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Waterfall Farshore

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Everything posted by Waterfall Farshore

  1. Last reply, I promise. As I said with the other comment. I don't think you're really asking, just trying to make a point. You don't know me and I don't know you but I wouldn't make an assumption that you are an extremist because you know all of these signs and symbols. I think you have a lot of time on your hands and maybe are more interested in that who arena more than myself haha. I really don't give any of that whole stuff any time of day. I think if you had time to get to know me, you'd think differently before posting all this. Please be respectful is all I ask and give people the benefit of the doubt before assuming things and opening up a can of pixel worms. Best, Waterfall Farshore // Wazzer Works
  2. Hi Scylla. We enjoy parody, as I said so if you're trying to connect dots to make a point it's going a bit far. I only just today got an IM that this thread was a thing. No one reached out prior that they were going to start this. I will try to address your question, even though I think you're trying to make a point instead. As mentioned, we sell tactical gear, outdoor apparel and accessories. That is what we enjoy doing, and we have a great customer base who loves to roleplay in different genres, I have never heard of a single one of my customers roleplaying an extremist group. Personally, I'm a fan of Magnum P.I and Hawaii five O along with shows like Jack Ryan, Narcos and also Terminal List. I draw inspiration from these often. I'm not going to try to convince you to like me but at least I can share a little about me which drives what I do. You must know more about white supremacists than myself to be honest, I've never come across anyone linking them and the "okay" hand sign before but I may be uneducated. To sum things up, I'm not here to promote any sort of crazy group of irrational people, if I do make something related to politics its out of parody. I think we all need to laugh a bit more in this world and maybe consider holding back on some assumptions about someone or some brand you don't quite know. This will likely be my last comment on this thread as I'd love to enjoy my weekend and I'm sure you would all as well. Have a great weekend and stay safe everyone. Best, Waterfall Farshore // Wazzer Works
  3. This thread understandably introduces a question that we are more than happy to clear up but also begins to make assumptions about our brand and our customers that are harmful and untrue. We have and want nothing to do with any extremists side and anyone who causes harm to other people. In 2022, I would expect people to be more educated before making assumptions, especially when you haven't contacted the brand in question on such a topic you brought to the forums. The CIA and DEA often combined the two (tropical shirts & ballistic vests) during the narcos days which is where our inspiration comes from, not to mention the cops in Miami at this time who also sported a similar look back in the day. At the core of our brand, we support armed forces and law enforcement, not crazy folks who hurt others, that's not how we think or operate. We also don't support Antifa either, yet we make all-black outfits. At heart, we love tactical gear and all things that are involved such as CIA, DEA, and special forces rp. We also love parody, hence our name so we try not to take our segment in tactical gear, police rp, etc too seriously. I hope I cleared this up and I have to say the customers I do know who support me month to month are great people at heart and love to roleplay many different groups who do our communities in real life an incredible service. I've always supported them as in my mind its a way to pay homage. They deserve better than to be grouped into any extremist category on any side, nor do we intend on them being grouped into such groups. At the end of the day you're welcome to have opinions and beliefs but please don't make harmful comments about people or brands you don't know. Please, reach out before making assumptions in the future. Best, Waterfall Farshore // Wazzer Works
  4. Can you guys please do this for all sims and not just mainland! That would be actually incredible and a game changer! - WAZ
  5. Can you guys please do this for all sims and not just mainland! That would be actually incredible and a game changer! - WAZ
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