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Starr Narayan

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Everything posted by Starr Narayan

  1. If I understand you correctly you wish to be a fursona/furry? I suggest typing furry in the Marketplace website of Second Life. Loads of amazing stuff is created for furry characters. From cool pierced ears to super sexy tails. Some is very expensive but to start out and to test the looks you can even find some free items there! I myself have furry alts and started out with freebies till I found the uber-cute furry look I was after.
  2. You CAN apply more then 1 texture to a REGULAR PRIM. You just drag the texture from your inventory to that face of the prim that you want the texture to show on. You can do this for all faces by either dragging or by using the Select Texture option in the Edit mode. This option has to be checked in the top of the Edit window. If you use the Texture tab in the Edit window to drag a texture from your inventory to the Texture tab it will be applied to ALL faces of the prim. Go and experiment with these options for a few minutes to get the hang of this. For a SCULPTED PRIM this is not the case tho. Sculpted prims only have 1 face/side. So those need to be textured in a 3D program if you wish to apply more then 1 texture on those. There are several programs to do this like Maya, Blender etc.
  3. To really help you I think we would need you to give us a bit more information. -Did you choose one of the free basic avatars SL offers new residents? Or did you buy yourself a new shape and/or skin? -Are you willing/able to spend some Lindens on looking better? -Did you change anything about the appearance of your avatar yourself to make it look bad or are you just bored with the way it looks?
  4. Anything goes on the Marketplace these days. If you spend some time looking closely you will find copied (read stolen!!!) skins sold for 10L up to 100L. You will find unfair competition, fake reviews and ppl trying to destroy the sales of ppl they simply do not like. Well... what else is new? :matte-motes-nerdy:
  5. Did you get the skin in a box and did you unpack it somewhere? If so, try look in your Lost and Found folder as the item may have been returned to that folder. Also try use the Recent tab to narrow the amouth of items. That gives a clearer view if you set the filters to 1 or 2 days.
  6. Permissions is the keyword here. There are many ways to make sure ppl cannot actually use the textures inside your product. If you bought your textures, sellers of these textures, often explain in their TOS of their products how they want you to set the permissions to avoid abuse/theft etc. Some want the perms set to just Copy, no Transfer nor Modify. Some allow other configurations like Copy AND Mod, but NEVER Copy-Trans AND Modify. I. myself, mostly make my textures just copy coz my products sometimes need to be adjustable by a menu and I don't want customers to risk losing my products by screwing them up and not having a backup item. I also set my scripts to just Copy for this reason.
  7. This sadly happens a lot! This/these person(s) obviously made alts just for the purpose to boost their ranking on the Marketplace. At least they went trough the trouble of writing a review, hehe. Most of the time ppl just rate their own listings with the highest amount of stars. I saw a skin creator, a very untalented one if I may ad, who did this for almost all his/her skins. No1 in his right mind would rate those skins with the maximum number of stars, not even if you got them for free. I won't mention his or her name ofc..Older residents won't fall for these fake reviews but it does give a very wrong picture of true ratings on the Marketplace. And it pisses of the ppl that do work hard to get a good or even any review at all... I am one of the last group, lol.
  8. Then my choice is easy... I will go for logging with the 3th party viewer as I am not a fan of the V2 layout anyway :smileywink:. Sux tho as I finally convinced myself to give V2 a try again. Before it always turned me off bigtime, lol. Nah, who am I kidding, it still does, hehe.
  9. Same problem here. The updated viewer crashes my grfx card (NVIDIA 9600M GT) within seconds. I am forced to use Phoenix if I wanna get in at all.
  10. A lil more detail would be nice...
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