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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie, Lia, Dee and all! /me hugs you. Yup, count me in for breakfast Hippie! Morning Val! HEHEHEH! Love that frog! He is hanging on for dear life! Thanks for the smile! Peace!
  2. Lia Abbot wrote: Hey Hippie, I was on your site tonight. I must have missed you but a lovely guy called Chazlo took me up in his spaceship and we danced together in th space station. Cool evening, but I missed you. Oh you meet Chaz! Great! HEHE! He is my right hand man at the spaceport. I hope he was a gentleman, and behaved himself! LOL! Sorry I missed you. And oh yeah! Good morning! Peace!
  3. JoJo Moeleneaux wrote: Hi Hippie, I missed the last one too but I'd love to come if I'm not working or asleep (I'm on Australia time). I'm sure my friend TC would love to come too. Could you pencil us both in please? Far out JoJo! Hope to see you both there! Peace!
  4. Anita61 Anatine wrote: Hey Hippie, Sounds like great fun to me, if I'm awake (I'm in Europe) I'ld love to be there! Hugs, Anita Far out Anita! It will be fun for sure! Peace!
  5. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I missed the first one due to work. Thanks for considering a longer time period, Hippie. That means there is a better chance I can get to it. Pencil me in! Cinn You got it Cinn! Consider yourself penciled! Groovy! Peace!
  6. Argus Collingwood wrote: Grid Willing the family will be there with beads on. Let me ask Songbird Sorbet if she would like to do her 60's set. She'll be doing it at our club August 2nd in case anyone wants to sample HippieStock early;-) Thanks Argus! Would you ask Songbird? Let me know when she will be at your club. I would love to attend to hear Songbird! Far out! Peace!
  7. Oh sorry to hear that Perrie! I would hope you change your mind. Peace!
  8. Melita Magic wrote: Sure I'll try one! Why not! I'll stop in and pet your meeroos by way of thanks. Cool Melita! I will send you one tonight! Read the instructions, and you are welcome to fly it on my sim also! The ship is quite large! BTW. Lady forgot to drop one of her Meeroos. She logged, and relogged after 3 or 4 days! She killed it! She was so upset! Sigh. Peace!
  9. Ganelon Darkfold wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi Ganelon! I will send you one tonight after work! Sorry did not get it out to you this weekend, but was busy in RL! Sigh! The ship comes with instructions, so read that too! Far out! Peace! Oh my! So sorry Ganelon. I completely forgot to send you one last night. I will send tonight! Peace! No worries. That it has instructions was one of the things that got my attention. I've tried some of the free spaceships that didn't have instrructions and.. well.. I got some of them to move, but not very well. I've never done much with vehicles on SL yet. I am, however, a bit of a freak for spaceship and airplane simulators in general. They're just great fun for sightseeing. Oh good! Yes! Instructions are good! I am a space head myself. I must say this ship is a good one, with many features. I am sure you will enjoy it. If you need a place to fly it, come to my spaceport. Do a search for Lagrange Point! Far out! Peace!
  10. Jarrod1 wrote: Wow thanks for the replies and yes I will be contacting you guys sorry I have not done so yet been busy, but I will and again thanks Way to go Jarrod! Far out! Peace!
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: I would rather say hello to you here than there. I am sure you understand. I was seeking to 'play' with Nina because of her post here yesterday. Good morning Hippie. Peace. LOL Storm! Yes. I understand completely! HEHE! Good morning to ya my friend! Peace!
  12. "No" says Phil. "But I do have some pie! Would you like some?" "Yes" I said, and Phil ducked into the house and came out again with a freshly baked blueberry pie! "I don't have a fork for you to use so you will have to..."
  13. So sad indeed Dee. :mansad: We will never know what the victims could have contributed to society. One of them could have had an answer for instance, for the cure to cancer! Sigh! What a waste! Peace!
  14. Still looking for DJ's or live entertainers for Hippiestock II in January! Post here if interested! If you don't know what Hippiestock is, check out some of these links! Far out! http://alphavilleherald.com/2011/02/hippiestock-and-the-sense-of-community.html http://community.secondlife.com/t5/media/v1/gallerypage/user-id/152457/image-id/20047i27B8EEF43A94053F http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussions/The-HippieStock-11-Happening/td-p/514841 http://hippiebowman.blogspot.com/2011/03/hippiestock-2011.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/zoidyn/5366338570/ Peace!
  15. I found another one! And it just made the destination Guide! It is the 1920s Berlin Project. This is a work by Jo Yardly! So nice! A must see! Here is a link to the page in the destination guide! http://secondlife.com/destination/1828. Far out! Peace!
  16. ..missle launched at the saucer. I bank the saucer hard to port, and the missle just misses the saucer. But alas, the strain on the engines is too great. The saucer starts to loose altitude, and begins to plummet from space. Looks like there is going to be a rough landing ahead. The ground is coming up fast, so I apply remaining power to thrusters, in the hopes it will be enough to cushion the rough landing ahead. 100 meters, 50 meters, 20 meters, CRASH! The saucer comes to rest in a lawn in front of a house. I un-strap, and look out. The front door of the house opens and out walks Philip Linden holding a.......
  17. Any more Arggggg's out there! Your post is welcome! Peace! 
  18. Anyone else miss Unklebob, and the old GD forum posters! Peace! 
  19. Any more pictures or videos or storys of the Real you in Second Life? Your post is welcome! Peace! 
  20. Anymore creations that you talanted people would like to show off? Your post is welcome! Peace! 
  21. Any more volunteers out there! Your post is welcome! Peace!
  22. Any more funny moments out there! Post here to share! Far out! Peace!
  23. Would anyone else like one of these space RV's? Post here if you want one! Far out! Peace!
  24. Deannah Dinzel wrote: Deannah Dinzel I've been in SL for quite sometime, I've got a few friends, but they tend to get busy often. I'd like to have a best friend, preferably another girl. I've got a RL & SL man, same person so I'm not pursuing a relationship, but hey I'll be your sidekick, wing-girl, whatevers. I'm a Gesture Maker and own my own store, plus I do some hosting at Dirty Secrets. I really want to hear from you! Requirements: - 1 year or more of SL experience. - Lots of free time! - Male or Female [ strictly platonic ] - Human Avi <3333 Deannah Dinzel Hi Deannah! I would love to be your friend! Look me up in world if you wish! Far out! Peace!
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