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lacheriealorca Galaxy

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Everything posted by lacheriealorca Galaxy

  1. technically it is also a property theft, if I refer to the terms of universal music
  2. Why do you mind talking about it? if you don't want to talk about it then don't comment, and don't come and see
  3. In this case, the question is whether we can report people who put horrible things in their profile
  4. It is true that an update of these would be welcome, especially the opinion of LL on this subject.
  5. Hello to all I'm opening this topic, because I didn't really find any information about the contents that are allowed in his profile Is the profile general? moderated? adult? I often see profiles with very trashy photos, even harcode, nudity. I've seen profiles with very trashy pictures, nudity, and sometimes dubious descriptions. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do, but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.
  6. Good evening, same thing for me in france impossible to connect whatever the chosen place
  7. Bonjour , j'ai posé un objet sur mon terrain il a directement été supprimé , et n'a pas été retourné dans l'inventaire mon terrain avait bien la place qu'il faut , il n'a pas été posé ailleurs que sur mon terrain
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