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Kasya Sciavo

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Posts posted by Kasya Sciavo

  1. If all you people having these constant problems stopped using V2, you would not only enjoy your SL more but send a message to LL that we all told you about ages ago.  Even after all this time to get it right, V2 is still a disaster.  Worse, even on top end machines it is a veritable snail.  

    The TPV viewers based on snowglove especially run rings around V2, and frankly if you continue to use the mess that is V2 I personally have no sympathy for you whatsoever.  I suspect the people who sell snow to eskimos are keen to get your number. :matte-motes-silly:


  2. Oh, puh-leaze......like that is gonna happen.  When have LL ever listened to their customers and incorporated the things their customers wanted? hmmm?  Want a little bit of time to think about it?  

    The Lindens work for a corporation that 'encourages' them to do certain things in line with LL's, erm, 'dynamic' decisions.  

    I used to have a friend worked for LL as a Linden in the good old days of emerald.  Guess which viewer she used as did a fair few other Lindens?  When the travesty that was V2 was launched the Lindens were 'encouraged' to use V2 from then on in....and , I suspect, you know that damm fine well.  

    It was hoped by some that ole Rod would maybe not embrace the 'facebooking' of SL, and appeciate it's unique status and build on what was once fabulous, albeit flawed by LL's constant shooting themselves in the foot.  Alas, it seems he is determined to continue the decline and usher us toward social networking sites.   

    Worse, some of the sheep on SL are actually falling for this nonsense.  The shills are gonna be busy, methinks. :matte-motes-silly:


  3. The problem is Mariah, frankly, you have already displayed a tendency to shoot yourself in the foot.

    One of your first forum posts concerned problems with your starter avatar. I duly contacted you inworld via an IM, and offered to help you and provide you with some freebie - but very good -  hair, skins and outfits to get you of to a flying start.  I found a suitable quiet place where things could be rezzed and tp'd you to me.  Where promptly, you mumbled something into your shoes about 'not wanting to do this now' and disappeared, without so much as a thanks or whatever.

    I suspect the reason you did this was because at the time, I was wearing a red demoness skin, which whilst I consider fantastic, you perhaps found intimidating. Also, possibly, you read my profile, groups and picks none of which are available to RL denizens, judged me as adeviant worthy only for the stake, and you bolted.

    You will find - if you have not already done so - that there are a wide variety of avatars on SL, not all of them human or drssed like insurance salesmen.  This is not RL, and people can change species and age and even gender with a mere thought.  

    But, that does not mean any avatar that takes the time to offer you help in SL and looks like a furry or vampire or demon is inherently wicked.  

    It is far easier to help someone inworld than by paragraphs of text in a forum. Next time somone offers to spare some of their SL time to help, do not judge them without knowing a little of SL, and try and appreciate their offer.

  4. They don't because they don't need to.  LL management listen to their accountants first, possibly lawyers next, Lindens with any reasonable ideas after that and then , um.....that's it.   

    They are making money quite nicely, and let's not forget they trimmed the staff last year into the bargain.  The golden egg that is selling people virtual land that they don't actually own and never will AND rent via reframing the word 'rent' to the word 'tier' is, when you think about it, quite brilliant in the world of corporate capitalism. 

    Next golden nugget in their arsenal is the amazing fact - and I believe more than one Linden must sometimes shake their head in wonder at this - that they retain a lot of long term paying residents even though they do not listen to them or value them to any real degree.  What other company could even think about getting away with this, let alone actually doing it?

    Therefore, I do not think LL need advertise until they hear from their accountants. Once those guys sweat, Rod will act. 

  5. .......are you for real?!?!?   I can be AR'd for using something LL are perfectly happy to take my money for??  This just gets better and better.  

    Then I consider it most prudent for you to convince LL to ban all such prim heavy things at once.  They should not allow the sale of any such things if that is - which of course it is not - the sole cause of lag in SL.   

  6. Well, now.....is that right, huh?   The people who spend money on nice, fairly expensive avatar accesories are to blame? Am, I getting this right, here?   How, deplorably selfish of them!....tsk tsk..... They should be warned not to spend on such frippery so they can enjoy SL!  :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

     By that rationale, perhaps the insane weekend lag on  too-many-to-even-mention sims is because I am wearing too much in RL, also, perhaps? :matte-motes-silly:  We should be naked at our computers, and only use noob avatars, d'ya think?   

