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Irina Forwzy

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Posts posted by Irina Forwzy

  1. On 12/2/2021 at 4:25 PM, missyrideout said:

    Immensely narcissistic focus on yourself is probably the #1 activity in SL.

    I would say that some area.  Others tend to be a bit more realistic.  But there are a lot that aren't. If they were, we wouldn't have much bling. Sadly we still do in some parts of the grid, as well as really old-fashioned premesh avatars.

  2. 16 minutes ago, steeljane42 said:

    She's just assuming.

    Also HD brows were added before EvoX too, in the 2.5 update. As for how much more is it - only difference between Evo and EvoX is the latter using an extra layer for ears, so I guess one extra 1024x1024 texture (could be 512x512, but it's SL, so it's safe to assume most skin creators make it the max resolution possible), which is nothing when clothing, decor and furniture can use those for most tiny details. The rest is exactly the same as much as standard UV, just mapping is different without wasted space that is present on the standard UV.

    You don't need to cam close to see it. Very much depends on the size of your screen and resolution. If it's a tiny window on small laptop screen that is not even 1080p, then yeah, you won't see much of a difference unless you zoom in fully. 27"+ display and a fullscreen mode with at least 1440p or higher resolution, and those tiny things become much more visible.

    Point how one extra texture won't make a difference I've already made. One badly optimized furniture from a few very popular creators usually use at least 40 of them, just to compare.

    I have two large monitors and a gaming rig.  I'm often trying to apparently murder my computer with multiple games (yeah I know,  one of my friends thinks I'm crazy).  Maybe I'm spoiled with higher resolutions in other games. Again priorities. I believe to the average person they can't tell if you are using Evo or Evo X. Ask around, most will just say anything that comes to mind.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    All EvoX heads can be used as Evo simply by pressing a button in the HUD. Bom and layering SL UV works just the same on an EvoX head.

    Where did you get the information that EvoX is an overuse of textures and CPU? I just wonder. The only new I can see changed, is that eyebrows are HD now, and that the ears use a new texture. How much more is it? It is not necessary to use HD brows, and I don't do it.

    The reason EvoX became so popular was that everybody who owned an Evo Head got a free update to EvoX, that could be used both with the SL UV map and the new EvoX map. This large customer base had a new option, and we wanted to use it.

    I was very skeptical to EvoX, because I did not want to part with my old makeup and hairbases. But especially hairbases is so much better. That is visible from way apart, no need to zoom in. The old hairbases with their UV making a seam around the forehead where creators often made a very sloppy connection and it became a line in the hairbase. Fine wisps meeting the rest of the base looking totally different. My old makeup has mostly sentimental value, a few keepers, but the rest is nothing to care about. 


    From other resources explaining Lelutka and from Sl forums as well.  I mean if you have a good computer it's not going to impact you or the little it does is more than likely not visible. But I rather remain with 512 when I can manage.

    And yeah I have Nova, Lake, and Avalon. On all three I tend to use Evo to this day.  Only time where I shift is if I want to do a high-resolution shot and from up close. Otherwise, the difference is minimal.  I don't see the benefit for day to day life. And as for my old skins and makeup,  I liked them and I still like to use them. I still think they look rather good. 

  4. Note to any future body creator.  I think the success that Legacy had was because they to the best of my knowledge created events that catered to their clothes. And they marketed their developer kits to the creators.

    So as they rolled out their body, people were seeing companies actively producing clothes with the rigging for the body. It meant that most end users were able to buy into both. 

    If you produce a body but only a small fraction of the creator base or none, cater to it people wont take the jump.


  5. I believe I had a bit of a discussion about this a while back. Due to the fact that Lelutka introduced their Evo X line way too close to releasing previous Evo line, thereby making relatively new heads (just three months in the market) obsolete and it seems that a large part of what some of us feared has started to happen.   The part I loved about BOM was the ability to basically use the same layering across several heads from a brand. That is impossible for the most part if you use the Lelutka X head. The saving for us, is the fact that Lelutka currently is still leading the market so there are ample skin creators that catered to it and produced for it; so the shortage of appliers and BOM layers is almost non existent.  But it sure is annoying to like particular makeup that isn't available in your mesh head even though it's classified as popular, because it's just one version behind.

