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buttbadger Mirabeau

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Everything posted by buttbadger Mirabeau

  1. I'm looking for one, too... I even tried to make my own pony base anim in qavimator by remaking the standing pose but it doens't work right because they use that old trick to make the upper legs shorter than the limits of the sl av. I have no idea of how I can outpast this (qavimator doesn't permit that) and there's no bvh sources available anywhere. And there's still alot of pony animations available everywhere, AND THIS POST IS 2 YEARS OLD AND STILL NO REPLY, WHAT THE HECK!!!!!! >:'(
  2. I'm not looking for something different, i'm looking for somethign that would stop crashing. My actual ATI has enough performances while waiting for something better (and for better, i mean a whole new pc)... but because it's ati, it crashes all the time (my old 512Mb nvidia never crashed that way on me) So similar performances is good enough for me. Plus, my budget doesn't permits me to spend more than 60€ for a new card (i lost 40€ in the ATI one, i'll never get them back again, sadly)
  3. I'm thinking of changing for a nvidia card with similar performances. Is a geforce GT610 or 630 would do the thing? I don't mind if my fps is less than 20, i just want sl to randomly crash now
  4. Hi people. I used to have a very old geforce for SL with 512Mb of GPU ram. My PC got issues making run sl without lag. So I decided to change it for something bigger and since i'm not rich, i found a cheap AMD Radeon HD 5450 with 2Gb of GPU ram. It started well first, but now, after some time (a couple of hours usually), the viewer crashes, sometimes with similar behaviour, depending of the viewer.. Here's the viewers i tried Firestorm: Says at the bottom right that there's insufficient memory for textures and makes some stuff in gray. sometimes it finally crashes with no messageOfficial SL viewer: crashes after some time with no messageKokua: Same thingSingularity: same thingBlack dragon: Crashes with the message "blackdragon.exe stopped working" and looks for problemsI'm under windows 7 and my graphic card uses the latest official drivers. i'm about to try with ukando and dolphin. Does someone else here uses this graphic card? What would be the best viewer for this one? Is there other better drivers for it? Thanks for your help
  5. It's ok, i investigated and i found what was wrong... It was because of a plugin ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/second-life-marketplace-h/bjadllkekccgomnanicmahljakgccgej ) A plugin that "normally" adds some interesting options for the marketplace (like add mechants as favorites). This extension deactivates most of the pages of the marketplace, and when it finally works, the new buttons doesn't work. Uninstalling this plugin remade it work... Thank you for the help anyway.
  6. Hi. For some reason and since several weeks now, i can't access the marketplace from Google Chrome. Everytime i try, i get the webpage saying : " So sorry to keep you waiting. We'll be right back! We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly." The only way i find to acess it is by using the builtin browser from the viewer. I tried with other browsers and they send me this page only when i try to login in the website. And today i have the same problem, even in the builtin browsers. Did LL for some reason blocked the access to the marketplace outside of SL? Thank you
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