came here via google search using the keywords "you're trash is overflowing". Honestly, I'm here to rant, and no one may read this, but the feelings I'm having towards Linden Lab at the moment are not pleasant. The folder that was moved into the trash (how did it get there?) was labeled "BUILD". If you've been around SL for a while, you can probably guess what's in there. Tools, buildings, RARE builds, no copy items, previous builds from past sims. Basically, 7,100 items that were accumulated over the past 8 years to create my own little world(s). There is no way this data is lost forever, I simply refused to believe that. There is a way to retrieve, and I believe that LL or whomever doesn't want to put any effort into it, regardless if it's an error on their part or not. I didn't realize until today that the folder was missing. I've seen that some people are saying to 'move on', but after collecting and spending enough money to buy an 'ok' used car in real life, I can't move on. I'm F%&ING ANGRY. CHAT: [2017/07/20 12:59] Lux (lux.chiantelle): I just got a notice [2017/07/20 12:59] Lux (lux.chiantelle): "you're trash is overflowing" [2017/07/20 12:59] Lux (lux.chiantelle): haha [2017/07/20 12:59] Lux (lux.chiantelle): crazy [2017/07/20 12:59] Lux (lux.chiantelle): I've had way more s&^t in there before [2017/07/20 13:00] *********Resident: i didn't even know that could happen [2017/07/20 13:00] Lux (lux.chiantelle): me either...there was 7,100 objects, and when I tried to open it, it deleted everything
  2. Thanks Shiva..that's actually what I've been doing.. I just wanted something to work! lol thanks! Luxxie
  3. Hey peeps, my first post and yes, I have some questions.... 1) In my favorites in Xstreet, the items only disappear only when I purchase them.  The "delete selected items" does not work.....any ideas....? I need to get rid of some things I saved but have changed my mind about....getting upwards of 6 pages of things to sort through. 2)When I use the link to community posts, the text info shows on the page, but the middle part, which I'm assuming would be some sort of photo and slurl info does not show up. 3) When I try to use the slurls off some of the listing in xstreet, it opens the page on the map (slurl), but does not bring up the info inworld anymore to tp ..... any ideas?  thankies!! Luxxie =^-^=
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