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Iva Rhapsody

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Everything posted by Iva Rhapsody

  1. I'm working on an affiliate vendor and would like to know if there is anyway to prevent end users from dragging items from the content pane of a no mod item into their inventory ? Thanks Iva
  2. Thanx everyone I have everything working just fine, but I want to mention that despite what others may say..size DOES matter. I rebuilt my dragonflies orienting all prims x forward and z up and incorporated your suggestions and viola!, however when i used the same link set as a template, simply resizing a few prims, dropping in different sculpt textures and retexturing to make my butterflies they refused to turn to point at the target, after trying everything I could think of i stretched the linkset a bit & it worked!..I then dropped my skirt resizer into the root and nudged it up step by step till the script would function properly..I suspect there is a physics engine limit to the smallest prim you can incorporate into the set so if all else fails you may have to bump up the size or use nanoprims since I'm sure it's the size of the bounding box, not the sculpted prims apparent size that counts. anyway my butterflies are slightly larger than life, but what isn't in sl lol. Thanks again
  3. :smileyhappy: Thanks that did the trick, now if i can just figure out why it keeps turning on it's side I'll have it made lol
  4. I am trying to cause a linkset to point at a target object and then go to it..I was able to get it to point properly using Point2Object( key UUID ) { vector a = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(UUID, ([OBJECT_POS])),0); llSetRot(llRotBetween(<0,0,-1>,llVecNorm(a - llGetPos()))); }which worked fine, then I added code using llMoveToTarget, it moves towards the target just fine but doing this defeats the point @ function above for some reason..it's orientation stays the same regardless of the targets position. state fly { state_entry() { Point2Object( target ); llMoveToTarget(target_pos,0.4); llSetTimerEvent(.1); } timer() { animate(); Point2Object( target ); } at_target(integer tnum, vector targetpos, vector ourpos) { llTargetRemove( target_id ); GetTarget(); state hover; } } Any ideas ?
  5. I certainly hope the 3rd party viewers adopt it, provided the bugs get worked out, as like most "seasoned users" i'm no fan of the sl viewer.
  6. Why not have the dropdown menu or checkbox, whatever in your avatar's preferences and apply it globally to the marketplace, search etc., one click and forget about it, personally i always want adult included not just this one time and not the next. The majority of post i saw were strongly opposed to letting the teens in, there is no reason the vast majority of users should be inconvenienced to accommodate a handful of most likely, empty wallets.
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