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Roche Runo

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Posts posted by Roche Runo

  1. This is what i have read on the interent by staff at linden labs.

    1) land will be 10's of dollars not hundreds like it is is in second Life

    2) If you want to have as big as all the land in second life you can

    3) You will be able to take your account with you. (Can use the same account for both worlds)

    4) You will be able to create things like you do in Sl  but with mesh  not prims or sculpties.

    5) Your inventory will not be able to transer to Sansar. (possile mesh item can)


    That all i have been able to glean from the internet.

  2. just  look in the search under Classifeds - Land rentall   If you want all your studentd to build  at once you will need a sim  but if you are doing it in small groups  a small peice of  land  would suffice   Also  you should figure out roughly how many prims are needed for each student will need.    Note  using the convex hull  feature  found under  edt - features  will  cut your prims in half in most cases


    hope this helps

  3. I know what you mean.   The pre paid cards like  what facebook uses.   You buy the card for x amount of dollars  and then you enter  the code on the back of the card  and the equal amount is put into your account.   Good Question!

    I suspect the reason is  that when you buy lindens  it doesnt come from LL  but  from  people who are trading their lindens for real life money.   Using prepade games card would not work  as sometime you have to wait  for enough people to trade their lindens before you can get them

    What you can do is set up a pay pal account   and use that  to buy your lindens.  It will come right out of your back account.

    Google pay pal 

    I hope this helps you



  4. And i love voice in sl.  But like previous poster said  it has some problems  if  you dont have a good mic.   So dont go cheap!

    A wired mic is best!   Voice in Second Life is like useing  a CB radio.   You can't talk at the same time as another person. 

    Makes you real good  a listening  lol

  5. sorry no one as answered you     Many of us would are not familiar with  the process as we are not designers.  Thinking out of the box  have you got the right  file extenstion on your mesh file  that  that you want to upload.  i know it requires a certain one.  Thats the best that i can do


  6. in your voise settings under preferences   try setting it to default   if that doesnt work  then select your sound  card or chip.

    Some times  a clean reinstall will fix the problem.  

    Also  check and see if your voice is work outside of second life    if it still doesnt   Try reinstall your sound drivers.

    Stlll not work   try another headset 

    No  then  buy  a new head setset

    Still no  then buy a new sound card  if that what you are using

    hope this helps

  7. Click on search  then classifieds on the left hand side  of the window that pops up   then select employment.   Choose what you think you would like.   I have worked in sl for 8 plus years  and i never used real life money.   Many people use real life money and their inventories are filled with items they only used a couple of times.    Now having said that  if you have lots of excess money in real life   then yes use a credit card to buy lindens.  :)


  8. It is terrible when this happens as you feel  so helpless   and as the the previsous answer as suggested  file  a ticket.  It maybe someone has  found out your password  and is using your account  to  cause trouble.  When you do  just stick to the facts.  They wont care about your life story  just ask them to tell you why you were banned

    Hope things work out for you


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  9. Whey you buy something in second life or from the market  place,  the item your purchesed is made of of prims(parts).  If you right click on something and select edit  you will see the parts highlighted with a blue glow.   The box  that pops up when you click on it will tell you the number of prims the object uses.    You are limited to 100 prims.  So all the items(objects) that you put in can only add up to 100 prims.   Now there is  a way around that  but not all landowners all alow that  so check with yours  before you do that.    You can link  non-scripted items  together  and use  the  convex hull feature.   Just goggle  Second life  Linking prims   and  Second life  Convex Hull . 

    Hope that helps




  10. Yes, it is worth it.  You can make a lot of lindens  doing  it.   I have never had to use real life money to have fun in sl. 

    And i think your are under a misception. A  good  dj  not only talks but loves to interact and enterain people. 

    Now you will get hired  as some places  if you dont talk.   But your tips will not be a good  and you fan base will not be a good.

    And uaully  you are so busy behind the scenes  that you wont notice the gestures

    Good luck 




  11. damn you foundd out  i am not perferct.   lol 

    I am one of the those people who type my comments as am thinking them.  Hences mising letter or words, wronp spellings, and missing or wrong punctuations.    happen also because i think faster than i type lol

    I know there are people out there  who  think that is terrible  and unproffestional.   Hey you like your life the way you see it  and i live mine. :)  but i will admit  the comments started to make me self consiouns.  But that only lasted a second. 

    Whydo people find it necessary to correct peoples spelling.   It is because of some superiorty complexe?   Is it because you cant live withseeing a mistake  with out correting it.   or is because  you just want to be noticed? :)

    Note  i am not attacing you   i am just  curiious why this happens.

    and this is totally of the topic of my original post  which was to compliment some people who worked hard to help people.

    Shame on you  lol

  12. One of the reasons and i think its  the main one is sexaual.   A lot of people would freek  at the thought of haveing sex  with the same gender.   To prevent this from happening they ask to make them selves feel better.   Some people will lie any way so its not fool proof system for negating  it happening.   Funny how knowing it is worse thatn it actually happinng . 

    I wouldnt lie.   Be upfront you may find  people dont care.   When you lie you take away the option to make a decision for themselves

    be proud of who you are.   If your comfortable  put it in your profile.  If some askes   Just asy  yes and i am a man/wona in real life  but i prefer to play a man/woman in SL.   and leave it at that . 

    i my sell  dont lie about who i am now  

    Note  this is just about who i am   not my name  unless i have known them for a year or more.


  13. I should have used a different term  Even when i typeing  politcal issues i knew it didnt sound right.  Let me try again.  clubs are no place for intense compicated differences of  opionions.  Is to have fun  and if you are not having fun because of anything that bothers you have optiions s that you can use rather than demand your way.   

    Canada has strong hate speech and hate crime laws.  but our laws are based on the end result.     You can wear a shirt with a swastika on it.   But if you cause harm to someone based  on the your belief in the what the sybol stands for   you will be proscecuted.  So you can wear  a shirt that says  i hate gays.  But if you harm one and they find that shirt  you will be charged with hate crime.  





  14. oh i agree  totally    I am very big propenent  of vips  take responsiblity  for their own issues.   Club owners  are not there to fight your battles for you.  And i dont accept notecards as proof because notecards can be altered.   Turn arway  mute  or come back another night when the object of the concern.  Any club owner who does otherwise is just asking for drama.

    Thank you for your comment








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