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Scripter Coba

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Everything posted by Scripter Coba

  1. I don't know if it explains the behaviour, but NaN does indeed have a special behaviour http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=NaN
  2. Orange support phoned me today (after several email requests) They are going to supply me with a Seimens router. Let's see how that one goes.
  3. Thanks very much for your reply. This is a nightmare. I still have the router from my previous supplier (but I'm supposed to return it) and I must have dumped the router from the supplier before that. I'll play with the router i'm supposed to return. Whose fault is it then? Netgear or SL ??
  4. Thanks Darren ... I found the comments thing. I'd also found the neil robinson blog about DNS addresses but it didn't help. Orange won't let me cancel (without penalties) until after 30 days. I actually tried to cancel after 2 days, but they won't let me.
  5. Ok found how to reply now. It is indeed a DGN 1000 SP router. That's crazy that it won't stay connected. The second level support team in india fobbed me off with oh ... it takes 10 days for the line to stabilise ... I actually told them that was bull**bleep** !!! lol But They won't let me cancel till 30 days have elapsed. So it seems I have to wait
  6. I'm in the UK and just changed my broadband supplier to Orange. Now I get booted from SL after 2 mins every time. Any ideas? Is there some setting I don't know about? So at the moment, I just can't *play* ========================================================================= Oh dear. I am new at this and I can't see how to post to the thread. I saw the neil robinson thing about DNS addresses (i think) AND i can't believe this ... it is indeed a Netgear DGN 1000 SP router ... It won't stay connected ????!!!!! WHAT ????
  7. I think search should be fixed before they start bringing in new ways to get money from us. Also, I thought they would be working on new marketplace to iron out some of the annoyances plus adding new merchant features. It seems I thought wrong. So LL are introducing yet another half baked scheme before they fix any of the outstanding problems. I certainly won't be using it to advertise or to find products. I refuse to use viewer 2, so does that mean I can't use it any way? I am so sick of all the changes, I can't be bothered anyway. LL have tried so many *new* ways to make money and expand their business, and they all seemed to have failed. I would have thought they should return to what they are good at, and that is providing a first rate virtual world and should be promoting small and medium sized businesses, nurturing happy users, fixing problems which in turn would generate a healthy ecomomy. If this is not a viable business model, then they should just close it down, because I am pretty sure all the wacky expansion schemes they keep trying are NOT going to work. I have been an avid SL user for 3 and a half years, but I do have to say that the constant *We are exited to announce yet another hair brained scheme* is making me lose all enthusiasm. Something I thought I would never say.
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