    However,  I don't see the need to use Evo X on a day to day life. Most people, including myself are not camming so close to an avatar (got to be immensely narcissistic to be focused on your face 80% of the time lol).  So for most scenarious Evo is an overuse of textures in a game that has a CPU driven cost.  I rather use the resources and buy furniture that I like even if it has higher triangles, than Evo X which basically does the same to my GPU and potentially lags someone in another sim, just because I want my eyeshadows to look higher definition (even if the only one that can see the difference is me if I cam in quite close).

    The problem I have is that eventually Evo will be completely obsolete and we have creators such as Sessions that haven't developed items in Evo X.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  6. This is not a pole, but this is my observation from going to various sims and looking through myriads of flickr shots. In rank:

    1. Maitreya

    2.  Legacy (Closely follows).

    3. Legacy Perky (both of these are interchangeable)

    4. Slink

    5. Belleza

    6. E-Body (this one is gaining traction and I believe it may become top 1-4).

    My direct friends:






    (I have Maitreya), though I have all Legacies. But I prefer Maitreya for day to day. It is very high on triangles.

  7. 5 hours ago, Finite said:

    It's pretty common. Especially with clothing since you cannot get access to popular rigs unless you are an established vendor. Nearly every clothing vendor started off with premade.

    As for 3rd party there is still a decent amount of work in getting them into secondlife. It's not a simple save as DAE process.

    This is what happens when you keep sophisticating Sl design process.  Before it wasn't mesh and someone could learn easily.  With mesh and physics that came with that, many of the individuals had to learn at the very level of graphic designers. And not everyone has the time, patience, or the $$$ to go for that career type to only earn peanuts in SL because everyone wants things at 50 to 75 Lindens unless you are in 20 events per week.

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Minx Kurosawa said:

     I hope so.. and I just hope they clean it all up completely.. it's not just gachas that are the problem.

    Hold up. What is the problem now?   Gachas will remain in the marketplace, because they are not sold by the creator but rather from end users.  Thus not breaking the rules. As for other items filter can help. And what one may not like, someone else may like.

  9. On 8/9/2021 at 4:03 AM, Marianne Little said:

    To find clothes that meet all demands is often hard. BoM can solve many cleavages that are too deep. I could have found a turtleneck for this outfit, but instead I went with a more modest top from one of my old outfits with layers.

    If you do not have any suitable tops, I recommend Alaskametro that has both tops and lingerie in neutral colors.


    KM collage.jpg

    Bought those pants. Loving them.  Wish creators would make items that mixed and match. I wear that tres blah denim jacket with as much as I can pair.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sandra8675 said:

    Spoiled????  lol...  That is so not modest.  She wants modest.

    But it's very, very hard to find modest.  Even some of the stores that used to have modest clothes started going for lingerie (passing off as clothes). That's been one of my complaints. I love to mix my attire and not always wear lingerie (in fact, there's such a thing as blazers to go over the lingerie and jeans so the bodysuit looks like a tank). But it's usually very.....  


    skimpy clothes.

  11. On 8/8/2021 at 9:54 AM, Elysienne Nebula said:

    Ala Folie is a good shop for dresses, skirts and so on. (Everything from casual to haute.) Don't know who Kate Middleton is, sorry. I suppose I could google the name. My newest fav shop is Zenith. Definitely worth checking out. Tetra is also worth checking out.

    The Maitreya Lara body is best to start with as every bit of clothing has a Maitreya (Lara) version and there are A LOT that are Maitreya (Lara) only. (There is also full support and free updates.)

    As for heads, Lelutka or Catwa - you'll be really happy with either. You could also try LAQ. Do a lot of demos from as many makers as possible.

    I think that's a good start.

    Alafolie is more french design. Which I like mind you. I have a few of her items.  I also use Tres Blah and mix with the other stores I mentioned. Not every piece will fit, but there are some in all that you can align to the modest Princess Quality or at least professional wear.

    • Like 1
  12. On 8/8/2021 at 9:54 AM, Elysienne Nebula said:

    Ala Folie is a good shop for dresses, skirts and so on. (Everything from casual to haute.) Don't know who Kate Middleton is, sorry. I suppose I could google the name. My newest fav shop is Zenith. Definitely worth checking out. Tetra is also worth checking out.

