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Skyler Glasswing

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  1. That would be highly improbable... I've been on the grid for over 2 years, and before I wasn't having the no inventory problem, it only started a few months ago
  2. I shall give a different viewer a shot, thanks for the suggestion
  3. Hey there, So, I seem to be unauthorized to upload mesh on the beta grid, but have no problems on the main grid. When I clicked the link the "find out how to get certified" link, it just takes me to a blank page... Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know how to fix this? It's probably something incredibly silly that I'm just missing Note: I have taken the mesh test thingi, have payment info on file, and have no problem uploading mesh on the main grid, just the beta grid. Also - it seems that my ENTIRE inventory is completely gone in the beta grid... how... how do i fix that??? Thanks! Update- So, either changing my password, or logging onto the beta grid with the LL viewer has fixed my inventory problem (i'm not sure which) HOWEVER, I still get a blank page. I've tried 3 different viewers, 3 different COMPUTERS, and no matter what I do, when I go to the "mesh upload status" page (which is what the "find out how to get certified" link takes you to) I still get a big old BLANK... here's a screenshot, just in case anyone wants to see... http://gyazo.com/0f980d59e65d96de91848791320ed5ec.png It seems to me like it's broken... any ideas, wonderful forum of win and knowledge?
  4. I usually rig my mesh to the standard (Ruth) avi and then size after I'm finished rigging
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