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Jenni Darkwatch

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Posts posted by Jenni Darkwatch

  1. That kind of connection issue is typically some form of Internet connection issue. Obviously you can pull up webpages and post here, so at least the physical connection is working.

    One very common issue are "Personal Firewalls" or "Internet Security Suites". Basically, SL needs incoming and outgoing connections to work on specific ports. Here is some official Linden Lab documentation on that topic; http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Firewall_Configuration

    Depending on your operating system you may have a Firewall as well.

    More rare are hardware Firewalls, at least in a home environment. Universities and schools often have them. If you connect to the Internet through any third party like that, verify that they're not blocking SL. Since SL is a traffic hogging pig some places do block it. If you do connect through a home router like the common Linksys/Cisco/Netgear routers you should be fine.

    Then there is parental control software. I'd bet against that, just wanted to mention it.

    There's a few other things that could be wrong, though these probably cover the basics.

    If you do have any software firewalls/security suites, try turning them off and see if SL connects. If it does, you know where to look. Just remember to turn the software back on after the test. Most software suites allow you to allow specific programs full access, but you'll likely have to re-enter the exception every time SL has a software update.

  2. Stimmt. Nazidreck gibts in SL uebrigens durchaus. Fakt ist, wenn's dir nicht gefaellt kannst du dich einerseits bei LL beschweren - oder SL den Ruecken kehren. Solange es nicht gegen TOS ist, faellt es unter Meinungsfreiheit.

    Kannst ja eine Sim fuer erneuerbare Energien aufmachen, wenn's die nicht eh schon gibt.

  3. Trust for me means that I am reasonably certain I will not get harmed intentionally. It's also very much a continuum for me. In RL, I'd trust differently and on different criteria than in SL.

    Truth on the other hand has nothing to do with trust. By default I don't believe anything is true, unless I can verify it myself. That does not imply the belief everyone is lying - it just means I take things at face value. If I care enough, I'll verify. Even if I trust someone implicitly, I'd still not take anything they say as truth. Even what _I_ believe to be the truth may, in the future, be invalidated and become untrue.

    Applied to SL, it's simple: I take everyone at face value. And I trust to some degree, more or less trusting my intuition.

  4. @Void: Sure, server issues are on LLs head, if they happen while using LLs official viewer. If they happen with a TPV... sorry, not LLs problem. Therefore, simple rule: If one has problems, try it with the official LL viewer and see if it can be reproduced. Often it can, I think, but sometimes it cannot.

  5. No one is implying that your computer is bad... though I've seen a few "awesome" computers that would even make grandma yawn. There's many factors influencing how well SL runs, or how badly it runs. For me, it runs smooth. No rez problems, no crashing, no major problems.

    Sorry it's not working well for you, but it's not everyone who's having problems. Not even close.

  6. Pre-built PCs will work, though you're going to pay more. Your best bet would probably be to go to a locally-owned computer store and have them put one together for you. If at all possible, try to get opinions from local geeks on where to go - too many bad apples in the industry.

    Typically, most pre-built PCs from brand name manufacturers lack the high-end graphics card SL pretty much needs. There are some that offer "Gaming Rigs" but they charge an arm, leg and first born child for it.

  7. A few things:

    1. The default bandwidth setting is total bull**bleep**. In Preferences, go to Setup, then raise the bandwidth to ~2000kbps. SL's servers don't seem to go higher than that anyway.

    2. Render distance makes a HUGE difference in how fast things load. I typically keep mine at 64m, but in busy venues I often go as low as 32m until everything's loaded, then raise it to 64m. With your laptop, 64m should work fine. 128m for scenic shots or in non-shopping sims. Large groups of avis will generally be problematic, regardless of viewer, setting or anything.

    3. While you're at it, raise cache size to 1GB - it'll help with places you frequently hang out at, though it makes no difference with any other place or with avis.

