All internet venues have their rises and declines (sometimes, rinse and repeat). SL is no exception. When I joined in 2006, I almost immediately joined a then-thriving community. Slowly it fell apart. But that is the nature of online communities; be they an AOL Anxiety Disorder and Flirting chatroom, an IRC writers channel, a Palace social palace, or a SL Pagan group. Facebook and Twitter are poor substitute for real-time chat (although I have problems imaging the Twitter in Chief grasping the complexities of SL). There are probably steps LL can take to ensure SL's survival. Adopting a more realistic view of SL's profit potential for individual avs or groups is a big one. Also realize that land ownership is beyond most avs means and make it more affordable--SL should be about building communities, not a wealthy person's plaything. And off-topic, I read the article when it was posted on Digg, which led to some people attacking Digg. Yet Digg was indirectly connected with my joining SL. Digg co-founder Kevin Rose used to work for the late, lamented TechTV, with Leo Laporte who went on to start the podcast This Week in Tech.. One episode in early '06, talked about SL and got my interest, having recently left the Palace and looking for another place to chat. The Palace still exists in some form, IRC is around but a far cry from it's 1990s glory days, SL will survive, not as it once was, but where else can you fly around looking like a scorpion?