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Tolya Ugajin

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Posts posted by Tolya Ugajin

  1. Well, on 3/9 we've had:

    1959:  Barbie makes her debut, thus setting physically impossible standards of "beauty" for girls for generations to come.  Excellent timing for March is Women's History month, eh?

    1918:  Russian Communist Party founded (previously known as the Bolshevik party)

    1841:  Amistad ruling in the US (you'll need to Google, would take too long to explain this historic ruling)

    1945:  America firebombs Tokyo, killing 100,000, more than the official death toll of either atomic bomb attack on Japan.

    1995:  Notorious B.I.G. murdered in LA.

    1916:  Germany declares war on Portugal.  Because, you know, the Germans needed more people to fight than the Russians, French, and British...

  2. 5 hours ago, animats said:


    • Strawberry: Adult side ignored by marketing/PR. "Scary" says marketing guy. Google, Facebook, etc. have guidelines with extreme limitations. Restricted by mainstream marketing channels. At risk of ability to advertise on mainstream channels. "Romance" campaigns do very well.

    Considering that every video on PornHub starts with an advert for an online sex game, perhaps they should try advertising there...

  3. 4 hours ago, rasterscan said:

    Looking after new users

    I am told SL still gets up to 3000 new sign ups every month. If this is true, and SL20B and beyond is to be a reality, LL simply must, imho, address how it treats new users. They need to 'land' in newer and safer places just for a start. Over to you, experts ....

    So there are 3,000 alt accounts created monthly - I would have expected more, TBH.

    If it wants to treat new users better, it needs the viewer to be better and self-optimizing.  Not much else will matter, because a new user is going to find SL cartoonish and silly.

    • Like 2
  4. When I was a wee boy of college years (wee because I weighed half what I do now) some buddies and I were walking down State Street (the hip place for college kids in Madison) when one said to another, "I bet that's the last thing you expected to see tonight."  To which the quiet yet thoughtful lad replied, "No the last thing I expected to see was an elephant in a pink leather tutu."  We almost peed ourselves laughing, and spent the rest of the night in drunken attempts to top that.

    Ahhh, youth.

    Since that night I've delighted in combining various things into bizarre, absurd verbal images that, well, make people think I'm constantly on drugs.  To whit, a short while ago, on another thread (Storm's Crazy Dreams thread), I posted the following:

    "I once had a dream where hobbits were being shot out of catapults at the walls of Mordor to knock them down so dancing Dwarves in tights could invade and have sex with pink Orcs while the Elves played music on harps and horns and such.

    Since that night, 30 years ago, I have never combined reading an entire book of the LotR trilogy in one night while binging on Taco Bell with dropping acid.

    I can still hear the hobbits singing Beethoven's 9th as they splat on the walls..."

    In an attempt to recapture the juvenile fun of those halcyon days of yore, I invite you all to share your ridiculous word pictures with us, your humble audience, while we use emojis to rate your efforts.  Extra points for making them SL-related.  Have fun and, please, if anyone decides to incorporate political or similar motifs into their images (a cheeto with a bad toupee, perhaps) please take it in fun.

    • Like 3
  5. I once had a dream where hobbits were being shot out of catapults at the walls of Mordor to knock them down so dancing Dwarves in tights could invade and have sex with pink Orcs while the Elves played music on harps and horns and such.

    Since that night, 30 years ago, I have never combined reading an entire book of the LotR trilogy in one night while binging on Taco Bell with dropping acid.

    I can still hear the hobbits singing Beethoven's 9th as they splat on the walls...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  6. 4 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I thought this thread got the lock. 

    No most people just thought it was a stupid thread and ignored it until it died by inanition (which apparently spell check doesn't recognize as a word).  Then someone necroposted it and now no doubt we'll get a new flurry of inanity.  Lucky us - it's the zombiepostapocalypse.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. Slight derail: my sim is always built in levels, and I use flat grass textured prims for each level and then build on that.  Since I'm lazy, does anyone know where to find sim-sized landscapes that can just be rezzed instead?  Sort of like the inside to a sim-surround.  Kind of a "sim-in-a-box" but without a ton of landscaping - I can add trees, paths, etc. just fine on my own (or, more accurately, have my wife do it, since she's far better at it).

  8. There are quite a few such places.  I recently stumbled across a "Gay Gor" place (obviously not "By The Book") and there are a number of Male Dom/male sub BDSM places.  Just use search inworld, should be able to find plenty, even if BDSM and Gor aren't your thing. 

  9. It seems to me the addiction is yours.  You said you moved on - why do you continue to care?  And what sort of addiction would be fed in creating a ton of new accounts just to leave them sitting around inactive?  Only thing I can think of is it's a griefer farm - making a bunch of throwaway alts and aging them.  In any event, it's not your problem and, other than IMing the guy and say, "Yo, Dude, what's up" you'll never really know.

    • Like 2
  10. 38 minutes ago, Chaser Zaks said:

    Oh no! Someone bumped my avatar, what ever shall I do!? Oh, I know, I'll do nothing because it is just light illuminating pixels that are determined by mathematical equations used to determine vertex positions which are simulated by physic.

    I never understood getting upset over getting bumped. I get bumped all the time.

    Image result for fist bump meme

  11. 1 hour ago, JPG0809 said:

    True, but aren’t the region owners putting the heavy objects into the grid in the first place?

    Yes but that's the point.  Actually, there are a couple:

    1:  It's not impacting "the grid".  I can make my sim so laggy that the Kray 89,000 superduper computer on a dedicated T42 line won't run it well - it won't impact any place but MY sim.

    2:  As someone pointed out in an earlier reply to me, it's not just the objects that are the problem.  Even setting aside all the issues with the user's computer, ISP, etc., it's the totality of the objects and scripts on my sim - as well as how the sim itself is set up - that matters.  If my sim has 30,000 one prim simple boxes all different colors and sizes and random effects, all right on top of each others and each loaded with scripts, it's gonna suck to be there.  Whereas I can have quite a few "heavy objects" on it and mitigate the effects by designing the sim correctly.  What I put on there, and how, is my choice.  Rather than limiting my choices by limiting what creators can do.  If people don't like the operation of my sim, they are free to choose to go elsewhere. 

    • Like 1
  12. 56 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    You mean we weren't stacking on purpose and for the fun of it? 



    Joke is on me.

    My friends and I managed to stack ourselves 6 high once by TPing on top of each other - it's amazing how something like that can be so amusing.

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