    The Maitreya Lara body is best to start with as every bit of clothing has a Maitreya (Lara) version and there are A LOT that are Maitreya (Lara) only. (There is also full support and free updates.)

    As for heads, Lelutka or Catwa - you'll be really happy with either. You could also try LAQ. Do a lot of demos from as many makers as possible.

    I think that's a good start.

    Duchess Kate, Prince William's wife in UK.

  13. 4 hours ago, Muffinstuff said:

    Imagine going to Wal-Mart and spending $10 bucks for a pair of shoes. They hurt your feet, your back, and fall apart a month later. You return the following month and spend another $10. Why? Maybe it's all you can afford.

    Gacha or otherwise, markets exist for low-cost, low-quality products. As long as there's a demand, they will continue to exist. 

    Exactly. And even if the gacha is low-priced or the clothes is low priced, they can still be driven out of market due to customer word of mouth. Plenty of businesses in sl tried to put things rather cheap,  but the quality just wasn't there.

    Second, quality is also in the eye of the beholder. As such, someone may deem an item as well made and beautiful. While someone may claim it's high poly and lagging up a whole sim (seen this with one of the famous SL stores).

    • Like 2
  14. On 8/9/2021 at 6:57 PM, Fionalein said:

    Funny! This might work in the US, but the EU might just tell you to get better lawyers next time if the last ones counceled you to do something illegal. Otherwise companies would just hire the most stupid of lawyers...

    And for that companies usually hire** counsel that is very well versed in countries they operate in. Just saying. Don't assume that because it is an American company that are ignorant of European law.

    • Like 1
  15. 12 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:


    Has anyone read the blog post?  The didn't say they got rid of gachas because of anyone's gambling addiction.  If someone, somewhere decides to regulate cartoon sex, they may need to do.something about that.  Not because they care about anyone's addiction but because they don't want to run afoul of any laws or potential laws/lawsuits.  No one cares what you are or are not addicted to.


    Due to a changing regulatory climate, we’ve had to make the difficult decision to sunset a very popular sales mechanism for content in Second Life.  It’s widely known as "gacha", and is defined by a chance-based outcome as a result of a payment.  

    Well it just so happens some countries deem that as p**n.  A few countries do have issues even with cartoon action (cough).  Free speech to. So who knows. So here we go.  And if they want to market SL for corps again,  just you wait.

    • Confused 2
  16. 2 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

    Oh yes we will, it's merely Sunday (in the US), tomorrow is Monday (here in the US anyway). A new wave of disgruntled folks will likely trail in tomorrow. There will be more "WHAT THIS IS THE WORST DECISION LINDEN LABS HAS EVER MADE, I QUIT" posts. There will be more "who the hell came up with this idea?" posts, both referring to the removal of gachas, and the new ideas presented. There will be more "gachaveyors are the debil" posts. There will be more "gachaveyors are second coming of the greatest thing to ever exist in sl" posts. There will be a bunch of crap I don't understand, some crap I do understand, some intelligent posts and a bunch of other stuff I haven't yet thought of.

    I assure you, we'll make it to 150, come hell or high water! (probably both, adding in a bit of fire and brimstone for dramatic effect. 

    It may come to 200 from what I gather.  Not everyone knew about the gacha issue.  I found out rather late since I was quite RL focused due to a significant patch. And my back has been weirdly killing me last week so I was up and walking to see if that would minimize it (which it did, somehow walking usually helps my back).  But I found out on Thursday about it. And I had mixed feelings as I see things not just from the angle of us as consumers, but the financial impact it would bring to LL.

  17. 3 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:


    Without Ebb, it looks like Patch would report to Brad Oberwager, the Executive Chairman.  That's one people. Who's involved in the Gacha decision?  LL isn't saying but you can guess from their management chart at their "about" web page list.  Since they are asking for outside legal advice, their General Counsel is a good guess for one.  Plus the hundreds of "legal experts" here in this thread.  Oh wait, just joking.

