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Ally Whitefalcon

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Everything posted by Ally Whitefalcon

  1. I'm curious how bad certain things are to do in scripts, and what to avoid in order to not be a Bad Script. I'm no software engineer, so maybe some things that are obvious to programmers aren't so obvious to me. Do scripts run on the server or on people's viewers? How does one tell how much a given script is contributing to, idk, lag or script load, or whatever? Say I want to write a script (yeah, I'm sure one exists somewhere already, maybe I should just find one) to make a lamp flicker a bit, as if it's a candle. That means (I think) a timer firing a lot - maybe a few times a second? Is that too much? Will that make it a Bad Script? Is there a way to measure the load a given script is putting on the system? Thanks
  2. Oh I think I see... I need to set PRIM_POS_LOCAL, not PRIM_POSITION.
  3. I'm having a problem that is probably due to my overlooking something obvious, but I'm not a programmer and i"m pretty new to scripting, and this has me stumped. Sorry if this is something obvious to most of you. My real situation is more complicated, but I've been able to reproduce it in a much simpler context. If I create two objects, and link them. I'll name one O1 and the other O2. Then the following script: touch_start(integer total_number) { integer o1; integer o2; integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims(); for (; i >= 0; --i) { string linkName = llGetLinkName(i); if (linkName == "O1") { o1 = i; } else if (linkName == "O2") { o2 = i; } } vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(o1, [PRIM_POSITION]), 0); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(o1, [PRIM_POSITION, pos + <0.0, 0.0, 0.1>]); } if I do it as written, both O1 and O2 jump .1 m upwards. If I edit it so it's operating on o2, nothing at all happens. I can edit and set the positions, and they do the right thing, but this script either moves both or neither, depending on whether I try to move o1 or o2. Are they somehow locked together? I've tried it with a few different groups of linked objects, and I get the same results every time. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? pleeeeeease? Thanks!
  4. So I'm looking for help. I have decent (I think) mesh and texturing skills, or at least they've getting there, and I want to learn clothing and rigging and stuff. I have Avastar, and a few other tools, but what gets me is I haven't found a good set of tutorials, and I don't know anybody who really knows how to do it. So I keep getting stuck, and it's way more complex than just normal mesh so it's harder to just look up what I need. So... does anybody have suggestions about a good set of tutorials that can at least walk me through the general process. I tried reading the stuff at machinimatrix about avastar, and it's interesting but there's so much to digest and not a lot of context to fit it into. I found a couple tutorials where someone walks through using marvelous designer and avastar, but it's old, she's using Avastar 1.0 and doesn't provide a lot of detail. So a few really good Avastar 2 tutorials would help me understand the workflow, even if they just walk me through one path. I know there are many ways to do it. So having someone to talk to would also be great, although I know that's a lot to ask. Is there someone who needs an apprentice? :) Thanks for any and all advice, I'm desperate and will be so very grateful... I'm sure this has been asked a gazillion times, so even just pointers to the other times it's been asked would help. Ally
  5. That would kinda explain it then. My model was to main objects: the stone walls and the wood. I didn't think the wood needed to participate in the physics, but having just found out that I couldn't just delete that object from the physics model, I left a couple "placeholder" triangles (the wood on one window). Two triangles, which apparently got stretched way out. So there's no way to avoid having the physics shape have to have both ovjects, and be approximately the same extent in each object? Btw, thank you so much for your advice. I don't mean to go on and on taking up your time.
  6. Having done what I think you suggested, I got this, which is close without the proverbial cigar:  There are these two triangles making a not-quite-planar surface through the middle.Interestingly, the two vertices that are shared between the two triangles are on what looks like two diagonally-opposed points of the bounding box of the model. I checked - there are no vertices at either point, in either the model or the physics shape model.
