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Setekh Ichtama

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Posts posted by Setekh Ichtama

  1. In the United States you do have the right to express yourself even if it can be construed as hate speech because of freedom of speech law (there are some provisions to this of course). Otherwise, you probably couldn't even reenact certain events in history or make video games or movies out of them, which has been done countless times.

    The depiction of what might be considered rape is not all that unusual in art, movie and literature and really wouldn't be considered hate speech in a virtual setting since it's a fetish (like BDSM which is everyhwere in SL) where no group is being implicated or provoked intentionally.  Even having Gorean slaves for example, could be considered hate speech if we were to go with your reasoning.

    So, while your objection to this content is understandable, we shouldn't be advocating book burning here because for what you might see as rape, are actors and actresses roleplaying the act of rape using cartoon pixels on a screen; there's a big difference, they might as well use hand puppets. :)

  2. Dresden, I probably agree with you more than you think. :)

    My position is that Linden Lab sets the rules and we really should do our best to follow them regardless of how sensible they are or not because they do allow space for everyone to be different. Ask yourself though, in what other virtual world can you run around naked or watch adult rated movies? You have to at least credit Linden Lab for being ahead of the curb in realizing that what might not be so popular today (amongst those who are less right-brained and more culturally conditioned) is still an aspect of human nature that has a place.

    In the perfect virtual world, everything should be allowed in my opinion because it is just that,"Virtual". We all should have the freedom to express ourselves in whatever manor we wish because there is truly nothing wrong with it so long as no one is harmed. Just because you might, for example, write a novel having one character murder another or maybe you enjoy watching CSI and other shows, it doesn't follow that you're necessarily a wouldbe murderer or a threat to society. What happens in someones mind or virtual space shouldn't be censored so long as it stays there and others who seek to censor anything, for what they don't understand or what they find morally objectionable, need to come to terms with their condition and not just blindly follow their conditioning.

    The simple reality is that the human being is still an imperfect animal and is still moved by certain drives and instincts; that's just who we are. As far as you questioning the intelligence of the Lindens, I think there's a lot they could be doing to accomodate everyone, understanding that those who "break TOS" aren't terrible people who should be banned but instead, an aspect of our nature that can be more creatively "controlled" so no one needs to be banned and this platform can grow to a point where people become more tolerant however, as I mentioned prior, the Lindens set the rules. They determine how liberal or conservative they want their platform to be, right or wrong so, until the day they decide to make a change that takes how they moderate their users in a different direction - and I really don't see that happening since even in these forums they had the word "darn" flagged as as dirty word (shakes head) - we have no choice but to live in accordance to their level of consciousness or leave for another platform that offers us more of the freedoms and tolerance we're looking for.

    I will still report TOS violations though because it's a matter of consistency to me.  No one is above the rules here and you shouldn't just get away with violations beause the people around you are more tolerant and you shouldn't have to be punished because people seek to use the rules against you as they see fit. Everyone should abide by them as best they can all the time and if it becomes a problem, then Linden Lab I'm sure will recognize this and make the changes they need to make, but from what I can tell this is exactly the level of behaviour they want to maintain in their game so, helping them has to be a good thing in the longrun because it directly relates to the vision they have for Second Life and the image they want others to walk away with.

  3. //start_unprocessed_textstring NOTECARD_NAME = "userKeys";string MESSAGE;key kQuery;integer iLine = 0;default {    state_entry()     {         MESSAGE = llGetRegionName() + " " + (string)llGetPos();     }        changed(integer change)     {        kQuery = llGetNotecardLine(NOTECARD_NAME, iLine);    }     dataserver(key query_id, string data)     {      if (query_id == kQuery)       {         if (data == EOF)            llResetScript();         else          {            //state_exit()              llGetFreeMemory();            llEmail(llGetSubString(data,0,54),"NOTICE",MESSAGE);         }      }//if    }//dataserver}//default


    I didn't bother running it, but I fixed your syntax at least so you can go from there.


  4. I usually don't say a thing to the person I'm reporting, to be honest. But if I see something inappropirate, I quietly report it because that's what it's there for. Linden's are smart people and I'm sure a lot has changed over the years so I explain what I see and trust they will take everyones concerns into fair consideration besides, most people just don't report and that will become problematic over time.

