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Mekaboo322 Blackheart

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Everything posted by Mekaboo322 Blackheart

  1. Okay everytime I log into secondlife for a few minutes everything is fine until a couple of mins being in the inworld client it like freezes not responding up top. I notice from where the volume icon is located I think its called task bar anyway.. this pop up error message come up. Display driver has stopped responding and has recovered. But how has it been recovered when it crashes me out my secondlife client everytime? Anone has expereince this problem what can I do to fix it? Is the problem my drivers it can't be I just got this new laptop this year 2013. Oh my laptop is windows 8 Hp let me know if you guys need more info about my laptop. Thanks, Mekboo322 Blackheart Laptop additional info: CPU: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (1297.62 MHz) Memory: 3683 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit (Build 9200) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1140 OpenGL Version: 4.2.11774 Compatibility Profile Context RestrainedLove API: RLV v2.7.0 / RLVa v1.4.8a libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0d zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey) Font Used: Deja Vu (96) Draw distance: 128 Bandwidth: 500 LOD factor: 2 Render quality: Medium (3/7) Built with MSVC version 1600 Is that enough information? Thanks I didn't know I can find my pc info that way Problem fixed!! Not my drivers I had my graphics setting set to high in perferences thanks Marigold!! I'm on right now nknow I know why. Omg I loved Secondlife forums soultion to my problem!! wooo lol Hello again. However, get your drivers updated, and next time you pull up a Second Life viewer screen, go into the menu at the top of the screen to slide your graphics down to the lowest level before you attempt to log back in. ;) This might give you a little bit more of a chance to stay logged in. . Mwah soultion to my problem and thanks to other that replyed appericate it.
  2. Okay so I logged on to my acocunt today got in good everything was peachy. Until I went into my inventory I noticed theres no arrouw beside to open and view my notecards and some other folders as well there's no beside arrow when you click and shows everything that's in that one particular folder. Is there a way to fix I had important notecards I don't see the beside arrow for animations, lost and found, favorites and other folders that cotains my hairs,clothing etc... *sigh is there a way to fix this is is weird i tryed reloging 3 times nothin. By the way im using Phoenix Firstorm Release V4 please help I must have my notecards and be able to select clothing and products in my inventory no beside arow. Grrrr!! Thank you ;)
  3. Okay so im using Phoenix Firestorm Release v. Release im trying to make a physic layer of my own for I can try it out because I like the physics lol. Okay so well I know the part where you're suppose to open inventory and you right click in the inventory in a random spot of your inventory then go to new clothes then select new physics. Okay that part I got down pack... But my problem is when I edit it it doesn't move at all I tryed messing with it playing with it a bit to figure the breast sway and the breast bounce nothing is MOVIING!! Do I have to enable something in order for it to move and yes of course I did a movement or animation to see if it would work still nothing can someone tell me whats wrong or help or some advice would be appericate also does Phoenix Firestorm even work with physics? If anyone knows how I can resolve this please leave a comment. Thanks, Oh whats that walk animation where the avatar just walks and where can I get it I saw some of the ppl on sl in the videos using to see movement of their physics from some of the Phoenix youtube physics tutorials. Any one knows please let me know. Edited: Yes!! Thanks I figure out what was wrong I had to go to Peferences then Graphics then select General my problem was I didn't see or select Advaced for I view the Avatar Viewer slider and boost the volume up thanks for the link Nalates Urriah I bookmark it for I can help in-world ppl that has this problem. Thanks again gotta love SL Forums my reference for problems!!
  4. Hi Rosey, I had the same very exact situation until I look on my situation post i had and saw comment of a link >>http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/None-of-the-other-viewers-are-working-Why-not/qaq-p/1155611 go to that link and go to this comment by Claireschen Hesten it's likely your ms c++ run time libraries are missing like mines was so download that link it should work it did for me. Comment by Claireschen Hesten which worked for me >>You need to download something called an AppFix it used to be known as side by side fix there is one at http://downloads.phoenixviewer.com/windows/AppFix.exe once you've installed that you should be able to get all viewers to work you only get the side by side error if your system is missing MS C++ Run time Libraries you can also get other useful downloads including the AppFix at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=downloads If that doesnt work use this: Found this link from Google seems it could help>>http://support.microsoft.com/kb/935791#DownloadSession hope your problem get solve like mines if it does ill be happy for ya its frustrating i know.
  5. So my Phoenix Viewer icon desktop startup won't load properly like it should..for instance when you click it doesn't load to get to the client to log in instead its likes it's corrupt by a error message C:/Program Files/Phoenix Viewer/PhoenixViewer.exe "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail. I can not find a damn solution to get rid if of it has anybody ever experience this problem with Phoenix Viewer Startup if so how can I solve this any suggestions? Im sorry if this didn't fit in part of the forums but I was just curious to know if anybody either than me experience this I dont know if this will help,but the brand of my desktop is a Windows Vista Home Basic Desktop and I just got this desktop so this should'nt be a problem this the only program that I install thats not working right that comes with a error so im think its the files for Phoenix...but if someone knows whats wrong comment pleases. Thanks, In case people who have the same problem such as this as I did i found a solution going to this link by http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/None-of-the-other-viewers-are-working-Why-not/qaq-p/1155611 someone who comment on my post then saw something call appfix it worked for me my MS C++ Runtime Libraries were missing. Posted by Claireschen Hestenfrom that link >>you need to download something called an AppFix it used to be known as side by side fix there is one at http://downloads.phoenixviewer.com/windows/AppFix.exe once you've installed that you should be able to get all viewers to work you only get the side by side error if your system is missing MS C++ Runtime Libraries you can also get other useful downloads including the AppFix at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=downloads Good Luck Hope I helped.
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