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Monica Querrien

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Posts posted by Monica Querrien

  1. I understand about not wanting to voice...and I think you are bringing an aspect of your real life into SL when you voice. If that wasnt the case, camming wouldn't be real life either, since no one would be able to tell where you live and the like just by looking at you.

    However, when you are DJ, you should want to bring some of your person(nality) into the mix, so you can have a strong connection with your crowd. If you do special mixes, that may make up for not voicing ...to a degree.

    When I heard that you don't want your own stream...well having a stream shows committment to your craft. Plus, you have your own control of your stream. Why would you want someone else to have control of that? From the no mic/no stream agrument, what is stopping you from playing your set and then go afk for 2 hours (or whatever the duration of the set is)?

    I was going to offer you some work, but I think the club owners would want you to have your own stream :)

  2. Do you have a strong fan base? And the club that you work at currently, do they get a decent crowd of people?

    You make tips sound like a bad thing...I know DJs who get over 1k in tips, and don't charge a fee if they make more than 500L in a 2 hr set.  A good friend of mine can make over 2k at times DJing weekend gigs, and he doesn't voice.

  3. If you are good in business, you could get a couple of would-be designers together to make the clothing, and you handle advertising/marketing/promoting, hiring sales staff, etc. There are stores who have joint partnership that work in a similar matter. It's hard for designers to be good at what they do AND market themselves. But yes, I would advise you take the time and learn how to create for yourself, because that will be good in the long run.

  4. Have you tried contacting the merchant with your concerns? Some shoe huds are easier than others, and just about every one that I have seen has instructions on how to color match.

    I don't know if V2 has this, but if you go to the advanced menu -> UI - > show color under cursor, you can get the RGB number for the skin that you have. I like to match it to the color that's on the back of my ankle. Then, if your hud allows you to manually input RGB numbers, do so and then tweak the color.

    Some HUDS don't have manually input...rather they have you click along a color grid - I really don't like those and I find that the cheaper a shoe is, the more likely they will have this sort of thing.

  5. Does anyone know of a good way to perfectly align your house once a part goes missing?

    SL ate a part of my house a couple of days ago, and after a few sim restarts, my roommate and I are trying to put the missing piece back. I have no idea how builders do it, because for the life of us, no matter what we do a part of the house still isn't lined up correctly.

  6. I miss the discussion  section that was in xstreetsl. In some cases, that was more telling than the actual reviews themselves. Merchants had a chance to reply to their customers, and customers could review a product if they received it through other means.

    I disagree with merchants being able to manipulate low reviews, because that just defeats the entire purpose.

    Some merchants offer incentives for reviewing their items (or at least they used to - haven't seen  that in a while).

    "In the end of the day my bestseller is now a 4 star product even when I know from countless conversations that my customers are absolutely satisfied with the product!"

    So why not ask them to leave reviews if they were satisfied?

  7. In any job that involves more than just standing around, you will need some sort of experience in SL. Customer service is probably the biggest skill you would need to have here, be it if you are working at a club or in a shop. If you are unable to help people because you yourself don't even know the basics, this makes you undesirable to potential employers.

    Being that you are oly a couple of days old, I encourage you to explore SL and see what it has to offer. Take some classes at NCI...explore...go to clubs...go to places like The Free Dove to get some basic items.

    And also be aware that if you are under 18, many people would be cautious of hiring you as well.

  8. I agree with Vladi. I think had you approached the owner and apologized for offending the DJ, that you only meant it to be in good fun, and admit to yourself that what one person finds to be funny others may not, the owner would had lifted the ban.

    I think you came to the owner with the attitude of telling them how to run their club, just because you were management in a now defunct club. Some people aren't as patient as others, but you can only control YOUR actions.

    A while back, I was playing a game where I had made some comments in an off topic thread, and when I came back my character was dead and I was banned from the game. Now, it really wasn't my fault at ALL - the owner had a bad day and didn't read what I said and jumped to conclusions.  But when I contacted the owner, I was humble, and I let him know that I understand what it means to be in an admin position (because I was in one on another game), and that I would never knowingly disrespect anyone, be it staff or player. And then I clarified what I had said in the thread. I didn't ask to be reinstated, but after my letter to him he felt sorry for jumping the gun and reinstated my character, and wrote a public letter of apology.


