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Sascha Frangilli

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Everything posted by Sascha Frangilli

  1. Since Marketplace did its update, I have been cleaning up my Magic Boxes inworld as well on Marketplace itself by deleting the items from the inventory. However, the moment I synchronise the Magic box with Market Place, the items I deleted appear again. This is magic as they are not even in the Magic boxes inworld anymore.... :-) Aaaargh, any suggestions?
  2. Lol my problem is the other way, I have deleted heaps of items from the Magic Box AS WELL from the inventory list. Every time I sync the box, the items I deleted magically appear again!
  3. Yes it would be great for that, but I do need it tax-wise as well..... I can get part of my paid VAT returned to me if I can show the Tax Office what the percentage of users per countries in Europe are! Keeping my fingers crossed that such a pie chart will come asap just like the others in 2009! ;-)
  4. And I need the following grapics which I found in 2009, now for 2010 quite desperately as well! Any idea where I can find this?
  5. Dear Nelson of Linden Labs....., :-) The SL 3rd Quarter for 2010 misses a few things compared to the SL 3rd Quarter 2009. There I saw the pies for the different nationalities that had logged in at SL during 2009 ( https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2009/11/02/the-second-life-economy--third-quarter-2009-in-detail ). Any chance that this information will be displayed as well for 2010? Of course I am asking this as I need this information for my Tax purposes as the Dutch Tax Office will repay me the VAT paid in previous quarters of 2010 for all the users outside of Europe. But.... I need to be able to show them official figures from Linden Labs! Yours eternally grateful if you could make up this chart as well... Sascha Frangilli
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