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Lydia Alberti

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Posts posted by Lydia Alberti

  1. Hi, only just seen all these messages and I should've provided a screenshot of the model but yeah the only reason why I only relied on the Auto LOD system was because the part of mesh that had the problem were small cylinders that were duplicated using the particle system - so it wasn't entirely important to make my own LODs. But anyway, here's a screenshot of the mesh. Anyway, I fixed the problem by decimating it - it reduced the poly count by a lot! Initially I triangulated it, but it still wasn't able to get the numbers down all the way, so the LI was still returning something like 35, so I scrapped pre-triangulating it. But now that I've decimated it, it was able to properly upload it and reduce the LI to 1.


  2. I uploaded a small part of the mesh and only this component has this problem where when uploaded the triangle and vertices count are all the same! It's not usually the case but why is it here? Because of this I can't change the LODs - Yes I'm aware I can make my own LODs, but here it's not very important to do that. 


    EDIT: Think I fixed it by triangulating the faces in Blender. Can someone explain why SL does this then?

  3. OK turns out the anti-virus was moving the installers into the virus chest. Also the Firestorm executable that I mentioned was missing, is also in the virus chest - but that for some reason can't be restored while the installers could be restored! Now I'm trying to reinstall, but it says it can't open the executable, it gave me the option to abort, retry or ignore. None of which I want!

  4. I downloaded the new Firestorm, I tried to install the first time. It finished but it was missing the Firestorm executable file to start Firestorm. So I clicked on the installer again, only for it to abruptly stop and the system deleted the installer exe. Then I went download the installer from Firestorm again only for the system now warning me "You don't have permission to save in this location". So I tried a different location (desktop). After attempting install again, it did the same thing again and now that I try to download the installer onto the desktop it's now throwing "You don't have permission to save in this location" again! 

    Is anyone else having the same problem?

    Please help!

  5. 20 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    This is, in fact, normal. It's the reality of alpha-blending, at least in SL. The reasons are technical and the solution is to either ditch alpha blending and make better textures with the hard edges in mind, or only use alpha blending on the edges of the mesh where it matters. 

    Thank you, this is the confirmation I needed to avoid this - I tried to look for solutions or work arounds like ordering how it's rendered or the material index (had no idea if I did them even remotely correct) but they didn't work.

    To get the feathers looking the best that I can without having to model the fine detail (want to keep it as efficient as possible) I'm going to stick with the alpha masking method. It provides the most decent result and one that I'm happy to go with.


  6. I usually don't have problems applying semi-transparent textures with alpha blending but suddenly in my new project, it's not working. I have a mesh that has loads of feathers on top of one another and I applied the texture to it. But when I did, it looked like u can see through the textures where the mesh is overlapping. Does any one have idea how to fix this. I tried alpha masking but it doesn't have the results i want - where the small gaps in the features are it has a horrible clipping effect. So I preferably want to keep it in alpha blending mode.

    Here are some screenshots:


    Here I'm using alpha masking at 20% and u can see its not the result I want, the ends of the feathers aren't very delicate and light - whereas alpha blending achieves that:


  7. 3 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    If you tried to upload your model as a linkset and didn't go to ALL the extra steps ^^ :D  That would be part of your problem.  Here is the beginning of the linkset physics info from my tutorial.


    Now to be FAIR, I uploaded the gravestones as a linkset JUST to show how it would be done for the tutorial. I would never have chosen this method "personally". Not sure if I said that in the video or not. 

    The problem with JOINING all parts as one and then uploading is (for me) that the more complex something gets the messier it is to work with when you have an interior. For example if you have a roof and a floor joined to the walls and maybe some stairs, camming around "inside" is frustrating.   That's the biggest deal for me. The other is -- as I said -- sometimes even with a PERFECT physics model, the uploader can refuse to match your physics model to your building.  I have only had two or three cases of this over the years, but can verify that it happens -- no matter WHAT viewer you use :D.   That can be pretty depressing.   


    In the case of YOUR model:



    "I" would have divided it into at least three parts --- the cylinder area, the main house, the platform with fencing.  Doors of course would be separate pieces (in my Sansar days I either left the doors off (in one case having the door on saw horses being "worked on" for repairs as part of the installation storyline )-- or uploaded separately and added as a completely different component. 


    That doesn't mean My way is the BEST way --- just that it would have been my choice. :D.   




    Thank you for the link! I have not watched this one so that's probably why I have no clue haha. I'll definitely give this a watch thanks :)

    When you dividing the parts, I'm assuming you mean the flooring and roof? Cos at the moment the actual cylinder part, the walls and the fence are all seperate. If thats the case, then I totally understand where you're coming from. Originally, the cylinder part in terms of the flooring and roof were seperate, but I joined together in blender because i thought it would be logical to merge them as one for the material.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Let's say you have three boxes in Blender. 

