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Kasya Sciavo

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Posts posted by Kasya Sciavo

  1. Guess what I was going to make a new post about? Yep, this lack of review for buying exactly same product via inworld vendors.

    Good creators are not getting as much praise as they should and 'Mickey Mouse' ones are not getting the negative feedback due, not to mention customers could be warned to stay clear.

    But, hey...we are talking LL, here, when all is said and done.

  2. Nonsense. Clearly you do not like these temp rezzers.  Well, bully for you.  Why not ask LL to ban them, if they steal server resources like you say they do? Hmmm?

    They can be adjusted, and have limits in any case, and most of all they work well used carefully. 

     Some think they work fine and enhance some people's SL who cannot afford large parcels or sims of their own......then again, some - like yourself - are convinced they are wicked and on the verge of bringing SL to it's knees.  

    When LL agree with you, and ban them - though strangely they have not done so thus far, and temp rezzers have been out for years - then you may post such claims with impunity.  However, the jury is out....and you are not the judge.



  3. The first I knew of this total nonsense that the arrogant 'out -of-touch' Lindens have foistered on us all with no discussion or feedback or surveys inworld - as per bloody usual - was when I got a email saying a girl I had only met in SL, that same day, was 'following' me.  WTF?  

    I eventually found the mysecondlife.come page, after loggging into the secondlife page, and hopefully set my details to nobody - which is where the bloody Lindens should set things as default in the first place.

    My friends in SL, I know from SL....you know that once cool 3d world that any other company other than LL would be proud of instead of ashamed about.

    Are you listening, Rodvik Linden?  If I want facebook and twitter, I can go there. I want SL, and I would like it improved instead of this utter tosh you are fobbing us off with.

    Please, please, please, please LISTEN to your residents, for goodness sakes, before introuducing childish teen orientated nonsense such as this crap.


  4. .....so, that's allright then?  

    The whole problem is the astonishing lack of appreciation and arrogance of LL for it's customers, which - sadly - under the new CEO boy-blunder  (who I see cozily replied in a thread to the usual apologists and brown-nosers - who completely forget they are paying customers - about some interview he did ) is not getting any better.

    Do you think Apple would have bought out something as dire as V2/3 in RL?  Nope. But even, perish the thought they were that incompetent, it would have been either binned or corrected lon gbefore now.


  5. I'd like to complain about transparent apologists and shills labelling paying customers who dare to criticise and/or object to dumb fool policies as 'whiners'.

    Ask any successful company who they truly value....the 'yes' men or the critical customer. 

  6. For you, I dare say, yes.  Personally, it was dire for me; slooooooow, basic, and not in same league as emerald or it's 'ham-strung-by-the-jealous-lab' offspring, Phoenix.  Even Cool Vl viewer ran rings around Hippo, for me. But, hey, whatever works for you.

    Enjoy it before the Lab meshes, tweaks, cast rune stones, contemplate straws, and strive to improve, after a year and a half, the horror that is V2.

  7. I am not really sure what the first part of your post is pertaining to?.....or the pics....frankly both look gay to me - the first one being in front of a toilet where George Michael may be lurking, the second is wot I see gay men on tv parades wearing, maybes??

    But....... what I DO know is this...if someone, anyone.... laughs and mocks how you are in SL, then that is THEIR problem, not yours. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

    DO not let mean-spirited people stop you playing this game, and most of all you must be and wear what you want and let your individual 'look' or persona come through, and damm the feeble people who have nothing better to do than give negative comments about your SL appearance. 

    Have confidence in yourself, should you opt for either of the two images, and enjoy yourself while you can. LL are gonna ruin this world long before any petty, catty resident calling you will.   :matte-motes-tongue:

  8. Erm, have we?  In theory, perhaps.

    Fact is, unless you are premium, your support is sweet **** ***. Even if you spend possibly more than a premium member, which I probably do factoring in my main account and two parcels I gotta upkeep, and my inability to stop spending money at stores I wander across the grid, preferring as I do to spend inworld at shops creators have to pay rent for.

    Here I am, paying part of Rod's golf club fees, possibly, and I am 'roped' in with any resident who don't spend a dime.

    That said, there is no way in heaven I would pay premium, with the direction and decisions of LL this last two years . Are you listening, Rod?  You should be.

  9. My generic response to those who sarcasticly reply to a OP, whilst ignoring the 'gist' of the OP..

    Yeah...it's disheartening when you realise some smart-ass types nonsense effortlessly.

