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Sandy Schnook

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Posts posted by Sandy Schnook

  1. This is one of those times I regret the mentor program was discontinued.  As for what to do, the world is open to you, literally.  The real problem is finding what interests you.  Want to learn to build, try searching for Builder's Brewery.  Want to rp, search roleplay.  If you want something specific to rp, search words that suit.  Want people to talk to, that might take some doing, but since you are new, Garnet's suggestion sounds great!  Do you like art, look for galleries.  Look up events and head for one.  People might not always be chatty at events, but they are often a good way to see items built and sold by others.  We even have amusement parks.  MadWorld just recently opened and is quite fun to wander.  In fact anything by Madpeas can be fun, Madworld, hunts, mysteries to solve, and tons of others playing those same games.  Please don't give up on your first day,  SL is everything and more then you can possibly think of.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    and paying someone other than LL isn't really a full guarantee anyway since they could up and leave.

    I had this happen to me and my co-renter friend when M screwed over Homesteads during his reign.  The owner of the main private sim stopped the rental business and most of my stuff was returned as a blob of objects with no warning.  Some of my stuff I never found again.   So friggin' glad M's gone.

  3. But I don't own 4656, if you add the parcels, I own 5120, that's why I'm asking about oddness.  1536 + 1536 + 2048 = 5120, which is how much I contributed to the group.


    Editted to add.  before I made the contribution my total showed the correct amount, after it showed 4656.

  4. I'm hoping someone can tell me what happened before I submit a ticket.  I own 3 parcels on the same sim, two are 1536 meters and the other 2048 for a total of 5120.  I donated all 3 to a personal group for a future store  and now it shows the total of land as 4656.  This leaves me 464 I can buy, but short 48 meters to buy a 512 next to my 2048.  Does anyone know why the shortfall?

  5. 1 hour ago, Alyona Su said:

    Agreed. Now if more creators with gigantic virtual showrooms would use web-optimized 512x512 sized images for their vendors so they rez faster I'd start shopping in-world more often, too. 

    Have been reading and taking that to heart.  My little store isn't all that full or even open yet, but I'm checking all my ads for size before I add more items.  As for shopping in world, I'd be thrilled if I didn't have to place anything on MP at all, but that's unrealistic.  For myself personally, I generally only use the MP if what I want isn't at an in-world store.

  6. RP is not a requirement.  Do what you find fun, not what you think you should because it's what others do.  I hang out with friends, chat in the Wardrobe Support group, try my hand at designing, building and photography, shop, and explore.  Very little of that needs a community or rp.  

    • Like 2
  7. My go to is the Blueberry - DWL Classic Jeans, you don't want the fun pack, one of that set has rips.  I'm linking the fatpack but they can be bought individually, except for exclusive colors.  The Bootcut pairs are awesome and have a jeans for both flat feet and high feet included.  There is also 2 butt styles included, sounds like your friend might like Cutiebooty style a bit more then the Bluebooty, since the later tends to add more definition to the backside.   https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blueberry-DWL-Jeans-Classic-Pack-Maitreya-Belleza-All-Slink-Physique-Hourglass-Mesh-Fat-Pack/12051193


  8. I have always loved the suit Skell is wearing but don't buy men's clothes.  I do have male friends that ask once in a while though, and completely forgot about Deadwool.  Thanks!

  9. I was packing everything, thinking about how much I spent over time on my inventory.  Then I developed a philosophy that's helped me dump a lot.  If I can eat a dinner costing $50 USD and not worry about the cost, saving the remains, or saving the future results of the meal, then I can easily toss a pixel dress that cost me 25 cents to a couple dollars.

    • Like 1
  10. Okay on an individual level then.  Do you want to get hundreds or thousands of IMs like that everyday?  I know I don't and put people who do it on ignore.  It's not just about you.  It's about all the others plus you who want folks to come see their new club, shop, park, strip joint, sex beach, whatever...

    • Like 7
  11. Since you claim to be new, I will delve into this a bit deeper.  If you got away with "spam" we'd have to allow it for everyone.  We are talking about thousands of these per day in every group if it was allowed.  Chat already gets clogged in some big groups if someone just says Hi.

    • Like 3
  12. This might be an old thread, but still pertinent.  I went through 35 pages yesterday, of mostly the same creator for full perm items who seems to have uploaded listings for .DAE packages of their whole catalog.  I'm not that up on some things I admit, so there may have been a way to exclude that maker that I just don't know.  But still...35 pages?  Between this, demos, and gacha resellers coming up when I look for a creator, it's really getting hard to use the MP.

    • Like 1
  13. Demo till you can't stand it then demo some more.  Look for head that comes close to how you want your finished look to be.  The sliders can do a lot, but there are some areas they can't completely redo on mesh.  I.E., if you want a longer Grecian profile, don't start with a tiny pug nose, if you prefer thinner lips don't chose a head where they are really thick.  Demo with various skins also if you can.  A skin can make 2 people using the same heads and sliders look completely different.


    Added:  Also use the shape they provide with the demo.  Your underlying head shape will make the head look vastly different then the vendor ad, sometimes even truly ugly.  Once you choose a head, you can easily put your current body slider numbers into the new shape, then slowly tweak the head to a look you like.

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  14. No one can enter my in world inventory itself, but CTS Wardrobe does let me create a public link to show others what I've have uploaded to it.  And since I can make a visual entry of anything I can take a photo of, that even includes non-wearables.  Feel free to perv mine. 


    It's also in my profile picks in world.  


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