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Ennai Lane

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Posts posted by Ennai Lane

  1. Thanks everyone for your suggestions! Gonna have a full weekend trying on demos.

    6 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    Maybe. Fantasy historical is a bit vague, though combined with the request for vampire fangs, I'd assume that meant Victorian goth? Need more info. For bodies, though, she'll have far more options with Maitreya and Legacy. Reborn is a good third choice (it's gaining support in fantasy shops, but not all), but if having a wide array of elaborate costumes at her disposal is her jam, I'd choose one of the others.

    I guess I could have been a bit more specific but the post was already really long. Yes, victorian goth but also medieval fantasy, regency, roaring 20s, I made a really cool deep sea mermaid, etc. I also did not mean to imply that I only wear fantasy outfits. I had a lot of modern outfits too but, since most were fitted for the slink body, I pretty much figured I'd have to start that side from scratch. It was the historical/fantasy ones I was hoping to keep as much as possible because I've always had a hard time finding the kind of outfits I like but it seems I'm gonna have to give up quite a few since I just learned creators are moving away from appliers. I am hopeful however because there are a lot of suggestions for fantasy outfits that I had never heard of before so maybe it won't be as hard as I thought .


    So again, thank you everyone! I'm excited to start! 

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  2. How do you do, fellow SL residents!

    Ok, this is gonna be a long detailed post asking for recommendations so, sorry about that in advance.

    I have been in second life since practically the beginning but I'm mostly a lurker who takes long hiatus and then comes back to explore the new worlds people might have created. This means I don't really have a source for the latest SL news.

    I found out about mesh bodies about 2 years (I think) after they were a thing and ended up deciding on the Slink Hourglass and kept that one ever since with ocasional visits to the redelivery terminal for updates. Now I have recently found out that the creator of Slink bodies has left SL and I thought that maybe this would be a good time to remake my avatar so I decided to make my very first post here to ask for recommendations for more updated parts. 

    Head: I'm looking for something extremely customizable shape wise when it comes to the head. I don't really like the whole baby face with puffy lips that most creators seem to favour so I would like to be able to morph enough to change that. Also vampire fangs, definitely something that allows for fangs. What I've used before: CATWA Kathy  (up to V3.2).

    Body: I like wearing a lot of fantasy historical outfits which means I need a mesh body with a lot of hide-able parts. I like curvy hourglass and pear shape but I don’t really like exaggerated proportions. Also, being able to customize the shape as much as possible. What I've used before: Slink Hourglass with enhanced feet and dynamic hands.

    Skin: I like mid brown tones but I have yet to find a really good skin that looks realistic (as much as possible ) with no weird pixelation on the mid tones. What I've used before: DeeTaleZ *Appliers* A.T.W. SKINS Mediterranean / DeeTaleZ "Face Tulip" Mediterranean , LURE: Rebecca Skin (Latte).

    Hair: Loose curls or waves, preferably with a lot of shades of brown and pastels/multicolored/ombre options too. Preference for waist length or mid-back length and something that doesn't look super stiff. I would also love to find creators that makes different hairstyles (braids, buns, etc) that look like they go together with their loose styles.  What I've used before (hair is what I changed the most so I'll give quite a few examples):  EMO-tions. ALYSSA, EMO-tions ARIADNE, EMO-tions ELLENDIR, EMO-tions: MARIA, A&A Serene Hair, A&A Yahira Hair, AD - epsilon, AD - zoe, TRUTH Taja, TRUTH Sorcha, TRUTH Margarita, TRUTH Lisette, TRUTH Bloom.

    Current Budget: L$15,000.00 (can be increased as I don't mind completing over time)

    Hopefully there's still people in the community that frequent the forums and this post was not for nothing. Thanks in advance for the suggestions I'm hoping I get.

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