    You could upload them together after JOINING them and that would be a single mesh.

    You could upload them one at a time as three single mesh objects and then LINK them inworld.

    You could select all three UNJOINED boxes in Blender and export them together as a LINKSET.  

    The first method will frequently give you a lower land impact and "easier" long distance LODs. The single meshes will be at least 2 land impact as you have three boxes with the minimum being .5 li per mesh (rounds up) -- BUT you have total flexibility for placement and resizing etc.   The LINKSET method let's you upload "single" (coalesced) mesh items but keeps the placement exact.  This is needed especially for animated objects.  


    I personally rarely upload as a linkset, but I have seen many people attempt (and sometimes get it to work) uploading houses as linksets.  In order to get the physics correct you need to make a physics model of course with some special steps. There is a video of how in my Blender tutorial playlist.  


    Agreed that 'best practices' are extremely difficult to find and of course ideas will vary. Keep in mind though that the most POPULAR brands are not necessarily the best made mesh. And many brands don't make there own mesh (this is legal now in SL :D).  Physics issues abound in houses even from builders who have been creatiing mesh for seven years or so (yes, STILL).  Even some of the Linden Homes have mesh physics issues.  So getting the physics correct is as much of an art as the pretty textures -- in my book anyway.     I have seen some horrific "physics hacks" made by some top name builders.  I cringe. I move on. 

    Thanks so much for clarifying that! It seems from your description, I uploaded as a linkset. I also tried to join them in blender apart from the doors and uploaded that too but didn't change the physics mesh and still had that problem. I'll have a dig in your youtube playlist to see if I can get it working that way.

    But as for your recommendation was that method two, to upload all 3 as a single mesh and link them inworld? I like the sound of method one however.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Phaytel said:

    I'll have to look into a bounding box feature in the viewport, I didn't know that existed. The cheap way of doing it is to select all your mesh pieces and Ctrl-J to join into a single mesh and then look at the dimension window, then undo.


    This is what I got from your physics mesh.

    Isn't that just the outline of the mesh rather than the bounding box? This is setting it in the viewport display on the object:

  10. 5 minutes ago, Phaytel said:

    I'm a pretty novice modeler and I've experience the same issue. Looking at the model, it looks like your bounding boxes are the same, but I can't really tell from the changing angles.

    The way I've gotten around it (and I have no idea if this is a good idea or not) is to create a plane at the bottom of the mesh that basically would determine exact X, Y bounding box. Then in the physics model, use the same plane to set the physics model. That way, there's no guessing work if SL changes the bounding box of either mesh or physics model. The Z dimension you should be able to just match on your original and physics mesh easily. This of course only works if having a flat plane on the ground wont' mess up your physics.

    One thing you could possibly check too is if it's all a single mesh, check on blending to see what the bounding boxes are and see if the dimension values match up on your mesh and physics models.

    I could give that a shot, thanks. I think in the Z-axis i wanna say the bounding box might be of by like 0.1 or something minute. Also in 2.8 it looks like they got rid of the bounding box viewport :( So have to set the bounding box in the viewport display for each object :(

  11. 3 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

    Welcome to the world of SL building! We've all been there. ;)

    I could look clsoer at the physics in your original post of course but if you split the building into separate pieces as you should anyway, ost of the problems should go away by themselves.

    Oooh yes please! If you can give any pointers that would be awesome, as I would love to take them into the next project with a better idea of what to do next time :)


  12. 25 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

    I don't know about the brands you mention but a good builder will never make an entire house as a single mesh. Not unless they're going for the 1 LI house challenge of course but that's not for everybody. (I actually only know of one builder who has managed to make 1 LI houses without totally butchering the LoD. I won't say who.)

    Yeah, sorry I haven't been exposed to many, but I've only seen from the most popular furniture brands, that have uploaded it as one so I always had the impression that that was the "way to do it". I guess there isn't necessarily a large bank of "best practices" that I've seen so far, so I went into the project with not real sort of planning and now feeling the repercussions of it now.

  13. 1 minute ago, Chic Aeon said:

    The only buildings that I have uploaded as a single mesh were in Sansar (and later here since I already had the file) and that was because you couldn't LINK at that time and couldn't bundle items for sale (also at that time).  While I got it all to work, it was a horrible pain and so not fun. 


    And note that as far as I know, these multi-pieces houses are often uploaded a piece at a time and NOT uploaded as a linkset (a whole 'nother level of picky stuff to deal with).   So the piece at a time strategy is probably the wisest. 



    Sorry, what do you mean by a linkset, is this meaning, a merge of the mesh in blender and uploaded into SL or is this uploading it in pieces, then selecting it all and placing it back into the inventory so when the user takes it out, it comes out as one rather in pieces?

