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Arwen Serpente

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Posts posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. Thanks Froukje :)

    I made some copy updates to about 2 dozen listings (neither of the ghosted items were part of that since I couldn't see them), so maybe the system did some re-indexing and the ghosted listings were restored that way? Who knows... My hope is that this is a sign that LL applied a back end bug fix even though we have not been told about it. 

    I hope yours and other Merchants' items are restored too!

  2. Thank you Froukje for posting about this. It happened to me too this week. Visibility on two items disappeared. One came back on its own. The other, I had to hunt to find. It wouldn't reactivate from the MP folder inworld, so I copied it, added a "1" to the name, updated the folder and activated it - this just replaces the existing version. That brought it back. Will go to the new JIRA and add comments.

  3. 44 minutes ago, onyx Kelberry said:

    On my Marketplace best selling has not changed for weeks now. What is going on ????

    It's frozen/stuck. A couple weeks ago, they did some kind of "fix" to the MP and in so doing, Best Selling got stuck. And, it also mirrors Relevance. So as usual, whatever was fixed, broke something else.

    Two JIRAs still awaiting review related to this:



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    Ah! I had wondered before what "Best Selling" actually meant... was it all time? it felt like it maybe was, a lot of very old stuff would appear when using it.

    30 days definitely makes that a lot more useful.

    In the past (prior to March 2023), Relevance and Best Selling were almost indistinguishable. The algorithm took into account everything from recency of sale, volume, rating, matching search term. In March 2023, the search function was updated and both Relevance and Best Selling were broken. The new search only indexes the top 50k items in the marketplace, so anything not making that cut (which is the vast majority of items) were displayed in random order, and often leading to older products at the top of searches.  This week's change improves Best Selling with the past 30 day ranking; Relevance, however, was not fixed (at least when just looking at a store or category without a specific search term).

  5. On 8/17/2023 at 2:48 AM, ooJenny said:

    This happened before, not too long ago, then it was good, and now it's happening again, at least for me.  When i go to MP, and use their categories links, for whatever, let's say Avatar Accessories - Hair, I get all of these old, antiquated hairstyles from the past.  None of the top designers, none of the pretty new hairs are there.  I browsed 8 pages of the category results before i saw even Doux.  Another many pages further I finally saw one of Stealthic's hairs.  I truly hope they are working on this.

    When the MP was updated this week, the Relevance sort was changed and broken (my observation; others may observe differently). However, the Best Selling sort was improved to reflect best sellers in the past 30 days. So, try using the Best Selling sort if you want to see a mix of items, or, using Newest first if you want to see the latest releases.

  6. I followed up and looked at my MP store (my comments are for my store only, I have no idea how others are impacted). In my store, Best selling sort is good. After the first 36 items, the accuracy diminishes, but at least the items are not the oldest.  Relevance sort is good for first 12, but after that, it is totally random.

    The item count is still way out of whack. I have 1059 items and now the side bar shows 1998 items, almost double.


    • Sad 1
  7. Edited to add this note:

    Just informed by Emma Krocus that LL posted an announcement about MP changes. These changes in progress, so what I was seeing (as detailed below) may be the result of the work "in process". The only way to know if the changes are working will be after 11am SL time.


    Original posts:

    FYI, it's happening again. The MP just started to mess up with the Item count in my store. I have 1059, but the sidebar is showing 1097. As far as I can tell, nothing has disappeared, but this was the way it started the last time, item counts bouncing around and items showing up/disappearing.


    Edited to add: and after a refresh it is up to 1098. I'm so sick of this.

    Edited to add: 50 minutes later, I've apparently made, photographed and listed another 170 items. Lovely. The sidebar count is up to 1229 when I actually have 1059.  They also changed something with the indexing: For the past 6 weeks or so (maybe a bit longer), the first 9 positions in Relevance reflected recently sold  items; the following were new items in a random order, but at least they were new"er" - and my sales had improved. Now after the first 9 positions, my oldest products are showing - I expect whatever improvement in sales I was seeing will now stop.


  8. I get the feeling they are fixing store by store. Sounds crazy right? My store was a mess with disappearing items/count bouncing around for the past 2 days. Today, it appears to be stable and at the correct number of items. Similar experience to Horatio:

    1 hour ago, Horatio Clawtooth said:

    My listing count has gone back to the normal numbers I would expect to see. It has been stable now for a couple hours. I have my fingers crossed that it holds.

    File support tickets even if they respond they cannot help, or, that the engineers are "working on it".

    Put comments in the JIRA that Froukje Hoorenbeek created today (since they closed all the others). https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-234188

    Be the "squeaky wheel" 🙃

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