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Rayven Baily

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Everything posted by Rayven Baily

  1. I'm looking to possibly start a Photogrpahy studio.. just wondering if anyone out there has had pictures done and how much you spent. I want to have competitive prices along with what others are charging. Below is my work. http://www.flickr.com/photos/meganfux/
  2. Ok thanks.. I thought it was some type of tracker or something.
  3. I was talking to a friend and he was telling me about another avatar who he met and they attached something to his avatar and placed something in their land. I'm not looking to do this myself.. just curious what it could of been, Has me a little spooked about meeting new avatars. Tracker?
  4. I'm sure you are right. Which is why there should be demos for all clothing. Really thats all Im asking for. I would rather have a demo then have to go through th hassle of getting a refund. Bottom line - Demos solves the problem.
  5. You are right how foolish of me to want my money's worth. Not something useless I have no need or want for. Silly me... Like I'm the ONLY person that wants that.
  6. So basically it comes down to this. You are rolling the dice on a product if you buy it and it's a new store. "Buyer Beware" and Linden Labs hands are tied. They cant or wont do anything about it. Then maybe they should not ban copy botters and step away from that problem too. Let the Shop owners figure out a way to stop them. Re-write the TOS - make it like the Wild West, Everyone takes care of themselves.
  7. The suggestion of a refund in a 48 hour period to to ensure the store stand by their product.. which right now they really dont have to. Personally, if I had my choice I would rather have the object as presented not the refund. If I wanted the refund. I wouldnt have purchased the product in the first place, but if I sold something that looks different then what I got in a bait and switch.. well I should have the opportunity to get my money back.
  8. Last time I checked McDonalda was "fast food" meaning its made quickly. I don't think there is a chef back there making sure everything looks like the commerical. So that's a horrible analogy. Second off. McDonalds will give you a refund or and exchange if you are not happy. I'm not a McDonalds person, but they know how to keep their customers Happy.
  9. "In RL when you return the item, cancel the service, you no longer have access to the item. In SL you still have it in inventory." - Roseysun Galicia said Oh you mean I get to keep a item I have no desire to have? So I will end up erasing it without using it like I did all the other items?
  10. Mesh dictates how your shape is.. and half the time have to adjust shape from one outfit to the next. I dont mind mesh hair, shoes, eyes.. but I dont really buy clothes
  11. All, honesty I dont expect Linden Labs to do anything, cause it cuts into the money THEY make. In the end it's all about money, not what's right or wrong.
  12. Linden Labs makes more off people purchasing lindens - afterall Lindens is what people are buying the clothes with. Be a savy shopper? So trial and error then?That's not a solution.. that's bad buisness.. "buyer beware" is basically what you are saying. Im sure hundreds of thousands of lindens are spent every year by people who are not happy about the product they purchased cause it didnt look the same.
  13. Well, if people rise up and deicide to to purchase clothing untill there is a policy change then they will listen
  14. So we all know copybotting clothing is a no no... and it should be. The designer puts work into creating the object. So I cleaned out my inventory the other day and found several things I have bought and never wore.. cause well, they didn't look as good as they did in the store manipulated photo. So copy botting is a big no no.. but misleading people to buy your prouct with alter photos is "ok"? I guess its all about buying Lindens and spending lindens.. If Linden Labs cares (and they should) a standard should be made where a demo of the product should be made available or the cutomer can get their money back in a 48 hour claim . Afterall in the real world I could return the product... why should this be any different?
  15. Threads like this should be Graded. So you know if they are worth reading
  16. Just so all the facts are out there.. the author of this post on "Cyber Bullying" this person lives in a glass house and they throw stones.. thats all I'm going to say here. It's only cyber bullying to them when in fact the bully themselves finds someone they can't bully then they want help LOL.
  17. LOL - Ok Peggy. I will just ignore you from here on out. You are about as useful as a second shoe to a one leg man. This crazy person has ton of alts. I do have them on mute. They will just got and create new accounts over and over. Thanks to everyone else for your responses. I did deleted my payment info and changed my password. I also have a firewall, anti-virus and a few Malware programs which I ran and got nothing back.
  18. Thugs not in the sense of real crimminals thugs.. that was this person's name for their little hacker party. I not worried about not physical threat. This person in general who are maing these threat is a little unstable and think they are above everything. Like the own and run second life.
  19. Today I had someone IM me who I didn't know. They claimed a bunch of stuff of me was on a blog like personal stuff that they come across. I sort of didnt think and clicked the webpage. They said so you live here I see... Through talking with someone else today they showed me TXT of a conversation with someone they know. This person is threatening them saying they have people who will slow their connection. Make them crash and worse stuff. This person claims they have thugs...and it just so happens this person is question I dont get along with. So it was one of ther "thugs" I came in contact with today. My question is this.. can I show the admission of guilt and threats this person has made to this other person and show what happened to me today and get some of these people banned?
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