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Dahlia Endsleigh

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Posts posted by Dahlia Endsleigh

  1. I might just fit your bill! I feel I am cool, I like beaches, clubs, shopping, taking photos and editing (just found out getting a drawing tablet for xmas!) I just turned 27 (and kinda fearing getting any older :( ) I know what an AO is and it is one of the first things I help a newb find! I have held the same AO from Oracle for well over a year...only as I haven't found one I like better. Feel free to shoot me a message or inworld IM! Always looking for new bffs!

  2. Personally, those people make me laugh..and I have this exact quote for my rebuttle...


    "This is a disclaimer to void your ToS disclaimer whether you read it or not. And if you try to void my disclaimer of your disclaimer, then I void your disclaimer voiding my disclaimer voiding your disclaimer. I further make it impossible for your disclaimer of my disclaimer to void your disclaimer able to void my disclaimer.

    I am clearly stating that you do not have my permission to disclose any chat or voice conversations involving me without my prior consent.* Disclaimer valid even if you have read but not necessarily understood said disclaimer."

  3. Well it wasn't from an actual group..it was like a group conversations, i.e. highlight one friend and shift to the bottom so that all the avatars friends are included...it was like a forced group conversation, but no actual group. I didn't mind, as I had time to spare :) It seemed that all the convos they were having with the other residents were different than mine as well...

  4. I would check the creator of the shoes you received. If they are not from the person you know makes them, I would inform the creator and delete the items. If it is from the original creator, I would contact them via PM or NC and ask if maybe they made a delivery mistake, and sent them to you by accident! I wouldn't delete them until you speak to the creator, as if they are real, and it was their honest mistake, you have new shoes...(If it is from the original creator, and you keep them, maybe toss them some l$)

  5. So last night, hanging on my piece of land with some friends, I get the most random group IM I have ever received...It was from a "bot" named Hal...He started a group chat, which included some residents I know, some that I don't...Anyways...I have never seen this bot before, never been contacted by him before. The bot, was half concious (if that makes sense) I would type something in the group chat, then somehow, it would ask me why I asked that in the group chat? Odd. It seemed half intellegent, so I kept on with it (it wasn't too bothersome to me, pretty entertaining seeing as half the stuff was gibberish) Any ways, I was wondering...anyone else get this rando IM? I have no idea how it concocted the residents it chose to speak to...but I was one of the two people, out of the 6 that were with me, that got these IM's.

  6. Daria, I have always loved reading your posts and replies. They are straightforward answers and sometimes down right funny! I came accross a similar situation awhile ago with another friend of mine...Let this person waste their time on the AR report lol. I don't see you as offensive though, just being honest! Oh and they have bacon everything! Bacon soap, ice cream, band-aids! Bacon is the new sliced bread..hahaha

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