    Now, as far as "threatning" someone with a report goes, they aren't saying it because they are certain they will file a report against you, they are saying it because they are giving you an opportunity to correct yourself. It is not a threat as I see it as much as it is a warning. You might feel threatened if you are knowingly doing something wrong but it in and of itself is not a threat as much as an opportunity to avoid trouble, is it not? If you hvae a problem with this, your problem is not with them but with Linden Lab and their Policies. They are the ones that make the rules, the members can only choose to report violations or ignore them, which only tends to make it more acceptable.  This is the problem, you've come to a point in your conduct where you act irregardless of the rules and that's not their problem, that's your problem (speaking to those who disagree with what I've said).

    It's just like telling a group of people you will call the police for loitering in front of your business unless they leave. They have an opportunity to vacate without a problem and that I think is very fair. The alternative is to just call the police and create more trouble that could have been easily avoided. You don't of course fault the business owner who may lose business because of your actions, the laws are in place for a reason. If you dispute any of the TOS, what you should do is visit a Linden during one of their in-world meetings and try to voice your concern however, at the end of the day, it's their decision and no amount of logic or reason wlil matter if it's not something they feel is in their best interests.

    Thus, if you see something that violtaes the TOS, I believe you should report it especially for those who don't know how and future members who may be offended and leave as a result. Most people are pretty tolerant but there are many kinds of people in Second Life with many belief systems from many cultures and in order for everyone to maintain some level of common ground and good will, they need to follow certain rules of conduct. I personally don't think any of these rules are so restrictive that you cannot still express and enjoy your time in this virtual world.

  5. It is not the fault of the Community for maintaining the standard of conduct set by Linden Lab. Afterall, I had a Linden tell me years ago that we are obligated to report TOS violations each time we see them so, if you're a good resident, you are reporting conduct of others that are in violation or you find personally offensive. I happen to think reminding someone prior to filing a report is a good thing to do if it's not serious, so the person has a chance to adjust their behaviour because after all, this is the whole point of the reporting system, to have individuals conform to a certain standard of behaviour that makes Second Life enjoyable for the most amount of people.

    Remember, reporting someone for anything, is only bringing the matter to their attention. The person filing the abuse report has no power except to do this much and it's not significant. If they subsequently warn or ban someone because of your report, it is because they have investigated the situation and have determined it was the proper action to take.  The person who filed the report should not be held responsible for any outcome; Linden Lab assumes all of that.

    So, while you might find the whole reporting thing childish, or threats there of, Second Life is a product Linden Lab is trying to clean up.  If you are breaking the TOS you are making it difficult for them to sell their product and clean up their reputation. 

  6. As they say, "Goodie-goodies are the thieves of virtue".

    If Linden Lab had good sense and insight into what makes a popular product and service (and believe me they don't or we would have already seen it) they would loosen up in this area because 99% of abuse reports are trivial and only create more animosity for everyone until the good ones leave and the bad ones remain, as is the case now and why the community is in shambles. Thus, SL Police only add more fuel to this fire unless of course, they forcus their reporting on copybotters, even though they get away with everything in Second Life and always seem to return without very much trouble.

    They brought this all on themselves because of terrible leadership. I'm not advocating no rules, but an intelligent application of these rules, but it's far too late in my opinion so they might as well just do whatever they want as they've always done. Just my two cents.


    Siofra Alter wrote:

    Every time I blink, LL is telling me how much they've improved the ticket system and I am NOT seeing it!  Is ANYONE seeing improvements?  Am I just whiny?  (ok - bad question, obviously I'm whiny today *grins*).  However, would love to know if anyone's actually getting service for their membership $$.

    Perception is everything

    "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
    -- Joseph Goebbels

    To answer your question, your concern and frustration is completely justified in my opinion, especially when comparing response times (my biggest contention) with other companies I've dealt with since forever. Linden Lab has been struggling for a long time in the customer service area and they openly admit it but as far as radical change goes, I wouldn't expect a department this uncoordinated to correct itself overnight, as we all would like to see.

    As far as service for membership goes, I dropped premium and have no reason to go back. As mentioned before on this message board, I got it mainly to improve customer service but it had absolutely no benefit whatsoever and live chat is rarely useful if ever.

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