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Zita Arcana

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Everything posted by Zita Arcana

  1. Maybe "freeze" instead of crash is a better description. When I try to add the folder to the AV it just wants to open the folder but not add it, but I will keep trying! As for the GPU it was fine with the other versions.....I realize I'm going to have to get a new computer by Oct. 2025 end of support, but thought I could keep SL until then. Thanks for your help, I'm inspired to keep looking for the solution! One last question should I empty the cache on the viewer?
  2. It is always crashing and when it let's me in so many things are not rezzing. I have done most of the whitelisting but windows defender is not allowing me to add the cache file! I come to SL to have fun and relax but these tech issues are getting the best of me!
  3. Well I can't get either viewer to work on windows 10, I will sadly have to drop my subscription at this point.
  4. Same here and the world map is useless at the moment. Ready to spend some money on property but map will not load properly.
  5. Yes, I was wondering the same thing. Is it okay to skate on public roads? or is this something that nearby owners have a problem with. Z
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