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Jenni Darkwatch

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Posts posted by Jenni Darkwatch

  1. I vaguely recall the OSP.

    Btw, I've found a relatively simple solution for myself. Triples' HUD gave me an idea, and a quick test shows that it's fairly well possible to create nautical maps on the fly and load them in very high detail onto a Media-on-a-Prim HUD. Granted, requires a new viewer, but that's none of my concern.

  2. Storm Clarence wrote:

    You do the same thing, adjust your contribution upward by 10% .  If you see a small parcel 4sale
    on the same sim
    you can pruchase, donate, and use for the prims (it does not have to be contiguous.)  

    I would also suggest that you read the wiki's on land buying and selling and how groups are applied.  

    Edited for emphasis :) In other words, all the parcels you own on one sim share the same prim pool. Two parcels on two different sims do not.

    Also, if you DO deed land to the group, beware that you set membership rights properly, especially so far as group liabilities and land edit/sale abilities are concerned... putting everyone in the owner role is a bad idea for example :)

  3. True, it'd have to be sensible. There's no need to put up markers everywhere, but in some areas it's really nearly impossible to navigate without running into someones sim. Visual aids would greatly help there.

    As far as I know, the SLCG does ask land owners if they'd mind putting up buoys. They did ask me anyway. I did put up buoys steering people around a land owner that has fairly rudely blocked the 16m channel along the sim edge with prims overhanging her parcel.

  4. Exactly. Hence the nagging of people who simply cart around insane amounts of scripts. That scripts make a difference is something I've experienced quite a few times. I've been in venues where 40 people brought the sim to a screeching halt. And I've taught at a school where the rule was "no scripts" even back then. That school did occasionally have a full sim with 100 people - and (nearly) no lag.

  5. Rolig, my understanding is that scripts simply get throttled first... sure, it'll hurt other scripts (on the region) but I'd say in 99% of all cases that's fairly irrelevant, unless it's some game sim that requires responsive scripts.

    Edit: Whoops, that was supposed to be a reply to Roligs post...

  6. Sort of...


    It explains why at this point in time there's no way to accurately count script memory use.

    For me the bottom line is relatively simple: Some people are flat out sim memory hogs. I care little about script throttling, there's nothing on my land that needs to run realtime. There's zero reason to have 100+ scripts on an avi. All that shows is that some scripter has absolutely no clue what they're doing. For that, it's entirely irrelevant whether or not the scripts are running or stopped. They still consume sim memory.

    The good thing is also that peopl who DO carry around a lot of scripts do get penalized on region crossings (and teleports). Their scripts will get a fairly high delay until they continue operating on the new region. From a post by Kelly Linden:

    "Mono scripts are loaded more slowly. We now lazily load Mono scripts
    that are added to the region. If your object has a single script that
    script will load and start immediately. However, if you have
    100 scripts it will take about a second for all scripts to fully load
    and start. Technical Details: we start Mono scripts at a rate of up to 3 per
    simulator frame or a max of 135 per second. This spreads the simulator load out
    over time so that the simulator performance is not impacted when
    objects with lots of Mono scripts are added to the region"

  7. Easy to try: Get 50 people on a sim with all their regular scripted junk. Then do the same with 50 people who do not have a single script on them.

    Personally I'd be happy if land could be set to no-entry for people with high script memory use. Script count? Meh, not a problem.

    Btw, with the script init changes on sim crossings, people with high script count get punished by SL anyway.

  8. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    ps, I use V3.2.1 and the world map has always been like this for me for as long as I can remember. 

    I don't remember when it broke for me, it was quite a while ago. One of the recent betas fixed it. Right now I am on Second Life 3.2.2 (244666) and it works for me. That's the beta downloadable from the Viewer download page here: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ (a bit below the official downloads). With the current fairly rapid release cycle I'd guess the fix will be on the official viewer soon as well.

  9. There was, for a while, a problem that when enabling the parcels-for-sale checkbox, any sim which had parcels for sale would not display the land tile. The beta viewer has it fixed, though I don't know since when.

    The reason it only triggers when zooming in: Land-for-sale info doesn't show if you zoom out past some point.

  10. Ich wuerd' mal sagen am PC liegt's eher nicht :) Oft liegt es an veralteten Grafiktreibern, aber in deinem Fall gehe ich einfach mal davon aus dass du den eh mehr oder minder regelmaessig aktualisierst.

    Die Bandbreite in SL ist standardmaessig meist zu niedgrig eingestellt. Sorry fuer die Englischen Screenies. Bandbreite zuerstmal. STRG+P bringt dich zu den Einstellungen. Unter Setup fundest du die Bandbreite. Setz die so etwa auf 50-75% deiner maximalen Bandbreite. SL selbst benutzt eh nicht mehr als ca. 2500kbps, alles was mehr eingestellt ist bringt daher meist nix.