    There are third party viewers, which can be grouped into two categories: Version 1 based viewers and Version 2 based viewers. Typically, people are rabid about which one is better. Plenty of people threatening to leave SL whenever older viewers will be unable to connect. Always same **bleep**, different day. Using LLs viewer is the safe choice. Trusting a TPV is a lot like playing russian roulette, which may or may not be ok with you. The TPV directory is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory

    Which viewer works best for you? Only one way to know - try them out. Just make sure you do not share the cache directory between viewers... that's just asking for trouble.

  8. Well... I recently built a PC specifically for SL (purpose-built, runs nothing else) with the following specifications:

    AMD Phenom X4 920, 4GB RAM, nVidia 9800GT, Linux... price: US$200.

    If you want to actually get shadows and all the bells&whistles you'd probably want a beefier GPU, like the nVidia GTX460 1GB (NOT the 768MB... if price is an issue go with the 1GB SE instead). CPU matters relatively little, though it does run marginally better on Intel chipsets.

    Number of cores, as I found out, is largely irrelevant as SL is still not terribly multi-threaded. I myself run it, right now, on an older Intel C2D E8400 with 4GB and a stock nVidia GTX460 1GB (which does, btw., overclock fairly well), with shadows enabled most of the time except in very busy venues. In that case, SL is CPU-bound.

    However, even on the AMD with the ancient 9800GT it can handle shadows, as long as there's no big crowd around and not too much scenery.

    Your internet connection is unlikely to be the cause of lag btw, the SL servers rarely push more than about 1500kbit/sec. I've seen it higher, but for an internet connection these days... 1500kbit/s is dog slow. Watch out for traffic limits though - SL eats traffic like popcorn.

  9. So einfach geht das nicht. Haare sind (meist) normale flexiprims, die kannst du in SL erstellen. Maya hilft dir da nix. Die besseren Haare sind auch meist sehr primmig, so 100+ prims sind da voellig normal. Das geht dann schon meist per Hand und dauert auch so seine Zeit.

  10. Ob AKWs nun sicher sind oder nicht ist, meiner Meinung nach, debattierbar. Betriebssicherheit ist ein Faktor, aber auch die Frage der Folgen bei einem Unfall. Ebenso natuerlich die nach wie vor voellig ungeloeste Frage wohin mit dem Schrott - nicht nur die Brennstaebe, auch alte AKWs muessen irgendwann mal entsorgt werden. Derzeit ist die Planung einfach die Bauruinen da stehen zu lassen wo sie halt grad sind.

    Das heisst nun nicht dass man Forschung an besserem, sicheren Atomstrom einstellen sollte, ganz im Gegenteil. Die Technik muss allerdings meiner Meinung nach erstmal ausreifen. Dasselbe gilt fuer Wind/Wasser/Solarenergie, auch wenn dort die Fortschritte endlich mal den Punkt absehen lassen wo's dann auch praktikabel ist. Siehe die juengsten Fortschritte bei der Speicherung grosser Energiemengen mittels kinetischer Speicher (Umgeruestete Staudaemme, alte Bergwerke) oder auch nicht-kinetische Hitzespeicher. Wobei ich da (kuenstliche) Staudaemme alles andere als sicher empfinde.

    Der Witz an der Sache ist, dass das alles schon durchaus praktikabel ist. Wir haben schon seit fast zehn Jahren keinen Stromanschluss am Haus mehr. Man muss nur wollen. Und das, genau das, ist das Problem der Politik, der Industrie und leider auch der Bevoelkerung - da will keiner.

  11. v2 render pipeline can do that (easily), v1 render pipeline can't. Or put differently, Phoenix probably can't - I doubt they backported it. Below is a capture with dynamic, projected shadows. The orange glowy circle has a light source above it that projects downward. You can see the shadows on the back of my avi and on the ground. Since the circle is animated, the shadow below is also animated.

    The catch? It requires projector support, and it requires a halfway up-to-date computer.

    Projected Shadows.jpeg

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