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Caitlin Coen

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  1. Great idea, I like it. Like an open house then a relocate button to teleport each to your new places. We can hope!!!
  2. Right, except I don't have a post with a light on it, lol. I'll submit a ticket. Thanks!!!
  3. Strangest thing though, it doesn't have a house controller! It's pretty much the same one I had before, including color. Anyone know why it wouldn't come with a controller and if there's anything I can do about that? Thanks!
  4. Well I got the perfect home after getting two that couldn't be delivered because they were out of stock lol. It's at the end of the pier on stilts out in the ocean off a peninsula. I 3> it.
  5. thanks for that link frigga-works great. Sitting in waiting. Did get a nice stilt home..and I have a question. Why the heck isn't there beach access for those of us more inland at the water? Guess I thought there might be a beach or path between parcels (under Linden Maintenance) that would make a great little walkway in for a swim. I'm going to try and find another location but I really like the builds.
  6. I hope it's me lol I'm having a hard time getting one...and I have no clue how to change the model. Supposedly your suppose to be able to choose from 4 types in the category..idk I can't find that option, it sure isn't in the control module at the door that changes colors and stuff like that.
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