    Or.....could it not be something to do with the poor investment over...what?...6 years..... in improving the grid performance, as has been mentioned in another post so that SL runs well, you know kinda like the virtual world competition is now doing?

    I am picturing you on a customer relations desk in a department store in my mind's eye.  A woman is complaining her fridge freezer she bought off you, and pays a tidy sum weekly for, is not sufficiently cool when she stocks it full of produce.  Produce that she has to buy in your store,also. Produce you are more than happy for her to buy as much of as she can afford.  You fold your arms, smile...sigh deprecatingly.....and explain to the silly woman she should not spend so much money on produce. It is her fault the fridge freezer is not cold enough!   Is she stupid or what?  In future, she should only fill it a quarter full....and with low grade produce, too.  That way her fridge freezer will run fine.

    Do you think that woman is going to buy another fridge freezer from your shop? Take a wild, wild guess. 




  7. A timely post, Don.

    Sadly, I have read similar posts before from long-term residents who note the decline of the grid performance and because LL seem to be striving to set the standards for not listening to the very people they should, ie. those long term residents who have seen SL in it's prime and know what they are talking about, I am sure I shall read plenty more unless, as you say,  the CEO gets a kiss off Prince Charming,  wakes up and decides to improve the grid performance before facebook plugs, Viewer2 tweeks (when it should have been done right the first time) and the magic wand that is mesh. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

    Also note the inevitable, almost deprecating 'no, listen, everything is running great for me, honest, it must be you or your machine' replies from the ever present LL apologists and shills, who I strongly suspect even the Lindens wince at when reading.  Sighs.  

    I hope you do get a reply from the powers that be.  After that post, you certainly deserve one...but I am not going to hold my breath.

     What LL - and the apologists - need to realise is that we want  SL to be wonderful, the potential is still amazing.....we are still here..... paying, in my case for two parcels, and buying content regularly (I am delighted with my new zombie apocalypse rezzer :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:).....but.....we are getting tired of posting about dreadful weekend insane lag, the dire customer service, fixing what ain't broke and neglecting what is, and so on and so forth, we are here clinging on hoping that SL will be improved where it matters and not where it doesn't.

    There is hope, however.  Maybe a little over a year ago, in frustration, I took a look at 3 or 4 other virtual worlds, and found them wanting.  Now, though, they are catching up fast, and you can bet the Lindens are aware of this, too!  What we, the customer, have failed to do with LL, let us hope the increasing competition may yet achieve. :matte-motes-tongue:


  8. Whenever I read a brown-nosing post like yours, I feel obliged to point out to you certain facts that long term residents - ya know the same people who pay the Lindens nice wages? -  have complained about for years.   Complained as paying customers are entitled to, despite the fact that of course LL does not listen whatsoever to the people who pay their mortgage.

    These are namely:-

    1) the poor performance of the grid due to lack of investement of more than ample profits.

    2) the poor performance of the grid due to lack of investement of more than ample profits....and

    3) the poor performance of the grid due to lack of investement of more than ample profits.  


    Then we have Ms Paperdoll - another long term brown-noser - as she vainly tries to pull the old chestnut ....' hey, paying customer, it's you who are at fault, not our old, and too few servers.  You need to buy the very top end machines. Every year. You need to learn to do better graphics (despite the fact you are here to play the game and not run it or be paid for doing so. How can you paying, long suffering customers be so selfish!' :o

    The answer to the original post is sadly, no.  LL won't, if they can possibly get aawy with it.  You are also spot on in realising the newer forums are designed to reduce any critique to a mimimum if not zero.

    However, as the Alphaville Herald so succinctly put it in an amusing, barbed article about new residents abandoning SL swiftly due to grey, unrezzed and poor help at welcome/join areas, LL may yet rue it's lack of appreciation for it's long term customer base, as now competition to SL IS very close.

    Time for Rod Linden to take a break from the golf course and roll his sleeves up, anyone? 

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