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Karen Veriander

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Everything posted by Karen Veriander

  1. Nobody mentioned Heartsick. Those skins (esp. the newer lines) have a dewy, glowy look about them that I haven't found anywhere else. I've been wearing the same bare Heartsick "Spirit" skin, with tattoo makeup (mostly from Pixeldolls, but I'm always looking around) for probably a month now. With the rise of the tattoo layers, I doubt I will be buying many "made-up" skins anymore.
  2. Randall Ahren wrote: There is a solution to the second problem. The next time you accidentally delete something, find it in your inventory in the trash and choose restore in world and Singularity will put it back where it was. Imprudence and Phoenix have similar features. That should save you a lot of time. Also, you might try locking your house under the object tab to reduce your chances of accidentally moving it or deleting it. oh, bless you. I didn't know this. Though when I occasionally kill a bit of my house (my partner would laugh her butt off, cause she knows that "occasionally" means "quite a bit, actually") I can usually re-line it up with a bit of effort. Rugs and paintings are huge helps in this regard. :matte-motes-bashful:
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