    Alst naechstes die Grafikeinstellungen. Ultra schaffen praktisch die wenigsten PCs, selbst gamer-PCs meist nicht. In deinem Fall z.B. ist Quad-Core praktisch wenig wert fuer SL, da SL zur Zeit multithreading kaum unterstuetzt. Um alle Einstellungen in der Grafiksektion zu sehen musst du den "Advanced" Button einschalten (keine Ahnung wie der auf Deutsch heisst). Ich habe mal hier meine Einstellungen dargestellt. Sinnvoll ist meines Erachtens nach bei deinem PC mit der "High" Grundeinstellung anzufangen. Lighting and Shadows erstmal abschalten (ich hab's meistens aktiv, ausser in sehr vollen Bereichen mit vielen Avataren) und die Draw Distance auf nicht mehr als 128m zu setzen.

    Draw Distance ist insofern wichtig als dass SL "stottert" waehrend die Texturen geladen werden. Weniger draw distance = schnelleres laden.


    Zu guter letzt etwas das ich selbst nicht beurteilen kann weil ich eine nVidia GraKa und ein anderes OS als du habe, aber es scheint oft zu helfen unter "Hardware" das Antialiasing und OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objekte abzuschalten. Wenn ich Vertex Buffer abschalte wirds grottenlangsam, aber im Forum hoert man immer wieder mal dass fuer manche Leute das Umgekehrte gilt: Mit VBO ist's bei denen grottenlahm.

    Als kleinen Nachtrag: Wenn du mehrere Monitore an deinem Rechner hast, probiere mal SL auf dem primaermonitor laufen zu lassen. Je nach GraKa Treiber macht das manchmal einen Unterschied.

    SL selbst hat diverse Tools um die Performance zu messen und eventuelle Probleme zu diagnostizieren. Fuer einige muss das Advanced-Menue aktiviert sein. Das geht mit STRG+ALT+D. Im Advanced-Menue under Performance-Tools gibt es einen Lag Meter. Schalte den mal ein und schau was der so sagt, wenn der denn was sagt.

    Ich hoffe das hilft dir erstmal weiter.

    SL performance ist aus diversen Gruenden nicht mit der performance eines normalen Computerspiels vergleichbar. In Computerspielen ist alles aufeinander abgestimmt und gut berechnet: Anzahl und groesse von Texturen, Geometriekomplexitaet pro Szene und so weiter und so fort. In SL ist alles was du siehst von uns, also den Spielern, kreiert. Leider oft ohne Hirn und Verstand. Da werden 1024x1024 Texturen auf mini-Objekte gelegt, oder auch viel zu viele unterschiedliche Texturen auf kleinem Raum verwendet. Speziell Avatare sind zumeist echte Lagmonster, mit hunderten Texturen und obszoen komplexer Geometrie. Trotz allem, 2-8 FPS ist deutlich zu niedrig fuer SL.

    Als Vergleich: Die Screenshots sind auf einem alten Intel C2D E8400 mit einer nVidia GTX 460, und ich kriege selbst mit Schatten aktiviert normalerweise 20-30 FPS. Ohne Schatten sinds ~40-80 FPS, selbst in sehr bevoelkerten Regionen.

    Viel Glueck und viel Spass in SL


  11. I realize that Lindens probably don't read this, but...

    would there be ANY chance that moles or the SL Coast Guard would be allowed to mark mainland waterways with some kind of not-too-intrusive marker? I mean these 16m wide channels that go around the edges of most mainland and through some mainland areas.

    It's tiresome to have to guess where the channel continues, for example the stretch through Lamella, Glamaig, Marsco.

    One can dream, right? :)

  12. I'd rather that LL develops functions like the LSL teleport function themselves. People who want to use RLV can very well use a TPV. RLV is simply too broadly intrusive, especially if newbies get talked into activating it and get a "gift" with a relay in it. That's alredy happening, though if newbs use TPVs without knowing what they do it's their own fault.

    A cleaner solution would be to provide a client-side plugin API or client-side scripting interface, which I believe has been asked for years ago. With current focus on stability and bugfixing I doubt that'll happen either.

  13. See, I'm just the opposite. When exploring/socializing (haha, good one) I much prefer to have a very minimal UI. Sidebar could be configurable, and I don't know why they didn't. Some skins/TPVs allowed this on the v2 UI for a while. Unlike you, I do use the address bar all the time... it's faster for me than clicking through the places/landmarks floater. The point being - options are good, as you said.

    In my opinion, the biggest flaw in the UI is that there's still too much wasted space. It got better, but there's still plenty of room for improvement. Especially when it comes to the layout of some floaters and positioning of some elements. For example the icons. They cannot be aligned left or right. Or the chat floaters. It's possible to tab the group chat/IM floaters, but local always stays separate. Why?

    Then there's something at least one TPV used to have which I thought was neat: Chat range indicators on the Mini-Map floater.

    It might be an idea to just put out a vote/call for features... it'd have to come from LL, and would have to be featured on the loading screen. That would of course mean TPV users wouldn't see it, but I'd say people who use TPVs will never use LLs viewer anyway.

  14. Strife Onizuka wrote:

    The function probably has some creator-land ownership requirement or simulator flag that must be enabled.

    Try using the function in the game sim?

    According to the wiki there are indeed some restrictions, but even when obeying them all it doesn't seem to work - not even inside the game sim. I did notice that the "entry" sim uses a different version than the rest of SL, and the game sim is a special simulator apparently.

    My guess is that the LSL wiki description is inaccurate and there are additional requirements for this to work. It compiles fine with that function, but that's it. No errors when triggering it, nothing to indicate just what it doesn't like.

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