    Yeah...it's disheartening when you can pretty quickly sum up just who gives a damm about SL and it's original inception and qualities vis a vis who wants bland uniformity and facebook-itis to infest SL, too, but points out that's what the web is, so that must be right, right? Gotta keep up with the times, right??  Bollocks to the fun of exploring and shopping inworld, coz I says so......:matte-motes-wink-tongue:

    Yeah...it's disheartening when that same postee adds to any 'drama' by their sarcastic, not-addressing-the-main-issue post 

    Yeah...it's disheartening listening to bad analogies.

    Yeah..it's disheartening when you think maybe that person would be better off on facebook et al, instead of the unique nature of SL (eroding fast, though it may be), and has signed onto the wrong game....or social network :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:


  10. Show me where I offended your delicate sensibilities, please? Fortunately, this forum is not just for you; I found nothing offensive or insulting in my post, and I am none too sure I am comfortable with your public statement as if it were a fact that I had.  It almost smacks of 'leading' a reader to jump to that conclusion.

  11. Ishtara wrote:

    It doesn't work like that. A company doesn't tell me to better get used to their software or else. I am telling them what kind of product I'm looking for, and if they can't deliver it, I have to start looking elsewhere. A lot of SL residents are doing just that right now, and 35% have already found greener pastures (based on the concurrency drop from 85k to 55k).

    Tristizia wrote:

    That is your opinion, i for myself find that Viewer 1 horrible. Tried out the official, Phoenix etc., all have a UI that is unintuitive and have a general feel of being Software from a century long since gone. And that Pie Menu looks someone tried to reinvent the wheel (and failed ) .

    If Viewer 1 had been my only choice for using SL, i would have left then.

    (ps: I would have quoted you, but i just get an "unexpected error" everytime i tried it )

    Erm, I think you will find it is the opinion of a LOT of people. You clearly like a cluttered mess of a viewer that removes you from the 3d world of SL more than any other viewer available. If you think a drop down, chunky menu is better than the neat pie menu, that is far easier and faster to use then bully for you.  

    Frankly, the OP is spot-on.  If a spot census were taken in SL now - (even WITH the fact virtually all noobs are forced to log on initially with this abysmal effort, and boost it's use-age quite falsely imho) - I predict a  massive thumbs down for V2.

     LL and the shills  that swarm this forum - of which, heaven forbid, you are doubtless not :matte-motes-wink: are not convincing anyone but themselves and poor noobs.

    They portray any critique as anachronistic moaning (how DARE customers complain! lol) and an unwillingness to adapt the Lab's genius decisions of the last couple of years in particular.  I have lost count of the number of noobs I find struggling with V2 and then pathetically grateful when I introduce them to Phoenix or cool vl viewerthat .

     V2 has, lest we not forget, been released for over a year now, and just go take a peek at the Viewer2 area of the forums and see the posts about it's, erm, intuitive, user friendly and seamless performance.  I rest my case.

    However, when all is said and done, LL chose - and still do - to ignore long term residents whose opinion and desire for a better SL was always in LL's best interest.  Mesh will be another **bleep**-up, and older residents who have been here for some time and spent money will leave, thus leaving you to enjoy a dwindling SL viewed through clutter, but at least you will be able to 'social network' . In fact why bother to log in to SL, at all?. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



  12. Are you for real, or trying your best for 'Shill of the Day'! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:  Mind you, you certainly have some stiff competition in this part of the forum.

    Go back and read Ishtara's absolutley 'spot-on-the money' post.  Then read yours, again.

    As for the new unbelievably stupid age verification system; when I heard about it just the other day I was actually stunned.  As if ANY 13-15 year old is going to tick the 'not adult' box now!!  The whole thing is fast becoming a joke. 

    Indeed, as Ishtara says, the contempt LL have for their own product and long term residents who pay their very wages, and seemingly Rod's drooling worship of all things groovily social networked confirms our worst fears for this once great virtual world.  


  13. Well said. Did we ask for this latest Linden shove - or more appropriately boot in the back from ole Rod - in the direction of facebook?  Nope.  

    What of the things we have asked, that LL choose to blithely ignore?  Nothing. 

    Yet, here we have the 'usual suspect' Shills fighting to kiss Linden ass  and thse are invariably the same Shills who never have lag and find V2 a thing of dynamic wonder.

    And people wonder why sims are closing - The GIC, just one of the latest - and concurrency down, and noobs posting umpteen helps on the forums as SL is no longer the intuitive fun place it used to be.

    Sadly, it does tell us the direction we are going with Rod at the helm.  Hopes dashed, once again, for those of us hoping in a resurgence of SL, with Lindens who listened, not least the CEO. Instead we are getting the 'facebook' SL, turning the virtual worldthat one had to explore and be amazed and immersed in into a virtual social network within a virtual world!  Sad, sad, sad days.

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