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Tolya Ugajin

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Posts posted by Tolya Ugajin

  1. 3 hours ago, Peryda said:

    Some stuff

    I don't mean to be a douche, but, seriously, c'est la 2nd vie.  It obviously wasn't important enough to enough people who were willing to subsidize it through donations.  If you want it to stay around so badly, then finance them.  LL is not a charity and do not exist to guarantee access to your own personal favorite spot.

    Oh, and this IS the internet.  Threatening to cancel your accounts and other such nonsense will generally only get you replies such as this:  image.png.fbea02a45020fa3aa31c6cb4b0d7e0b6.png

    Edited take out an extra word that my proofreading missed, lest the OP turn into...image.thumb.png.45a729afeed120bf5de26d675567a8ce.png

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  2. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I've taken a screenshot of this.

    I think you're missing half of what I've been saying. What makes Bellisseria exciting and new isn't the nice homes -- although they are nice. It's the actual communities that have developed there. There are regular events: beach parties, live music, and a great deal else. There are external web sites that have been built by Bellisserian residents to list and promote these. They've produced navigation HUDs and interactive maps showing travel routes and rez zones throughout the continent, and have just added an airfield, because they want to encourage people to travel around the community. (And they do!)

    I don't even have a home in Bellisseria, and I go there! Why? Because it's the closest I've found to a community-oriented place in SL in probably 8 years.

    I'm totally with you, in terms of the urban flavour that I prefer. But Bellisseria already has many of these things. And it is working.

    Do some exploring there, Tolya! Seriously. You'll be surprised.

    Tried finding it in search.  As best I can tell, it's under water, so, yep, was rather surprised 😛


  3. 11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Then, respectfully (sort of), if you aren't willing to invest the time and effort into sustaining, yet alone building, communities, you're not in a position to whine that others aren't.

    Pointing out a problem and identifying the underlying causes is not "whining", and I certainly haven't "whined" that others aren't sustaining or building communities I like.  I completely understand why people get burned out on it, having been there myself. 

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Oh pish posh.

    Ok, so you don't like suburbia. Neither do I, which is why these communities haven't yet enticed me into premium.

    But there are lots of people who do, and their taste and preferences are every bit as important and valid as yours or mine. And these are definitely superior suburbs: there's nothing "cookie-cutter" about these neighbourhoods. They are vastly more varied, spacious, and well-designed than the RL subdivisions being churned out nowadays. And real communities have developed in Bellisseria. Stop being contemptuous of other people's social and aesthetic aspirations!

    What would you prefer to see? What kind of community do you want to live in? Instead of deriding the preferences of others, give us some idea of alternatives!

    Scylla, you should know me better by now.  I wouldn't live in a Linden home simply because I am too much of an elitist snob.  The houses I prefer to live in take 1/4 sim - just for the house.

    I'll take your word for it and stipulate, based purely on your recommendation, that Linden homes are fine for someone who cannot afford better or is just looking for a place to log in and rez things.  But, you're focusing on the HOME, and not the COMMUNITY.  Nice homes do not make a nice community.  My original point was that if the OP wants a nice neighborhood with a nice community feel, they should seek out the sort of place with the sorts of people and events and so forth that they enjoy, and look for a rental THERE.  You know, like finding a nice urban neighborhood downtown near a great coffee shop, a terrific book store, and a few trendy clubs, and convenient for getting to work, and then taking an apartment near the park that is in your price range, rather than just going with the easy answer of "just go premium".

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  5. 1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Also, there seem to be a few responses suggesting that SL has gotten kinkier than it used to be. Maybe it's just my own interests evolved, and of course YMMV, but I see way (way) less Adult content than I used to, even on Adult regions. (On the other hand, maybe somebody should explain AFK sex places, assuming they're still a thing. They seemed too pointless to understand, but they were kinda common for a while I guess.)