  7. Thanks, Drongle and Aquila, for your repsonses. Since all I've had to go on is a few pages I've found, a lot of this has been guesswork for me. These answers help me begin to see glimmers of light. So this blender model has several different meshes - the stone walls of the basement are one, the wood is in two other meshes. So I think my first mistake was to have 3 objects in my actual model, but only one in my physics mesh. As an aside, for my outer walls I had a complex high LOD file and a separate Medium LOD mesh. I did know that for that there had to be the same number of objects and that they had to be in the same order. In retrospect, I should have realizxed it applied to the physics mesh too. In my defense, the comment I saw about this was specifically referring to the textures, not the objects, and since there are no textures in my phsyics mesh it didn't occur to me to worry about it. Mea cupula. It was not clear to me that I could make the physics shape to be just single faces. The document i read specifically referred to making boxes, saying the physics engine was most efficient with those. This is my frustration - you guys know so much about this, how did you learn? Trial and error? Looking at the source code? Or is there a secret cache of documents that is only accessible to OT9 modelers? The comment about my "hull" not extending down as far as the walls is interesting, and probably marks another Opportunity For Englightenment. The physics model was made by taking the original model, and simplifying each wall to be two triangles. So the coordinates should (and, for the few I sampled, do) match. I noticed the difference too, but I had no explanation for it. I figured it was a problem I could put off until I understood why i was getting a "shrink-wrapped" building. Am I correct in thinking tha while it's an issue I need to fix, ti's not related to the problem I was originally describing? Aquilas, the "triangle type physics mesh" you drew doesn't have triangulated faces. To me that seems counterintuitive.. The way I interpret your explanation of the name is that it will get trangulated in the upload process. Is there a problem with doing the triangulation myself in blender, before uploading? Thanks so very much, this really helps!
  8. Here is a screenshot of the physics shape in SL:  This is the model in Blender of the interior surfaces of my basement walls. These are just single faces, all with normals pointing inward. There is an outer wall I also plan to use. I did that because the inside walls really don't need any LOD for medium and low.  Here is the blender model for the physics shape for the inside of the basement walls. Each "slab" is a rectangular volume with all 6 faces, 2 triangles each. 
  9. So I bet this has been asked countless times. Sorry in advance, I'm desperate for references to useful documentation, as detailed as possible. If someone wants to take pity on me and actually talk to me, I would be your friend forever. I will sound naive here because I'm still learning. Please be nice. I have a mesh building (in blender) that I've been trying to bring into SL. I broke it into pieces - it's 2 stories, so I have the basement floor, the inside of the basement walls, the outside of the basement walls, and so on. So far I'm just trying to deal with the basement floor and the inside walls. Oh, I'm using Blender 2.75a, and uploading using Firestorm Windows 32bit with Havoc. The floor was easy. It's just a flat surface, so it's a few triangles, all basically coplanar. When I just change it from Convex Hull to Prim in SL, everything looks fine. Yay. The inside basement walls are driving me nuts. They're not incredibly detailed, but there's some gratuitous detial so I made a simplified physics shape, using big rectangular blocks for each wall. I didn't know if it mattered, but I was pretty careful that none of them overlapped. From everything I have read, it should be fine. But when I upload into SL, it comes in fine, no errors (any more...) but when I switch from Convex Hull to Prim, the physics shape hardly changes at all. It still looks like a shrink-wrapped volume, and I can't get inside. I thought if I provided the simplified model in the upload, it shoudl use it instead of generating it, but looking at it with the Developer->Render Metadata->Physics Shapes, my physics shape looks almost identical to the Convex Hull shape. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. It's probably something stupid, but I'll spend weeks finding it on my own. Help please???
  10. I'm trying to connect to SL, I've never had a problem before, haven't upgraded my viewer or anything, and my network connection seems to be fine. I enter my username and password, it says a couple things ("Logging in...", "Initializing world...", etc.) then stops on Requesting region capabilities...". It does 3 attempts, then tells me it can't connect. Can anybody help me please?
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