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Tinker Darkbyrd

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Everything posted by Tinker Darkbyrd

  1. I am tryong to get a list over a prim, the text will be the data in a string. list GG; set( string id){ GG = GG + id; { string gg = llList2CSV(GG); llSetText(gg+"\n-",<1,1,1>,1.0); } } but all i get is blah,blah,blag not bla bla bla
  2. Not sure if my title explains my issue correct,but here is what I need help with.(if any kind soul is willing to offer any :) ) I have a animation system in a HUD im building. It works off a list and should play the animations in the order of the list with 90 seconds between each animation. list mehAni = ["ani1","ani2","ani3","ani4"]; the function I made Play(){ integer number = llGetListLength(mehAni); integer index; string name = llList2String(mehAni, index); while (index < number) { llMessageLinked(1,15,"We will now do the "+name+" pose for 90 seconds.",""); llStartAnimation(name); ++index; } } I have a timer that will trigger the function at 90 seconds and works fine on the first aniamtion, after that one it loops threw the list super fast with out playing any one the animations only announcing the animations "should" be playing ...but they are not ..it just spits out a list of animation names with out playing them.The timer part im not worried about its how it is indexing the list loop that im having a issue with.it should play each animation for 90 seconds.
  3. That is the silliest sheet I ever heard..... Why play SL if you do not understand how the system works.......
  4. will this really make my av pregnant ? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PURE-Female-Pregnancy-**bleep**/4735316
  5. the cure is charging. if they charge 100L a week to offer freebies its a value to people who are looking to help newbs and marketing to their shop name(every thing can't be free.adds cost money,land why not free Market place marketing) If they charge a real fee to list on market place it also clear out the old crap. example ,over chaging a % a sale.Just charge 400L a month bulk rate market place memebers fee.Somthing small but will not be a dumping box for people with strange building taste gambling on a sale. Also the big cure to it all is no free accounts can use the market place as a vendor.If you are trying to make a buck here you better be able to pay atleast 9.99 a month...after setting up a payment just keep a cash balance from cashing out linden.I have not paid my account in years out of my pocket..the shop pays it..and I got 9.99 a month to loose at a chance to make money. I thinkt he fun of SL is the dream,So I say let there be junk and poor builds!! just not a free for all in the market place.as they do not make a sale and have to pay to host it they will take it down and learn to get better to keep trying. This is day 1 stuff....why can not any one else see it... recap 9.99 a month account 400L bulk rate (lets say 400 listing per 400L and you pay 100L for every 100 more listing you want) at the cheap price of land these days you could still srtart small with very little investment(nothing comes free in life that is worth anything) I did the cost on land with 500 Prim limit. Land = 3 dollars a week. account 9.99 a month. 400 market place a week(no adds) = 1.40 22 bucks a month and you can sell junk online too!! im sure 10,000 people will say im wrong,but in my eyes im always right
  6. neat,seeing facebook just deletes AV accounts this will be great!
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