    Actually in some respects it seems less kinky.  For instance, I hardly ever stumble across Dolcett/Snuff/Vore themed places, or vampire/BDSM crossover places (although, alas, somehow the top search result for "erotic art" is dedicated to dead women.  Nice job with that search engine, LL...)

    AFK sex places are definitely still a thing - although one really must wonder why.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Hmmph. Millennials. amirite? They ruin everything!

    Maybe this suggests that there is some work you should be getting to in-world?

    Or, of course, you can just sit on your rocker on your front porch, shaking your bullwhip angrily at all the entitled youngsters who've wrecked things . . .

    I'm confused.  I didn't say anything about millennials.  I would assume millennials are not all that attracted to SL, as most of the people I meet are in their 30's-70's.  Let's face it, since they're leaving fakebook in droves, it's unlikely they are going to come to SL in numbers great enough to "wreck" things, and I can't imagine people who literally grew up with easy access to free porn on the internet would be all that engrossed by parking an avatar on a poseball and schtupping an AFK pixel prostitute.  SL might as well be MySpace as far as most millennials are concerned.

    Besides, communities die when the people move away or cease to care, not because new people move in.  This is especially true when it comes to SL, where you can very easily keep out anyone and everyone you don't want in, so new people are unable to wreck it as long as current members are minimally invested.  As far as creating communities in SL, been there, done that, already wore out the t-shirts.  I, like many of the people I knew in the old days who made such places vital, simply got burned out and/or too invested in RL to have the time or energy to devote to SL.

    But, I do have a great "you kids get off my lawn!" gesture.  I play it every time I see one of my neighbors cutting through the grass 😛

  7. You may be better off finding a more general place that caters to your tastes rather than going premium to get a "free" home, where your neighbors will just be randomly assigned people and their houses just cookie cutter homes like low-end subdivisions in RL.  Many private sims focused on a specific theme offer rental homes, which obviously means your neighbors are more likely to be into the sorts of things you are, which is a better basis for relationships than just being suckered into premium for the free house.  Plus, you'll generally have a lot more options of what you want to do with your home.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

    Somehow lesbians must want to have sex with well-endowed black men, too.


    I noticed that as well - although apparently it's well-endowed black shemales based on what came up in search ;)

    I wonder if it's just that the SL search engine sucks even more than it did 10 years ago.

    Or maybe it's just that too many serious people have left SL and it's now mainly people pounding their puds to pixel porking porn.

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  9. In 2009, if you searched "BDSM" you got actual BDSM places, some of them just themed dance clubs, some mostly for sex hookups, but quite a few serious communities based on mutual respect, learning, and relationships.  Now, 6 of the top 10 search results are AFK sex places, and not one seems to be a serious "community" oriented place.  I don't remember that even being a thing back then.

    Yeah, SL's progress has been the same sort of progress you see in  "Idiocracy".


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  10. 32 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I'm just now inching upon the points equalling my posts. I know you don't care about the points any more than I do, but you have to admit that discrepancy looks a little weird, yeah? Like you I had next to zilch when I returned. It's like I needed a disclaimer: No, really, my posts came from years ago! I'm not being shunned with no points!

    Or maybe that's just me?

    :::mopes off muttering "stupid point system":::

    Yep weird that it imported posts from the old Forums


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  11. 2 minutes ago, Storm Clarence said:

    If one posts something kind it is now considered brown-nosing? Cool.    

    Envy anyone? 


    PS I never expected my nose to land there . . . Cool again.

    Pffft brown nosing is a fine art and a noble calling.

    How do you think most people in business make it to executive row?  Brown nosing and mutual masturbation.

    Just razzing you, Storm, didn't mean it as a slam.

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  12. 14 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Dernit. This is why She wins the Internet and I do not. I just showed up again, plop. No fanfare. She had a plan! She gathered Important Points! :::sniffs::: I have no ambition...

    Well, look at it this way, at least you don't have 10 times more posts than points, like I do, so, you're like around 10 times more than me!


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