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mikka Luik

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Posts posted by mikka Luik

  1. Well as a "derivative" it didn't work for me. I saw the promo,  was curious, read what little blurb there was and had a little poke around what passes for popular culture and - lo and behold something on the telly I never heard of before. So bit of a backfire all round really =^^=

  2. Well, playing Devil's advocate, what percentage of SLers read these forums...or even any part of the website? Yes some ongoing notification of the state of play on ogin would be nice, for example. The other point of using Twitface et al is to show the outside worls (ie people not on SL) that the CEO is taking an active role in the running of the company and hears users worries... =^^=

  3. Making a fairly convincing copy of any pictures/textures in anyones profile is trivial using a combination of screen shot/photo editor and then uploading them. In the past 6 months it has happened to someone in our community. In their case, the copiers life was even easier as the victim had only a first name (ie is a Resident) so all they did was create an account with one additional character. At first glance it was easy to miss that especially with a word for word copy of the profile text. In some ways you are luckier as your surname is a lot more difficult to spoof, hence the copyrats use of a display name. And yes it won't pass anything more than a casual inspection (rez date is indeed very hard to spoof but many people don't check these things)

    Follow the advice here and file a report if it is causing you any harrassment - gather any evidence you can of course. Good luck

  4. Well, my experience too recently is that TPs have not been any particular problem. I'm based on a Magnum sim and regularly TP over to all RCs and the main server for testing (mainland and off). Over the last week the only glitch I have had was from one main server sim to another and that was a one off from a sim that has been a bit flaky before. Otherwise, no problems.

  5. The functions used for XYText are supported in Opensim (as well as others) but yes the texture UUIDs themselves do not match. Several of the other grids have had replacement sets published (check the various forums for details). When I implemented my own versions of message boards I generated new character layouts to match as it gave me the ability to transport them.

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