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Sophia Bode

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Everything posted by Sophia Bode

  1. Posted this on a few other of the same issue, and hitmanpro antivirus was the only thing that got rid of this problem for me and it has an option for a one time scan so you don't have to d/l anything, worked like a charm.
  2. I had the same problem and saw on a blog to use hitmanpro antivirus to get rid of it and it worked, after hours of frustration. I'm not spamming but I do want to post this on a few of these because so far it was the only thing that worked for me and it only took like 4 minutes.
  3. I found another blog that recomended hitmanpro antivirus software and there was a virus, idk HOW but, this program fixed the issue. I just did the one time scan option it gives though. So, if you have the 0cx0000005 error for second life, hitmanpro cleared it up for me and a few other people. Hope this helps!
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