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DjBandolera Mode

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Blog Comments posted by DjBandolera Mode

  1. Hi every1, i've read some of the comments left  here and I do agree with most of you about the poor quality LL has to manage certain issues when it comes to tickets . and reports,  my case is much complex, being a premium acct. for 2yrs, spending about 200-300USD every wk. land owner, business owner, club, stores, recreation,  basically sharing with SL residents a fair place to be and for every1 to enjoy what i have. to all this, some ppls go to your land- missbehave, verbal abuse, harrasment to others, etc. mind you, if you try to put a stop to all that, maybe you have to bann them or just eject them, you're the one that get a report... i mean what happen to all the effort that us land owners, us builders that spend  hours, days, sleepless nights trying to improve what we have and some1 comes around and make a ticket, your acct be hold for a few days, and after all LL comes and tells you, that you wont be able to use that accout because some individuals sent tickets to LL. I was for more than 2 wks trying to fight the case, LL did not have the courtesy to find out if those accusations were true or false, they did not even gave me the opportunity to defend myself, they just closed my acct with no explanation. Now after all I find out that the person who ticketed me was the partner i had in SL, friends of him, and  alts that he used to make false accusations against me. this individual when our partnership got to an end, he demanded for me to leave the properties, the land, the club and whatever I had work for 2yrs, he was forcing me to leave the group i created with 4,000members on it.. since i was in denial and did not pleased him, he went and ejected every1 from the group, i receieved verbal abuse from this guy, harassment, phone calls, etc.  i reported him, no action was taken, he still around making every1 that come across him misserable, and not to forget he is not a premium acct.  now he has other lands, other business and his new journey is making illegal traffic with bots too. and me!! lost my  acct. lost everything in my inventory offcourse, and trying with this new acct to recover  what i lost. but  the feeling of playing this game and  have an effort on what you want your game to be is worthless. LL wont ever ever see a dolar out of my pocket again and offcourse i will never be premium again.. for those that are not premium right now and have leave their comments in this blog: being premium or regular makes no difference when it comes to the customer service from LL. and i wish no1 of you have to go tru what i went, its a horrible feeling as a human-being, because we might be represented by avatars in SL but the game becomes part of our daily living and behing each monitor we are real people and sometimes thats not even taken in consideration.. I've learned in SL that no1 cares for any1 starting with LL. they only worry about your money.  Have a nice Day everyone - and excuse my poor english but i believe i make myself understood!  ciao!

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