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Logan Taov

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Everything posted by Logan Taov

  1. Check out nPose ... it's an open source set of scripts and objects. You put your animations into the object (a chair, say) then drop the nPose scripts into the same object, together with one notecard for each "scene" ... a scene might be a single animation (one person sitting) or a couple kissing, or 4 people having dinner, or whatever. One notecard per "scene", then nPose will help you adjust all the avatars to the right positions, then you update the notecard. It's really simple and fast. And free ... did I mention free? And OpenSource. And there's an amazingly helpful nPose group to answer even the dumbest questions politely and quickly. Get nPose on Marketplace or in-world search for nPose.
  2. Sometimes you've just got to hate marketing types ... it takes a LOT of gall to say that they're doing this to make it easier to submit bug reports! It's as insulting to their users as politicians telling us that keeping political contributions secret makes the political process more open ... or arms manufacturers telling us that buying more weapons make the world safer. The whole idea is, as every commentator has noted, an awful one, but at least they could be honest about it ... "We're doing this because we're tired of hearing you all whine about how our proposed fixes will make stuff worse... and anyway this is bad publicity that we're tired of supporting on our servers." But what they're forgetting is that SL is a user community, populated by many people who are quite sophisticated computer scientists, and their users really want to help them make SL a better world.
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