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Laufiair Hexicola

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Everything posted by Laufiair Hexicola

  1. no, but my specific problem is irrilevant. What is relevant is that someone needs to stand up for these wrongful bannings and I know people agree with me(12 of them so far). I also know people are affraid that LL might do something to them. I'm not affraid and no one else should be either.
  2. .. but the apeals system ll has set up is the nice way to say they dont care about us. I know of several(myself included) that've gone this route with little or no response from LL.
  3. This is an idea I'm fishing around since it's happened to myself and 3 other people. Here's the low down... To all the avatar residents in SL. Everyday people are falsy accused and banned by Linden Labs for crimes in which they did not comment. Anyone who has an avatar in SL knows how much L$ and time that is put into the creation of their personal avatar giving their avatar a personality and soul. To ban an innocents account is no diffrent than killing a small part of that person. Human, Vampire, Furry, Neko, it dosn't matter we all hurt the same when a griffer bullys us, and/or convices LL that "we" the victum should be the one banned. We the avatars of SL want fair trials in such cases. So please help us stop this injustice by signing this petion which will be printed and sent to LL in California. This is not a joke or scheme this is a real issue here on SL, and we need to show LL that we are not just mindless avatars we are people with feelings.
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