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Rival Destiny

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Posts posted by Rival Destiny

  1. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you.  Do you hve password or not?  If you do not have password then I understand it will be impossible to change email addy via your acccount page.

    If you don't have password and email addy is no longer, then you need to file a ticket with LL who will  most likely require you to prove your ownership of this account via your rl info. If you did not provide accurate rl info when you set up the account, then it is most likely that you will be unable to access again.



  2. The point here is, that if you do not own the sim outright & pay tier to LL, then you will have to rent/lease from someone who does.  You are already entering a very competitive market & that requires funds to run and maintain.  Sub-leasing would require you to charge more than most others who own if you wish to see any profits.  Do you think your customers will want to pay more for your product than say one of the larger estates that provide many other perks as well?

    I am speaking from experience although it has been a year or so since I sold the marjority of my holdings.

    Still, if you have any questions or wish to chat further, feel free to IM me in world. 

    Cheers :)

  3. You may want to consider starting small & working your way up to reach your goal.  Rental biz is not an easy biz to launch unless you have the money to do so and your budget is far too low. In order to own a homestead, you must already own a full sim. Meanwhile, I'm sure you can see from the US pricing below that it is highly unlikely someone would subsdize your venture.  $L3800 per week is around L$16,466.67 per month and as you can see below, a Homestead is about L$31,250.00 per month in tier.


    Pricing for Homesteads is as follows:

    • Setup fee of $375
    • Monthly fee of $125

    You may consider working for an estate, get your feet wet & see what comes from that.

    Regardless, I wish you luck.


  4. Not sure if this is still an issue or not but ... if you are showing your sim in search, have an item for sale that has show in search checked, item is no mod, someone buys item.....they rez item on their sim which also is adv is search, your item will continue to show in search but for their sim & they cannot uncheck box as it is no mod.

    Nice I suppose for those that want to perpetually advertise their items but not so nice for the purchaser who may not be so tickled you are getting a tad bit of advertising on their dollar.



  5. Not sure if this is the answer, but could it be that each time you upload, the cost based on complexity of the model may vary slightly?


    quoted from link:  When you click Calculate weights & fee, Second Life calculates the download, physics and server weights of your model in order to determine its prim-equivalent cost and Linden dollar upload cost. The base Linden dollar cost to upload is L$10 plus L$10 for each texture applied to the model, and an additional cost based on the complexity of the model.

    Also see:  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Calculating-prim-equivalent-weight/ta-p/974163

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