    Now, I am not saying you will get that here (cause this isn't the same thing ), but there is a difference between acting like a know-it-all, and conducting yourself in a respectful behavior and showing empathy towards the person (even though you feel like you have been wronged). The club owner owes you nothing...but you want something from the owner (admission into the club). Just the fact that you mentioned here that you were management at a former club tells me that your approach to the owner wasn't a stellar one (because one has nothing to do with the other).

  9. I remember there was a guy who was really sexist that was a friend of a friend, kinda like your situation is.

    When I used to see him, he would be harassing some girl, and one day he was arguing with the owner of a beach club. She had said that LL had told her she couldn't use camping on her land anymore because it was considered to be gaming traffic. When she told the group that he basically called her a liar, that other places still had camping and he only goes to clubs where people pay him to go, and not the other way around. I jumped to her defense, and what he said was a bit too graphic here...all I will say was that he told me to take the *blank* out of my *blank* and stop sucking up to her...heh.

    I think there are different ways to handle this sort of thing. But you have to know your personality. If you don't like confrontation, then ignoring the person will usually derail their comments, because their behavior isn't getting reinforced. I personally don't like muting people, but sometimes it is necessary. But if this person is friends with your friends, it might actually be a bad thing to mute part of the conversation.

    If you are good at confrontation, you can just agree with everything she says. Similar to ignoring them, if you just agree with whatever they say, they see that what they say doesn't bother you. And you might even get a laugh out of your other friends if they see you just keep saying stuff like "Yeah, I'm the biggest cheater in SL. Your point is?" . That shows the ulitimate amount of confidence. That would probably make her really mad, but if she's mad at the entire group for laughing and just being on your side, maybe she won't come around anymore? :)



  10. I also wanted to add (but my last post was long hehe) that even though I can see the forums being a good way to make friends, in the old forum I felt people were borderline hostile, making it difficult to make friends (at least on my end).

    I remember early on when I was looking for a personal assistant to help me with shopping because it was hard for me to see prices and merchandise in stores due to my poor graphics card, I got practically flamed and people were calling me lazy. I had mentioned the assistant may be able to get freebies cause when I shop there might be places that offer them, and I had someone advertise her freebie blog in the thread! How rude can you be :)

    And recently,  I made a thread about why merchants make their stores inaccessible to people with no payment info on file. Some were friendly, others were not, and as a result I got banned from a store because I guess the merchant figured out what store I was talking about.

    But so far these forums are great, and I am posting a lot more, both for advertising and commentary. So even though SL does change a lot, some change can be good (coming from a person who doesn't always like change :) )

  11. I think my SL experience has changed quite a bit, but at the same time, remains the same (at least at the core).

    When I started, I loved the fact that I could shop to my heart's content for free, and trying to find the best bargains for free. Then I would take my cuter outfits and hit the club scene. I didn't have too many friends, and I remember at times looking at my friends list and seeing no one online :( I remember going to places and looking to see who was newer than me, so I could talk to them because new people are more open to meeting strangers than established residents. That's how I eventually met my SL sister actually (even though that didn't happen right away lol).

    Then, one of my friends invited me to her friend's house, and I wasn't able to go because she was in the adult region (but wait! I'm an adult lol). So once I got verified, I soon found an adult beach resort where I met my 2 best friends. I went there every day, and it felt like my second home after my apartment complex at Noobia (at the time, it was a place where newbies could get free rentals for 2 weeks, and then pay 75L/week for 25 prims). A lot of the people from the beach resort soon got interested in making their own clubs, or DJing, and so the community broke apart. Eventually the sim owner lost interest and shut it down.

    Today, I have taken my core interests and expanded on them. So now I am involved in the fashion, modeling, and nightlife industries. Now there can be like 10 people online and only one of them is a "friend", because the rest are business contacts or acquaintances. I can't afford to clean out my friends list just cause I haven't spoken to them in weeks like some people do :) I still enjoy making new friends and helping out newbies, and I still LOVE to shop!

    I think the hardest thing is how quickly things change in SL. One day you are hanging with your friends at your favorite club, and next day the club closes...day after that your friend says he's leaving SL because of *insert reason here*. Or maybe it's you who can't spend that much time on SL, and you miss out because your friends are used to you doing certain things, and when you can't do them as much, they stop coming around as often.

