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Tolya Ugajin

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Posts posted by Tolya Ugajin

  1. What kind of place do you have that attracts so many griefers?  I see these "We need a griefer banning tool" complaints on several posts, yet I hardly run into any griefers inworld, have only had to ban maybe 4 in 2 years, and frankly most of the griefing I have run into at clubs and other venues is being done not by guests, but by people who work there.

    Just curious.

  2. It takes, what, 15 seconds to ban a griefer?  Is that so hard?

    Besides, an IP ban is not going to work as slick as you think.  I might log on from 20+ IP different addresses some months.  Then, assuming you ever travel and log in from a hotel, might log in after me and find, oops, you can't get into your own land.

  3. Ima Rang wrote:

    Tolya Ugajin wrote:

    Hey, no being helpful!  This is the Forum, not SLA!

    Tolya (is surprised that between his advanced dementia and heavy consumption of drugs in his youth and drinking in his old age that he even remembers...what was I talking about again?)

    You were just saying that Charlie Sheen is a Weiner!  I mean....Winner!  and you were proud to have him under you

    Sooooo my new sig should be "Charlie Sheen is my bitch?"

  4. I miss the old Forums as well.  Following the lure of Ima's bounteous breasts, I see a comment that there is now a GD forum?  That would be cool.  I could even live with immoderate moderation.  But this software makes my eyes hurt.

    This was actually my first internet forum/blog/whatever thingy.  I tried SLU for a bit after they switched software.  It sucked less to use, but the people there seemed to have a SERIOUS "forum elite" issue and seemed to lack the intelligent dialog we had here.  Lately I have been on Huffington Post as, apparently, the only rational Conservative able to string together two sentences.  I have to say, despite how nasty we sometimes got in the old Forum, on the whole we were better behaved and far more eloquent a bunch than anywhere else I have found.

    Well, for Ima's sake, I have now violated my vow to never participate on this forum unless I was so bored that the next least painful thing to do was catheterize myself with broken glass, and I am not currently that bored.  So, assuming I have now met Ima's craving for a bit of Tolya, I'll bid you all adieu and feel free to stop by and say hi inworld.

    Tolya (wonders how to change his sig line, since Charlie Sheen has lost his humour value)

  5. You have it backwards - if I am posting here, I may be so bored that I do indeed have, well, you get the picture.

    Amazing that my post is still here whereas my less graphic new thread asking people for suggestions for best body parts was quietly removed.  Just one more reason to "veni, vidi, exit".


    Lizard Howl wrote:


    The real issue from the stand point of someone (like me or you) who wants to get Homesteads and sublease them for profit, is the large number of Homestead sims on the map at the $95 per month rate.

    This is keeping the market pricing for Homesteads so low that it is very difficult to compete if you have to buy a new one.



    It (and the same applies to full sims as well) also protects the existing major land owners from new competition, hence preserving the stability of LL's short-term cash flow at the expense of broadening its user base and promoting their own long-term viability, as new users who wish to get into the land game either fail and assume it's because SL "sucks" and "you cannot make money here", and so leave, or they do a little research ahead of time and realize the deck is already stacked against them, so why bother to try, and so leave.  It's very difficult to enter a market which is essentially a commodity with infinite supply, yet you start with greater than a 30%-50% cost disadvantage.

    And LL insists it does so much to attract and retain new residents - PUH-LEAZE!

  7. I concur.  I come on here now only when the next most interesting entertainment option currently available to me is catheterizing myself with the sharp, jagged end of a broken glass test tube.  Navigation is a pain and frankly after an hour prowling through it tonight, I have found nothing really interesting at all.

    I do find it hilarious that with all their silly little "topics" the one with by far the most threads and posts is.... the off-topic topic.

  8. When one has a nice full sim (which you need to own to have a homestead) but want to have a bit more open space with no need for a ton of prims - say for a beach.

    When one wants to rent quiet residential space out.

    When one wants a private space but does not have $1000 to buy a new full region and is too ignorant to buy a "used" sim

    There are three.

    The real hoax is people "selling" full sims when they are just renting them out.  It's not even a hoax, it is outright fraud exploiting new and ignorant people who assume they "own" the sim.  Yet LL does nothing about it because, garsh, that would piss off the real "target market" of LL, which is major land owners who rent out land to others.

  9. I'm sure you've received lots of "stupid idea!" (not to mention, "who taught you to speak English?") feedback, but I'd point out that I have been deliberately provacotive to Lindens and never even received a temporary suspension.  So, I find it hard to believe there are more than a handful of truly innocent avatars permabanned.  And for those few who are - them's the breaks, set up a new account and off you go.  Better yet, have a backup account with full edit rights so you can get a bunch of your stuff back if it's left out inworld after the ban.

  10. The new Forum format, (specifically, the incredible pain in the ass to go through a thread and the lack of recent posts on my dashboard and the crushingly repressive "thou shalt only talk about SL!" mentality) has made it so unappealing that I only come on when I am excruciatingly bored in an airport and the only other thing to do is lacerate my flesh with rusty objects, which are hard to come across once you are through security.

    Hmmm, maybe smashing my head on the corner of this mini-cubicle in the lounge would be more entertaining than working my way further through this "forum".  Lord knows it cannot be much less entertaining than this is.

    I feel disconnected from folks I regularly interacted with here previously, whom I miss a lot, and that has indeed undermined my engagement with SL as a whole.  Now, I pretty much stick to my own little world there in SL, rather than meeting people here and thereby finding new friends and places to explore.

    This disconnect is well demonstrated by the fact that it took 5 days for me to reply to you, Ima, and you're one of a dozen or so whose names I would routinely see on my dashboard and say, "hmmm what's Ima got to say on that?"

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