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Laetizia Coronet

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Posts posted by Laetizia Coronet

  1. Being muted means that someone doesn't want to talk to you anymore. Whether that's Criffin Ceawlin or GriffinsAlt Resident (this is an example I made up - 'scuse me if the account actually exists) should not make a difference. In other words, if you use alts to hammer your little point home despite being muted, you're already harrassing. Use two alts and you know you have a problem.

  2. The only thing I can think of is filing an AR with the notecard open in your viewer, and include the screenshot. You first open the notecard, then AR (on one of your own objects for example), then search for the resident who is the actual culprit (otherwise you're AR'ing youself!).

    The category should be 'defamation of groups or individuals'. Make sure to check the 'include screenshot' option.

  3. The my.sl feed is an anarchy. Anything goes, even the things Linden Lab used to jump at when AR'ed in-world. I've had my private info revealed, and repeatedly so; I've been slandered in the worst possible ways, I've been threatened. And nothing will be done about it - in fact the trolls post with confidence that they "rule the feeds" and that is a literal quote from one of them. My.secondlife could be a fantastic tool, connecting people who are in different timezones and allowing them to share their adventures, and for the most part it is. Until you walk into the wrong alley and you find yourself hounded, sometimes for years, by some idiot who uses everything you say against you and on top of that blames you for talking about it. And it has no functional blocking tool, so not only is there no moderation, there is also no possiblity for you to liberate yourself from the trolls.

  4. Having visited Prague in 2011 I must say that the Tancici Dum takes the cake. The Tancici Dum, Fred and Ginger, the Dancing House is the office of a Dutch insurance company in Prague and it was very weird to see it from the other bank of the Moldau river, between the centuries old palaces of the city. Weird, but pleasing, and it didn't look as if it was intruding in any way, outrageous as it is. From up close and personal it seemed smaller than from afar - maybe that is the trick. It stands out from afar but it doesn't impose itself on you from nearby. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_House

  5. Trolls are worthless cowards until they post a video of them trolling people in real life. You know, find the biggest, baddest looking guy in the subway or on the bus and start your game. If you do that, we're talking to a pro. If all you do is sit in your office chair being snarky all day, then you deserve pity, not admiration.

  6. Give me one example where believers were forced by atheists to live by atheist rules and abandon their practices. Make it a recent one because the Soviet Union is dead and gone. Tip: recent attempts in Europe to ban some Islamic practices are not pushed by atheists but by people claiming to have a "Judeo-Christian" agenda.

  7. I'm an atheist. I have to hear, day after day, that I live "in darkness", that I need "salvation", and that I need to change *my* life in order to live up to *their* rules. If atheists would behave like believers, we would indeed push for the closure of houses of worship. We would incessantly emphasize the need to "liberate" poor believers who, obviously, live "in darkness". Thing is - we do not. We're an easy lot. You go to your temple on your chosen day of worship and we go to the beach. You teach your kids all about how God wants this or that and we teach ours much the same values, but coming from the heart and from understanding how a society can function, instead of from some book. It's all good. We do not push our (lack of) faith upon others. But here's the catch - many of you do. They do not want us to have abortions. They do not want us to enter into gay relationships. They don't want us to go shopping on Sundays. They don't want us to be "indecent" in public. They don't want us to voice our honest opinion about your leaders, your Gods, your Saints and / or your Prophets. If you are against abortions, by all means don't ever perform one. If you are against gay marriage, please marry someone of the opposite sex. If you are against working on Sundays, then don't. If you think nude beaches are the Satan, don't go there. If you think Jesus / Muhammad / Krishna / Buddha / the Big Tree in the Forest is untouchable, don't touch them. But do not ever try to force *me* into *your* rules. Because "freedom of religion" should also mean freedom to be non-religious.

  8. A while ago, i tried to make a boat with some 15m long prims. Today I tried for a land vehicle with some prims larger than the old 10m limit. Both times I was unable to steer the vehicle. What is the cause of this? Large prims? And is there a solution? Thanks, TC EDIT - I use a simple freebie car script which works in any primmy car, the DT 2.1. I edited only the speed settings.
  9. The login in an empty region trick is described here, in the comments (bottom of page, you may need to click to see them) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109 I'm having the same problem right now, and I imagine others as well since loads of people were stuck trying to cross into Jemba from the Blake Sea. As for lag: as soon as you can, you should clear cache (in your Preferences) and set cache size to max, then relog. This should help.

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  10. I have a car script that I adapted to work like a boat. It works fine in an adapted car (I removed the wheels and made floats) but the boat won't steer. It does steer with the freebie Simple Boat Script but that doesn't handle like i want it to.

    The only real difference is that the driviers' position of the boat is a sculpty, with all the scripts inside it. When I was testing the new boat with the SImple Boat Script  I used a non-sculpty seat. The adapted car likewise has a non-sculpty seat.

    Can it be that the sculpty is the problem? Or is SL just being it's wonky self?

    To clarify: Yes, the boat has less than the maximum amount of prims and yes, it's set to physical. I thought that would be clear because with another script it *did* move.
  11. The latest viewer keeps getting stuck on startup during the texture cache phase. It tries to find an enormous amount of files which aren't there. The startup screen scrolls by like mad, saying: WARNING: LLAPRfile: :remove: Attempting to remove filename C:\Users:\...etcetera...92b8b.texture WARNING: ll_apr_warn_status: APR: impossibile trovare il file specificato (=impossible to find specified file) I just redownloaded it but that did not resolve anything. I use Win7.
  12. In Photoshop, I use the Liquify mode. I set up a block of stripes halfway over the torso template on the left (or right - but so that half the torso is covered), then gently push those lines falling outside of the template inwards until they are all, or almost all, inside. I take care not to foul up the stripes which lie over the middle of the template. Copy, flip horizontally, match, make one layer. It takes a bit of time to get it really good both front and back (and yes, then there's pants and sleeves) but then you keep the whole thing as a template for further use. btw, loved your shop, I dropped in not too long ago.

  13. Psychopaths are best left to professionals in white coats, preferably carrying sedatives ready to inject. In other words: block and ignore. I sadly had to do that (well... the equivalent of it) in real life once. Just to save myself from going down with them. Harsh, but necessary.

  14. I've had that. In my case it was a problem between my system (Win7) and my ISP (Alice, an Italian provider) where their connection booster clashed with the Win7 one. It also seriously hampered efforts to upload things to some sites, notably Flickr. In the end the solution was found on the web. I had to deactivate a little something in Win7 via the DOS prompt. Since then i sail smoothly through SL. Things like ghosted avatars are mostly connection problems.

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