    What I try to do is have some sort of balance among all of my activities by writing down things that I need/want to do. I like seeing the items "crossed off". And I delegate tasks as often as I can, so I can spend more quality time with people, be it for work or pleasure.

  12. Just to add a few things based on the recent inquires:


    • It's okay if you have your own store and are interested in doing a joint project/creation with our store
    • We do not provide funding for uploading fees
    • When we say we want to see a sample of your work, we assume you have been designing for more than a day, so showing a single t-shirt doesn't really do your creative skills justice.

    Thanks again for your responses :)

  13. We are looking for someone who has experience in how to make videos/films in SL. Adding sound, editing footage, and has access to the right software needed to make videos. Directing experience a plus. If this sounds like you (or possibly someone you know), please contact Scottydazzler Adamski inworld for more information.


    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    To paraphrase the OP [NB - I don't really mean this, but this is how it reads]:

    I didn't want to be part of Second Life, I wanted to be part of The Sims.

    Even though this isn't The Sims and I don't know what I'm doing I paid real money for some things.  Because I paid real money I expect to be treated like I own the place.  Some
    people wouldn't let me do exactly what I wanted.

    This isn't The Sime, I'm shocked.  I can't believe I spent real money on something that isn't The Sims.  How dare people not let me do whatever I wanted, just because they are paying too and it's their place.

    It's ridiculous that this isn't The Sime.  I think this must be something different to The Sims so congratulations to those who behave differently.  It's unbelievable to me and baffling.


    So - you came here expecting a different thing and behaved as if was.  You paid real money without learning about Second Life and then got upset when some people didn't like you behaving against the rules they are also paying to have.

    Sorry - you're in the wrong place and this just sounds like drama.

    Actually a number of people have told me they were attracted to Second Life because it reminded them of The Sims. I think people know every game/platform/community is different so I don't think the OP came onto SL thinking it would be "just" like The Sims.


    Nia, I'm sorry to hear that you have had a run-in with some not-so-nice people. Just remember that SL is HUGE, so don't let one bad experience damper your SL :)

  15. Even though a restaurant sounds like a good idea (and it is, really), I remember when my friend and I were looking to grab some lunch in a pleasant environment, and we went to 5 different places, and not one had an service (even when they showed that people were online and to give them a ring). At once place there were several people looking around for service.


    I hope you have a solid idea of what concept you want to have with your business, including how much expenses you will have, and how much income you would be able to generate :)

  16. I am looking for up-and-coming clothing designers to work with me in producing a new clothing line. This would be a great opportunity for those who cannot afford to pay rent to have their store inworld, or have the time to do sufficent marketing to get their products known.

    IM Monica Querrien for more details.

  17. I treat my avi well....and I don't have a premium account. I live on a beachfront property...go shopping all the time, and have fun with my friends. I've seen the plots of land that LL gives people because some of my friends live in them. That wouldn't be an incentive to upgrade my membership...hmm.

  18. Before everyone became a "Resident" I didn't see thjat many numbers next to people's names. Now it seems like so many people have numbers. I use Imprudence and I don't think it has options for display names...so when I see a person named X and some others start calling the person Y (based on their display name) it's awkward.

    Yes I know people feel the need to be individuals. Maybe for a fee (like someone suggested) they could change their name...so it's one name...not username and display name. But I like my name...would had never came up with my last name had it not been for SL and I think it suits me :)

  19. Welcome to SL - and I give you kudos for having the know-how to ask for help :) Really am impressed with all of the info people have given, and there were no snarky answers.

    My advice is to don't be afraid to ask people questions inworld. Most people are friendly if they see that you legitimately want to know about SL, and aren't trying to harass them or beg them for Lindens.

    Regarding employment, I would focus on trying to learn the basics of SL first. I work at a clothing store, and it's hard to hire people when they haven't gotten the hang of adjusting the prims from their clothing to their body to make it fit properly, or how to open up boxes :)

  20. How about when you go idle on SL? It's similar...hehe. When I idle on SL I sit at home in a chair or sleep on my bed...hehe. One day when my friend and I was cuddling he logged off for the night, and I left SL running. He said it was nice when he logged back in the next day to see me still "asleep" on the bed :)

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