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Krystal Algoma

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Everything posted by Krystal Algoma

  1. First, you need to check the system requirements of Phoenix or Viewer 2 with your PC, and if it's compatible. Phoenix Documentation >> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php Phoenix Downloads and Additional Downloads to Fix Problems (It's a great source of information of Systems Requirements, that includes Video Graphic Cards Drivers Download Updates for ATI Radeon, NVidia and Intel) >> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=downloads Viewer 2 Requirements >> https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/ You need to check too, the Kbps of your Internet connection. If you're are connected to a WiFi structure, you can lost signal, and is less bandwith. Depending of this, sometimes you need to connect directly with a cable to the modem to have a good connection. Well... other thing, your graphic card, maybe you need to set to minumun for the best performance, in the Phoenix Viewer Properties too... Graphic Card Configuration in the minimun for best performance. Hopefully some works, and good luck!
  2. Hello, I have Phoenix it's a Third Party Viewer. Hope this trick that I use helps you when you're a cloud. You need to open the Advanced menu window, pressthe keys Ctrl + Alt + D, above in the main Menu you can see the Advanced menu. Go to: Character >> Character Tests >> Test Male or Test Female (This options changes the avatar's appearance to your default male or female avatar) Then, you avatar appears as a newbie in a short time, but don't worry, you can change all again with your clothing, shape, skins and all that you had before you was a cloud. In Viewer 2, you need to press keys Ctrl + Alt + R on your avatar for rebake your textures. This option forces your computer to resend, the skin, clothing and other stuff of your avatar to your normal appereance, but this option never works for me, but yes in cases for reload blur textures of your clothes or skin and others things InWorld. Some people uses a Bald Base, but this option never works for me, forget this. Well, hope some options works for you, the first options always works for me but you must have the Phoenix Viewer or SL Older version to make this. See you Inworld Krystal Algoma
  3. It's my first post here on the Blog, since I registered in 2008. How the SL Flickr Pic of the Day is choose? A kind of photocontest? or is random? Thanks My fav hobbie in SL and RL is photographer, I like the pics! Congrats to the winners
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