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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning! Last day of vacation today and I face Monday tomorrow. Ugh! I just know that this Monday will not be as glorious as the last two. However, I will be at breakfast this morning at the forum cartel hangout at 8 am. GoSpeed is your DJ and breakfast guru! Maureen is your host. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/217/33/27 Hope to see you! Peace!
  2. Good morning! Happy Thursday! 3 more days and I go back to work. I have a feeling that this coming Monday will not be as glorious as the last two Mondays! Peace!
  3. Good morning! What a glorious Monday it is! (Still on vacation) Peace!
  4. Happy Saturday everyone! Here is some pictures and a short video of our trip to the Smokey Mountains and to Thomasville Georgia! Enjoy! Maddy this may interest you. Notice the very small sliver of open air I launched and landed my drone in. It was a bit scary! Peace!
  5. Happy Friday! We are on our final leg of vacation to the Smokey Mountains and Thomasville Georgia. We are in Thomasville now, a 3 hour drive from home. The mountains were and still are wonderful. Fresh clean air and cool nights. It was just fantastic. I go home now with a week left of vacation. Work around the house and lounge around. Here are some more Smokey Mountains pictures. I also have a short 3 minute drone video that i need to process when I get home. Enjoy your weekend everyone. And a glorious Monday ahead! Peace!
  6. Me too but it won't happen where i live in Florida. I can dream though. Wow Maddy! That a lot of CO2. Plenty left over to put out fires though. She must walk like me in SL. Too hot for coffee?? Blasphemy! ? Easy Maddy! We have tried to help maddy with her pyromania to no avail. It's just Maddy's way. Peace!
  7. Outhouses were still popular into the late 20’s, early 30’s in average towns. It was best to do your business away from the house, was the mindset of the time. It was a place you could be alone in your most private moments. It also kept the odor of those 'private moments ' away from the house. There were still a few of them left in town where I hail from into the late 30's even though indoor plumbing was available. Peace!
  8. My mess is a place. Everything is obeying the laws of horizontal spaces. Peace!
  9. Good morning all! Happy Monday! Yes happy Monday! And what a glorious Monday it is! The Bowman's are firmly encounced in the smokey mountains enjoying some down time. Lots of pictures later! Have a great week! Peace!
  10. Good morning! Happy Thursday! This week is dragging for me. Heading for Tennessee to the smoky mountain's this weekend for 2 weeks! Come on weekend! Peace!
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