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LibertyFlea Mahogany

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Everything posted by LibertyFlea Mahogany

  1. When SL can be compared with a restaurant meant for all people to have a fine dinner, good selection of food, tables for singles, couples, families, groups, then LL now is in a process of innovation where all is gone except the menu card with most fantastic photos showing what one maybe ever might be able to order... How long will it be visited when one simply wants what the restaurant was meant to be ?
  2. If just the lags caused by LL would not last as long as the current PR siege of the Oblast region. most of us lagging, freezing, crashing would soon be honky dory, and al would love the shine, glitter, bling PBR is meant to offer /me Hopes only LL is stepped on its toe
  3. "I been very very good at biting my tongue over this PBR fiasco and been an old timer on SL since 2007 Kudo 's to Ziggy starting about this topic. ...Why even biting on ones own tongue for the mess created by another ? Maybe because being the messenger of inconvenient truths is not wanted, maybe some do not have any issues of lags, maybe because they have the best of best PC 's, maybe because they outsmart the majority, or maybe they only like to pretend. ...I think i did type SOME. If Second Life is described as a social platform in a virtual environment, a 3D chatroom, then some might ask how much 3D has to be left in order to call it 3D, because when PBR requires draw distances of near nil it becomes pretty flat, 2D. Oh surely,textures can look very pretty on a flat surface, in particular when it even can reflect like a mirror. ...When most Sl inhabitants are no more able to move because of lags, and crashes, the social part is perhaps staring at ones own image in a virtual mirror. ...I wonder what LL will see when it looks at itself. Will it be happy to be left with a Some who have those fast PC 's and are almost as smart as LL is ? I still remember my time as biker... I could drive in the highest gear adding boost crossing 2 sims by air and manage to land on a track driving on. I could fly ,a fighter jet at 100 knots, crossing sims, or making the most insane acrobatics in one sim, while listening to music, making my bike or plane like an instrument, making it dance.. True, this is non social individual dumb fun, but did I not crash. Now, when visiting a crowded dance club I see orange clouds for at least 5 minutes. If I need to get something from inventory, SL starts lagging and from experience I know I am close to crashing.. sometimes even getting a total inter disconnect... Not much time left for even getting mesmerized by those fancy PBR effects... Is this what LL and some fortunate users like ?
  4. First. its almost impossible to find a way of replying to given answers. In this respect this forum is not quit users friendly. Then I now get back on my former 'question' about the IP replacements: I bought my items (dance animations) In world, at the shops ( Hemnations, and Akeyo) . Also, some of those dances I still have left, and these are all showing that those animations were made by the creators belonging to those shops. So, do I understand well, that one cannot even trust thise shops to buy your items ?
  5. As I tried to state elsewhere, I hope I now found the right spot to reply on all answers so far. I bought my Items (dance animations at the Legal In World Shops) The ones I still have left also show the Creator, being part of those shops. So, Do I then have to conclude from the givens answers, that Hemnations, and Akeyo are not trustworthy ? That, I can even risk of being "STOLEN" from my properties when I but items this way, in the legal Shops ? So, I better not shop at those shops anymore ? Is "GOD' then not slightly slow with forbidding those shops, before people buy the items there, and then being taken away I do not Agree with any God apart from GOD, No one is without Flaws! That is Human ! But is is Arrogance to Act like a God
  6. I bought these items at the Shop In world ! and the items I still have left, having been part of the same bouys, still show the creator is from that same Store: Hemnations and Akeyo
  7. But, I bought these at the Shop .. I can still proof that the items I am referring too, some are still spared, were created by the official seller, and I know I bought these at the Official Shop, In World
  8. I Alsways buy my items at the Official Vendors. Still it happens that I suddenly find some items having been replaced by a sort of GOD, without asking about, just accusing, charging, and taking my legal payed items,. Thats another word of being STOLEN! And it seems that being judged has no way of getting this undone ! PS: I cant find a way to reply to the given answers, so I do it here: I bought these items (dances) at the In World Shop, and I still have some left, these all show the Legal Creator and Vendor where I bought these animations. So, given the answers here, I have to coclude that Hemnations and Akeyo are not trustworthy ?
  9. Hello, Mostly I leave my Avi afk when going away. Today I had to relog to SL after a region restart. Before I went back to SL I noticed I had an Update for my AMD Graphics driver, and so I updated the driver. When back in SL I did nt see my mesh body atteachments"clothes, boots, hands. I tried about all to solve: Switching the alpha rendering settings, Shadow shader, even using the degug menu. I reinstalled Firestorm. ..Nothing changed for the better. Then I had a look at the Support Forum, and I saw the post of Theresa Tennyson of last Septembamd-catalyser, showing similar problems. So I also read about the AMD driver, and I then reinstalled my old driver Amd cataclyst 14.9, as also was suggested to Theresa. ...But, Even after doing this, and again reinstalling Firestorm, rebooting the PC, nothing changed. I still cant see my mesh, whilst others can. If anyone can help me ? Thank you !
  10. I have reported about griefing last week by use of the regular report inside the viewer. But this does not allow me to be detailed enough, and expressing the seriousness of the case. Does anyone know how to send LL a notecard, or email about this case ?
  11. Hello please, I like to know how I can supplement a prior report of griefing. The usual reort does nt allow me to be that detailed. I like to send a Notecard showing what has been going on with me, and the club where it happens. Can I drop the notecard, or attach it to an Email ?
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