    Did this policy decision make it to the Board of Directors?  Seems it would be a one minute agenda item during a board meeting.

    I've worked in RL financial projects.  Usually they must go through the C-corp level,  and then the board of directors in a corporate level if you have multiple divisions.  I believe, something of this nature that is going to financially impact SL through governmental regulations and/or legal action and not just financial would need to go through these levels and legal too. 

    • Like 1
  18. 9 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:


    Anyone who depends on SL to "make a living" is foolish at best.

    LL created a platform and a currency for people to play with.  LL is not obligated to be the sole foundation for anyone who chooses to engage in commerce in SL in order to "make a living."

    Making money in SL is encouraged because it feeds the LL beast that keeps the game engine running and generates profits for LL.  There is a cyclic dependency in that but LL holds all the cards and those who engage in commerce in SL to make money do not.

    LL could fold up shop tomorrow and nothing would happen to them as they are undoubtedly indemnified six ways from Sunday legally. And for those who have invested significantly and built a business on a house of cards, they will be left with nothing and no legal recourse.  It's in the TOS which no one reads because why be bothered with that knowledge.

    Creating a dependence on income derived in SL is a huge gamble with significant risks because you have zero control over the decisions the company you are floating your business on makes.


    Hate to break it to you. If you are American, you work in a house of cards. The work corporation has no obligation to keep you under their payroll.  In fact, a large percentage of American learned and/relearned that a year ago.   Income anywhere is a gamble, you have to be prepared for the day where the corporation, the company, the small business that you work for, sees profit losses or sees you as a risk. Thus you will be in this same boat, with no legal action you can take.

    I think we need to start to accept this as the normal way of life, and build multiple business platforms, work on being our own business owners or developing plan B.

    These type of comments feel like they tend to come from the same type of person.  That spends 10 hours in game,  complains about it, doesn't buy anything or create anything to it to contribute into it.  And finds everything expensive,  so it's usually an excuse for them not to spend.  But then that's been my previous experience.

    • Thanks 2
  19. 1 hour ago, Fionalein said:

    I hardly doubt that. That would increase liability. Right now LL provides a platform where 3rd party entities happen to provide services that might or might not be lootbox gambling according to regulatory entities. If LL would distribute the tools for those services they would be actively encouraging it. This would certainly influence the way regulatory entities would approach LL. Why would they take that risk?

    If the impact of the loss of gacha is a 10% decrease, they may do something similar. If it's not to be the script creator, it is to review the scripts and make sure they are working accurately to comply as much as they can. 

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Had you registered with Tilia and provided all the verification they needed.  Linked your PayPal to a bank account.  There are a few reasons why it may not have gone through.  

    A hold is another reason.  Let's say you have a transaction and the transaction is held by the bank until the credit card processor sends that over.  It may be that there is a 3 day lag or was for the specific payment form. Once the primary transaction cleared, you'd be able to exit your cash back to your bank account.

  21. 18 minutes ago, Komarimono said:

    Well, we know the conveyor system that was able to bypass the law where it was implemented before SL, had not just a preview, but an auto reset timer if purchase wasn't made.  This is why people were asking for clarification from Patch.

    The question I have with this is:  Is the conveyor system built by LL and will the script be the only one allowed to be used. I have more trust in it if it's built by LL. Even if there may be some crashes at first as they fix any lag issues.   One from a private seller may have some "edits".

  22. 1 minute ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

    Not talking about fatpacks. Those were already "legal".

    I'm talking about LL having to rescind their declaration that "conveyor belt" type machines are allowed because of


    AKA, "Our lawyers didn't read the fine print." or "Our lawyers goofed." or "Our lawyer's lawyers told them, 'Wrong again, Bob!'."

    I'm going to ask:  Do you know what the law conveyed?  Are you aware that a conveyor machine is breaking said law?  Do you know more than their lawyers at this given time? And by the way,  regulatory changes are always existing, and thus what may be a regulation now, can be paused in the future and vice-versa. That, is always the case with everything. No one is negating that fact.  The question at bay is:

    At this present time, with current regulations and laws,  does the conveyor machine break any? If it does,  then fine. If it does not, then they will continue. Until the governments tighten their regulations. If they do.  Neither of us know this.

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