  14. 50 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    It seems like you have quite a few issues with your skybox.  Honestly I would advise making a new and SIMPLE building and getting that to work before tackling something like what you show :D.  

    But a few comments.  


    If you haven't watched this, it may be of help.

    Some specifics.   

    Your physics model is too complex.  If you are using cube physics then none of the cubes of your physics model should touch each other. 

    You need to apply location, rotation and scale and set origin point  to geometry on BOTH the main build and the physic model so that they will "fit" together.   

    Hopefully you are working on the Aditi sandbox :D to save those practice upload fees.


    Even when you get so that you really do understand making a physics model, some buildings will not upload correctly -- this in either Firestorm or Linden Viewer (as far as I know they work the same now so there is no longer a difference, but I could be wrong on that).  Typically many builders would upload this in PIECES and then link them together.  While you can make your build all one mesh and make a physics model for it, the more complex the model, the more likely that the uploader will cough and sputter.   Uploading in pieces will often get you past a problematic area.  

    Good luck!!


    Hi, I've used your video as a guide and I have made a simple building in the past and that worked out perfectly.
    The transforms were all applied to both the physics model and the mesh.

    However, I will admit as a shortcut, I took an older file of my mesh and basically used that as a "simplified" version of the physics model. But I will take ur advice to make it from scratch again (and to try and not be lazy about it haha). Currently the "cubes" or what it supposed to be cubes are most likely touching.

    I didnt realise most builders typically upload their homes in pieces, cos most of the ones I've seen like homes by Dust Bunny or Onsu, etc they are all uploaded as 1 mesh rather than a linked set, because I find it so fragile especially if the user wants to modify it.

    But yeah, when i made a simple one in the past, i even just use the analyze method and it was perfect. But now that this is a complicated mesh, there are so many moving parts that are hard to keep a track of. I'm trying to get better at it and its taking time, but its all a learning experience.

  15. I've spent so long trying to figure out the physics model for my house and it's driving me nuts. I've read every post on here about it and I still can't figure it out. I have made a physics model and I know about the bounding box issue where the physics model will stretch to the bounding box of the high LOD mesh. But I don't understand how to fix that.

    Here's the high LOD:


    Here's the physics model:


    I would post a picture of it uploaded on second life in the uploader, showing the physics but for some reason it's stopped showing the physics preview when I upload the physics model, but anyway, parts of it are stretched and some objects are in the wrong position. Also it has the red lines so I'm not able to upload it because its saying the object has too many triangles (or something along those lines)

    Now I've done something and now my physics model isn't even appearing in the preview but it is uploaded. And when I upload the mesh, there isn't the option to change it to "Prim"

    I even tried the other method, which is setting the physics to either the high LOD or the medium LOD then hitting "analyze" but the problem says that the number of hulls exceeds 256 and not sure how to fix that either.

    Does anyone have any advice regarding this?

    Also is it better to upload in Firestorm or the Second life viewer?

  16. So I've tried to decimate the seperate parts that have a lot of tris (the donuts have 53000 tris, while the pink roses have 31000, and the rest are under 20000 tris and they don't seen to have problems, only the donuts and the light pink roses have the weird triangle artifacts), and when I joined them again and imported them back into SL, the Land impact is now really high? Do you know why that may be?

  17. 6 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

    What do you mean, which you have merged? merged vertices?

    Hi, good question. What I meant was when you create seperate meshes in blender, apply a material to each part then press Ctrl + J to merge the seperate parts. 

  18. I have a mesh which I've merged in Blender. However, I'm getting weird artifacts when I'm applying the textures using the "Select Face" option, to target each material in the mesh, as they've been merged. However one combination of meshes produces artifacts and I have no clue why and not anything else. Below is a snapshot of what's going on.

    Any help please?




  19. 1 minute ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Still a big jump between 6 and 8... I would check it a few times a day. Preferably in the SLT AM. I would bet that line 7 is Level3.net router is still having problems. Save your results. If it doesn't clear up talk to your ISP's support and Linden support. Let them see where the slow down is and they will likely get it fixed.

    I am guessing between 6 and 7 is the handoff for crossing the pond. So, that 130+ms add could be normal...

    Seems like 130+ms sounds normal, given that I'm quite far from the SL servers, so I hadn't thought that was much of an issue. For now it works perfectly fine, so I shall keep an eye out. Thanks v much :) 

  20. 1 minute ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Glad it fixed. The Windows update probably didn't fix the issue, but may be. 

    I suggest you run the TRACERT again and see what it shows. Lines 2 and 6 are common for routers that do not send back ID info. But, line 7 shows a problem. So, there was a problem in the Level3.net service. That single point was adding 130+/- ms to your parket travel time. Plus it appears it was dropping packets. I tend to suspect they were the problem.

    So I ran it again and this is what I got:


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