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Thane Woodford

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  1. I put in a land performance ticket a couple of weeks ago because of this exact issue. I have a full sim which is mainly my sculpt store and building grid. I was informed that there is an "open bug" affecting all sims at random with this kind of sim failure. I have had a few LL restarts in order to get the sim back on the map. So far they don't show any solutions, but do recognize that there is a problem. Thane Woodford
  2. Ohren, I can only agree with you on where I would much prefer to see the effort spent. Fixing the mono glitch, now that would be useful. I understand we are about to get 40 groups which will be a big help, but we are warned that it could be clawed back if it causes lag. Much has begun to falter on the levels of trust from what it used to be, and that is sad, but there are still amazing people who are here sharing concern for the future. We may not be heard, but if we don't speak,,,,,we SURELY won't be. Perhaps LL will wake up and remember how it got where it is, and place greater weight in the views of residents who care enough to take the time to comment with clarity. One can but hope.
  3. I have not much cared what I get as a premium member in terms of the 512 or a poorly designed Linden house, I chose not to claim them. The stipend is not significant, but I have what money I am prepared to spend on my entertainment anyway. I have made grateful use of the live chat feature, which I am not sure is available to free accounts. What I DO think we should be able to expect is consideration for our concerns. This move is supposedly being made to bring in more people, and place SL more in line (in ease of joining) with other social networking applications. I see no reason that we should line up with Face Book et al. That is not what we are. Over the years we have made use of group titlers and other devices to give ourselves alternate names. An application that simply allowed residents to do this, with the added ability of other language characters would be sufficient. Forcing an added step in searching your own friend list so you know who it is that is calling you seems counter productive. In other networking applications my friends do not change identity so I have to figure out who they are this week. We have no choice in this being done...it is a done deal, all we can hope is to affect how it is applied. To me, the most disturbing feature is the failure to protect the names already in use from being assumed by others. In a griefing situation it is already difficult enough to collect the avatar names as it is, if you need to hover in order to find the "user name" it will complicate abuse reports. I am not one to gripe about a place that I have chosen to spend my entertainment money and time. In many ways I am still astonished at what SL manages to accomplish. Neither am I a person who faces change with fear. I am a person who believes that changes should be well thought out and benefit the widest number of people who support the organization. This, while answering an admittedly large number of requests for name change, (which could be easily addressed by simpler means) intends to address an unknown quantity ..... those who have quit the joining process at the point of choosing a last name, and those who have yet to join. A huge volume of newcomers before the server issues have been adequately addressed and lag brought under better control will not serve anyone in my opinion.
  4. Having read the faq, watched the video, read many responses, and read the changes based on input I still have a couple of serious concerns. How will this effect banning from land parcels? Often an action needs to be taken quickly and one has little time to see all the detail while attempting to bring order to their land. Getting the name correct is important. Will the user name permit a banned individual to re-enter the land a week later when they have a new display name? Do we need to bann by user name or display name? The user name is smaller than the display name on the video making it likely to be the one missed. As a content creator with a lengthy list of "friend" contacts, searching for the user name when presented with display names, (ever-changing) in my friend list will be very frustrating. In a given day I must contact a growing number of clients to deliver custom orders, this looks to me as if my work here has just grown more difficult. A good bit of customer relations is recognizing your regulars and greeting them, making them feel welcome and seen. Much more difficult when faced with twice the nametags in a small area. This opens room for inadvertently offending someone by refering to them under their long established user name having failed to register the display name. Will I have to fill out my display name tab with my user name in order to have it displayed in the larger letters without the dot between? I can understand the desire for Roleplay characters to have more flexibility with display names, but offering a larger selection of titles within groups would easily cover that. I also fully understand couples wishing to assume or hyphenate with their partner's name...I would think that could be easily applied for when a partnership is formed, and removed when and if it dissolves. I also understand the desire for names in languages and characters other than Latin, also easily done. Do I want someone wearing my carefully chosen user name, which bears the cachet of my business ethics, reputation, and hard work....no, I don't. I am a premium member because I support the place I play and add my skills to, and because I want the support in return. I truly feel that your paying client base are not being given what could well be simpler and less taxing to the system options. Please do more than just "consider" colour differences in the user vs display names. *Be the example*
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